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Presentation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao

2 Contents About GMTCM Park GMTCM Park Geographical Location
Objectives of GMTCM Park Land Utilization in Planning Co-operation and Investment 今天我将向各位领导介绍粵澳合作中醫藥科技產業園项目,接下来我将从产业园背景概况、地理位置、发展目标、用地规划、业务合作与招商等五方面来介绍。

3 About GMTCM Park

4 Guangdong-Macao Cooperation Framework Agreement
On 6th March 2011, the Government of Guangdong Province and Macau SAR has signed the Cooperation Framework Agreement in Beijing, featuring substantial areas of cooperation being established. The GMTCM park was inaugurated on 19 April 2011,becoming the first project launched under the Guangdong-Macao Cooperative Industrial Park. It will further promote cooperation between Guangdong and Macao and optimal economic diversification for Macao. 2011年3月6日,在國家領導人的見證下,澳門特別行政區崔世安行政長官和中國廣東省黃華華省長在北京人民大會堂,分別代表澳門特別行政區和廣東省人民政府簽署《粵澳合作框架協議》。2011年4月19日,中醫藥產業園正式啟動,成為粵澳兩地政府合作首個落地項目。

5 About GMTCM Park 51% 49% Macao Investment and Development Ltd
Zhuhai Da Heng Qin Investment Co., Ltd 51% 49% 2011年11月“粤澳中医药科技产业园开发有限公司”在珠海市完成注册登记,注册资本为12亿元人民币。粤澳中医药科技产业园开发有限公司由澳门投资发展股份有限公司和珠海大横琴投资有限公司按51-49的比例共同投资组建,负责 “粵澳合作中医药科技产业园”的建设、经营、运作及管理等工作。 2012年1月12日,粤澳中医药科技产业园开发有限公司以人民币6亿元竞得一幅位于横琴新区总面积为50万平方米的土地,用以发展粤澳中医药产业园项目。 Guangdong-Macao Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Industrial Park Development CO., Ltd GMTCM Park is located in Hengqin New Area covering an area of 500,000 square meters

6 GMTCM Park Geographical Location

7 Location Advantages of TCM Park
Hengqin GMTCM Park Geographical Location Location Advantages of TCM Park Situated at Hengqin New District of Zhuhai City,Guangdong Province of South China Connected with Macao by boarder Well developed traffic system connected with Guangdong major cities via light rail and highways

8 GMTCM Park Geographical Location
Guangzhou Famous Cities nearby Hengqin in 50 KM 1.Hong Kong Financial Centre 2. Macao Tourism and Leisure Centre 3. Shenzhen Logistics and High Tech Centre 珠江三角洲地區是中國規模最大最開放的經濟區,位於珠江入海口西岸的橫琴島地處珠三角核心。作為國家級開發新區,橫琴新區鄰近香港、澳門及深圳,是中國內地唯一與香港、澳門路橋相連的地方,具有極佳的地理優勢及便捷的交通。 Hong Kong Macao Hengqin

9 Chimelong Int’l Sea Resort
Site of GMTCM Park Zhuhai Gongbei The park area is located in the north-west part of Hengqin Island Lotus Bridge About 20 minutes’ drive to Macao. Hengqin Bridge Towards Shizimen Central Business District and 25 minutes to Zhuhai Downtown. Jinhai Bridge About 10 minutes to Zhuhai Airport (under construction) Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao Bridge About 30 minutes’ drive to Hong Kong.(under construction) Second Hengqin Bridge To connect with the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Western Expressway, the Hong Kong-Macao-Zhuhai Bridge Zhuhai Expressway and Hong Kong-Macao-Zhuhai Bridge Western Extension Expressway. (under Guangzhou-Zhuhai City Rail – Macao Light Rail For the convenience of Macao residents entering Mainland China. Zhuhai FTZ Taipa Cotai SITE University of Macau Coloane Chimelong Int’l Sea Resort To Zhuhai Airport

