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WELCOME Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart.

2 Parables are challenging for us The interpretation of parables can be difficult The interpretation of parables can be difficult – They are not merely ‘heavenly stories with earthly meanings’ or ‘helpful illustrations’ – Jesus taught his disciples that he used parables to conceal things from people (e.g. Matthew 13:10-17)

3 Parables are challenging for us There are helpful interpretive principles There are helpful interpretive principles – Context

4 Parables are challenging for us The context of today’s parable is revealing The context of today’s parable is revealing 1 All the tax-collectors and the sinners were coming to listen to him [Jesus]. 2 And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled saying, “this man receives sinners and eats with them.” (Luke 15:1-2)

5 Parables are challenging for us The context of today’s parable is revealing The context of today’s parable is revealing In response Jesus tells three parables – The lost sheep (15:3-7) – The lost coin (15:8-10) – The lost son(s) (15:11-32)

6 Parables are challenging for us The context of today’s parable is revealing The context of today’s parable is revealing – We should interpret these parables in light of the ‘complaint’ of the Pharisees and scribes

7 Parables are challenging for us There are additional principles that assist us There are additional principles that assist us – End stress – Dialog (direct discourse)

8 Parables are challenging for us When we consider these principles we find the primary point is not about the younger son (the prodigal) When we consider these principles we find the primary point is not about the younger son (the prodigal) – The main point relates to the interchange between the father and the elder son

9 Parables are challenging to us In hearing a parable we are confronted with something significant In hearing a parable we are confronted with something significant – The story often ‘deconstructs’ our self- understanding

10 Parables are challenging to us The younger son The younger son Many of us relate to the younger son Many of us relate to the younger son – We have sought our independence from God – We pursued ‘happiness’ and found sadness and pain

11 Parables are challenging to us The promise of acceptance The promise of acceptance – The parable does offer hope to the prodigal – This hope is not grounded in ‘coming to his senses’ (v 17)

12 Parables are challenging to us The promise of acceptance The promise of acceptance – The successful return is not produced by the prodigal’s change of heart – It is guaranteed by the father’s loving acceptance (vv 20-25)

13 Parables are challenging to us The promise of acceptance The promise of acceptance – There were consequences to the son’s rejection of the father, but the father did not reject the son – He embraced him on his return In compassion he embraced the son (v20) In compassion he embraced the son (v20) “My son was dead and is alive, was lost and is found” (v24, cf. v32) “My son was dead and is alive, was lost and is found” (v24, cf. v32) He welcomed him back into the family He welcomed him back into the family

14 Parables are challenging to us The elder son The elder son Many of us relate to the elder Many of us relate to the elder – We too have been ‘good, dutiful and obedient’ – We haven’t ‘run off’

15 Parables are challenging to us The elder son The elder son – We too are a little ‘miffed’ when then repentant sinner gets all the attention (cf. vv29-30) – It doesn’t seem fair or right(eous) – Why should they get credit for ceasing to do what they shouldn’t have been doing in the first place?

16 Parables are challenging to us The elder son The elder son – But the elder son was also distant from the father – He did not really know him well (vv31-32)

17 Parables are challenging to us The elder son The elder son – He was mistaken because he thought he had earned the father’s love, while the younger son had forfeited it (vv29-30) – The father loved because of who he was, not because of what they had done NB he says it was fitting to celebrate and be glad (v32) NB he says it was fitting to celebrate and be glad (v32)

18 Parables are challenging to us Do we think we need to earn God’s love and acceptance? Do we think we need to earn God’s love and acceptance? – If so, how can we know whether we have done enough?

19 Parables are challenging to us If we trust in God’s love, we need not doubt If we trust in God’s love, we need not doubt – My failure does not undermine God’s love – There are consequences, but they are designed to drive me back to God

20 Parables are challenging to us A final problem: the refusal to join in the celebration (v28) A final problem: the refusal to join in the celebration (v28) – Failure to understand the father – Failure to understand his own unrighteousness – “Repent or perish” The parable ends unresolved: did he remain ‘outside’? The parable ends unresolved: did he remain ‘outside’?


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