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Published byJosephine Briggs Modified over 9 years ago
The Palm Sunday Mystery "Understanding God's Plan" Dr. Gary D. Frazier
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Mt. 12:40
The Unfolding of God’s Plan for Mankind’s Redemption Reaches completion on same mountain outside Jerusalem God provides an animal sacrifice to cover sin- Gen. 3:21 Begins in a Garden in Mesopotamia Moves to a mountain near Jerusalem Continues to ancient Egypt Crucifixion on Mt. Moriah God institutes “Passover”- Ex. 12: God provides another animal sacrifice- Jehovah Jirah “The Lord Provides”- Gen. 22:1-14
EX: 12:1-6: The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the TENTH day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household. If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor EX: 12:1-6: The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the TENTH day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household. If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor,
having taken into account the number of people there are. You are to determine the amount of lamb needed in accordance with what each person will eat. The animals you choose must be year- old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. Take care of them until the FOURTENTH day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight. (3-5p)
Key words: "10th day" 12:3 "14th day" 12:6 10th day is Selection 14th day is Sacrifice
Palm Sunday in 32 AD was the 10th of Nissan on the Jewish Calendar
On that day the Jewish Families were Selecting their lamb! John the Baptist said of Jesus, Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world Jn. 1:29 Jn 1:35-36: The next day John was there with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”
Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven sevens and sixty-two sevens. It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. After the sixty-two sevens, the Anointed One will be cut off and have nothing. Dan.9:25-26
Daniel Reveals 3 Facts: A decree issued for the rebuilding of Jerusalem, not the Temple. Decree would be starting point of the countdown to the Messiah. It would be 7 sevens plus 62 sevens= 69 sevens or 483 years later the Messiah would come and be killed!
4 Decrees Issued Decree of Cyrus: Ezra 1 Decree of Darius: Ezra 6 Decree of Artaxerxes: Ezra 7 Decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus: Neh. 6, March 14, 445 BC…
Luke 19: 28-44 After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, 'Why are
you untying it?' tell him, 'The Lord needs it.' " Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, "Why are you untying the colt?" They replied, "The Lord needs it." They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it. As he went along, people spread
their cloaks on the road. When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" Some of the Pharisees in the crowd
said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against
you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God's coming to you. "
483 years x 360 days per year = 173,880 days March 14, 445 BC > 173880 days = April 6, 32 AD 10 th of Nisan: Palm Sunday
Nisan 10: Lamb selected/set aside Nisan 14: Sacrifice/Preparatio n lamb killed at twilight: (3 to 5pm) Jesus is on the cross from 9am-3pm.
God’s Timing is Perfect! 5 times they tried to proclaim Jesus as King, he told them, “My time has not yet come.” Jn. 2:4, 7:6, 8, 30, 8:20 Then He said: The hour has come… Jn 12:23
John 12:1 6 Days before Passover Day 6: Sat-Nisan 9 Day 5: Sun-Nisan 10 Day 4: Mon-Nisan 11 Day 3: Tue-Nisan 12 Day 2: Wed-Nisan 13 Day 1: Thu-Nisan 14 Passover: Thu evening to Fri evening
The Good Friday Mistake! Jesus died on Thursday, (day of preparation) and buried in haste before sundown, the start of Passover. Jn 19:42
Thursday evening (Friday) began Passover /Feast of Unleavened Bread. It was a Great Sabbath/High Holy day or “Special” Sabbath day! Jn. 19:31
2 Questions: Why has the Church gotten it wrong? Why have churches accepted and spread this error? 2 Answers They failed to take the words of Jesus literally Mt. 12:40 They did not understand the Jewish Feast Days nor how Jews understood death.
Why teach this? It goes to the accuracy and reliability of God’s Word!
TODAYS TAKE AWAYS: TODAYS TAKE AWAYS: The Bible can be trusted even if we do not understand all the details! The Bible can be trusted even if we do not understand all the details! It is important for each of us to spend time in His word daily!
Our God is an on time God!! If God’s plan for the 1 st coming of Jesus was right on, then the 2 nd will be as well! Can we trust a God like this!
Jesus is Coming! Don’t be Left Behind! It may be Today!
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