10 Objectives of GMTCM Park

11 Objectives of GMTCM Park
中醫藥產業園以打造“國際級中醫藥品質控制基地”及“國際健康產業交流平臺”為核心目標,整合廣東中醫藥醫療、教育、科研、產業的優勢,並結合澳門的科技能力與人才資源,吸引國內外大型醫藥企業總部聚集,致力於打造成集中醫醫療,養生保健,科技轉化,健康精品研發,商務物流於一體的創新型國際中醫藥產業園區、科技智慧集群基地,及彙集綠色道地藥材和名優健康精品的國際交易平臺。 中医药产业园的定位是:国际化中医药产业科技创新集群基地 中医药产业园两大发展目标:一、国际级中医药质控基地;二、国际健康产业交流平台 这两大目标将通过不同的平台来发展,当中包括教育培训平台、交易/会展/产业交流平台、研发平台和测试认证平台

12 Land Utilization in Planning

13 Land Use in Planning Land Use Parameters Land usage:Industrial land
Land area:500,000 ㎡ Floor area:900,000㎡ Plot Ratio : 1.8 Greening rate: 20% Construction density:≤35% Building height:≤40m

14 Land Use in Planning Functional Distribution R&D Incubation Center
Exhibition and Exchange Platform Admin and Headquarters Warehousing and Logistics Amenities Health and Wellness Demonstration and Showcase Area Proposed Green

15 Public Service Platforms
Land Utilization in Planning Wellness Centre Public Service Platforms Logistic Centre Incubation Centre Office Building R&D Centre

16 用地规划 Land Utilization in Planning
Project progress The main building which has been well designed starts to be constructed The main buildings will be equipped with Business Incubation Centre and Service Centre, TCM Incubation and Certification Centre, TCM Research and Development Cooperation Centre, TCM Exhibition Centre, headquarters office and some commercial facilities. In addition, it will reflect the centuries-old histories of the traditional Chinese medicine and combine the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine under modern high-tech. The overall construction will be endeavored to be completed by the end of 2016. The garden design has been carried out On January 30th ,the garden design calls for bids officially. And now there are already 6 participants has been selected. The garden design is consist of landscape planning, roadway, landscape structure, waterscape engineering, outdoor illumination, plant engineering and the design of water supply and drainage. On January 30th ,the garden design calls for bids officially. And now there are already 6 participants has been selected. The garden design is consist of landscape planning, roadway, landscape structure, waterscape engineering, outdoor illumination, plant engineering and the design of water supply and drainage.

17 Co-operation and Investment

18 Co-operation and Investment
Cooperate with University of Macau for the construction of technology platform Construction Period: provide prophase planning report for the platforms Quality control platform Scientific research and service platform GMP platform Growth Period:provide talent and science & technology support Growth Period:provide equipment support Growth Period:provide technology support Building of State key laboratory for Chinese medicine · Biomedical testing center Six international first-class Chinese medicine research and development platforms · Target and screening research center · Chemistry and analysis research center · Pharmacology and security research center · Research & development and pharmaceutical engineering center · Information and evaluation · Drug and food development center High-end health food Reform on famous Chinese medicine preparation Development of innovative research for TCM Global Recruiting: 29 professors from top universities such as the Harvard University, Yale University and University of Cambridge, 15 science and technology managers from King's College London and the University of Queensland, etc

19 Co-operation and Investment
Business Incubation Centre The incubation centre accommodate up to a max 50 companies. At the first stage, the Business Incubation Centre will principally provide services to the Chinese Traditional Medicine, Healthcare, Convention and Exhibition Indudtry. The centre offers free-of-charge business registration address and the use of office space for a period of one year

20 Co-operation and Investment
Business development In order to promote the international cognition of TCM about the culture, medicinal and commercial value, GMTCM Park has promoted the TCM and the project of the industry park into 14 countries and 11 cities of China since 2013.

21 Co-operation and Investment
Achievement During the official opening on 23 October 2014, the 19th International Fair of Macau, the Guangdong and Macao Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park signed the Cooperation Agreement of Investment of Lease Land with 10 investment projects, involving medicine, healthcare, Conference and exhibition, trade, research and development, inspection, testing and general services, the value of planned investment reached 4.13 billion RMB. 

22 Co-operation and Investment
Achievement November 2014, MOU in the construction of GMTCM Park International exchanges and cooperation platform had been signed with Portugal Institute of traditional medicine. Park also made a cooperation agreement with Chinese Herb Trade Association of Northern California. Meanwhile, Park will make effort to make the world health organization (who) collaborating center for traditional medicine a cooperation partner.

23 Thank You! 23

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