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2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 中国与 RHIC-STAR 的国际合 作 马余刚,陈宏芳,程建平 中国 RHIC-STAR 合作组: 中国科大,清华大学,上海应物所, 华中师大,高能所,近物所 2005/6/28-29.

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Presentation on theme: "2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 中国与 RHIC-STAR 的国际合 作 马余刚,陈宏芳,程建平 中国 RHIC-STAR 合作组: 中国科大,清华大学,上海应物所, 华中师大,高能所,近物所 2005/6/28-29."— Presentation transcript:

1 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 中国与 RHIC-STAR 的国际合 作 马余刚,陈宏芳,程建平 中国 RHIC-STAR 合作组: 中国科大,清华大学,上海应物所, 华中师大,高能所,近物所 2005/6/28-29

2 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 outline  Chinese RHIC-STAR Group  TOFr and Physics Results  Impact of Chinese RHIC-STAR Group  Physics with Full TOF Project  Conclusion

3 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Chinese RHIC-STAR Group -- History and present organization

4 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 US-China Collaboration on STAR/ RHIC  A STAR-China collaboration has been established (Six Institutions from China)  University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei (USTC)  Tsinghua University  Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP)  Central China Normal University, Wuhan (CCNU)  Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou (IMP)  Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing (IHEP)  Chinese collaborators are playing a major role in physics analyses involving open charm, Cronin effect, and elliptic flow as part of STAR’s focus on studies of a new state of matter (the quark-gluon plasma) at RHIC  Chinese groups are leading in prototyping and development for a large-area MRPC time-of-flight detector for STAR.  This is the first major US-China collaboration on high energy nuclear physics and we have had a very successful beginning.  The STAR-China Time-of-Flight Construction Project has been covered under the US-PRC HEP Agreement since 2001 to ensure smooth construction of the TOF detector and operation of the STAR-China collaboration.

5 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Major Milestones of STAR-China TOF Project  CCNU and IHEP joined STAR collaboration in 1999 for TOFp; SINAP, USTC, Tsinghua and IMP joined STAR collaboration in Oct. 2001.  USTC team began MRPC R&D in Aug. 2000 with the supports of NSFC, STAR and other Chinese collaboration institutions.  Joined in US/PRC Cooperative Agreement on High Energy Physics since 2001 (22nd Meeting)  Prototype MRPC (multi-gap resistive plate) time-of-flight detectors, produced jointly between USTC and Rice Univ. and operated successfully in STAR (2002-3 and 2003-4 RHIC runs). Physics results on identified particle spectra and on semi-leptonic charm decays have been published.  Approval of "RHIC-STAR Physics and the Construction of Barrel STAR-TOF” by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Sept 10, 2004, Budget: 1.5M USD)  Approval of the STAR TOF upgrade proposal by BNL Technical Advisory Committee and Submission of the Proposal to DOE (July 2004)  Technical Review of proposal by DOE, planned Aug. 2005  Suppose DOE approval in Oct. 2005, full construction start October 2005

6 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 MRPC TOF Barrel R&D  RUN 2002-3: TOF installed in STAR  24 MRPC modules produced at University of Science Technology China  6-channel front-end cards, with amplifiers and discriminators, CAMAC read-out  Run 2003-4: TOF installed in STAR  5 new modules from USTC and 5 from Tsinghua University, Tsinghua developed automated techniques for manufacturing  24-channel front-end cards with amplifier and discriminator  RUN 2004-5, TOF installed in STAR,  16 new modules from Tsinghua  First time use of full on-board read-out electronics: digitization of data on-board  First use of ALICE PCI-PC based DAQ 2002 2004 G. Eppley et al.

7 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Completed Prototype 28 module MRPC TOF Tray installed in STAR Oct. ‘ 02 in place of existing central trigger barrel tray Neighbor CTB Tray EMC Rails FEE MRPC design developed at CERN, built in USTC/China Prototype Tray Construction at Rice University 28 MRPC Detectors; 24 made at USTC The STAR Barrel TOF MRPC Prototype   70 ps, 2 meter path Strong team including 6 Chinese Institutions in place

8 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 batch production 40 MRPC production , more than 80 % of eligible rate, good performance in on-line testing at RHIC-STAR (Tsinghua)

9 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Project Leader: Yu-Gang Ma (SINAP) Deputy Leaders: Hongfang Chen (USTC) Jian-Ping Cheng (Tsinghua) Liaison person: Huanzhong Huang (UCLA) Studies of the strong interaction matter at high temperature/density and searching for QGP (Yu-Gang Ma, SINAP) (SINAP, CCNU, USTC, Tsinghua etc.) focus on the collective dynamics of rare particles, heavy quark production, hadronic evolution dynamics and search for multi-quark state particles Design and Mass production of MRPC modules for STAR-TOF (Jian-Ping Cheng, Tsinghua) (Tsinghua, USTC) 3840 MRPC for 120 tray, additional 6 tray (70% Tsinghua/30% USTC) Quality control and calibration for STAR - TOF (Xiao-Lian Wang, USTC) (USTC, Tsinghua) Chinese Proposal to NSFC

10 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 The Proposal of RHIC-STAR Full TOF Construction Proposed major construction responsibilities:  Chinese STAR Groups: MRPC Production and Quality Assurance – NSFC/CAS/MoST (Approved in Sept, 2004) (Special thanks for Huanzhong, Nu, Zhangbu, Xinnian et al. for many important suggestions and helps)  US STAR Groups: Electronics and Integration etc – DOE Project Manager: G. Eppley (with DOE)  Monetary Contributions: China ~ US$2.5 M (US$ 1.5M from NSFC/CAS/MoST) US- DOE ~ US$4.5 M

11 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 STAR TOFr and Physics Results TOF prototype: 1/120 coverage of Barrel STAR

12 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 PID TPC alone PID range: pi/k ~0.6 GeV/c, (pi,k)/p ~1.5GeV/c; TOF “alone” PID range: pi/k ~1.6GeV/c, (pi,k)/p ~ 3.0GeV/c m2m2 m2m2  TOF =110ps  k p TPC alone TOF “alone”

13 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Preliminary pion spectra till high p T  TPC:  Pion: 0-~0.6GeV/c  Kaon: 0.2-~0.6GeV/c  Proton: 0.2-~1 GeV/c  TOF:  Pion: 0.2-~1.6GeV/c  Kaon: 0.2-~1.6GeV/c  Proton: 0.2-~3 GeV/c  TPC+TOF:  Pion: 0.-~10 GeV/c  Kaon: 0.2-~3GeV/c  Proton: 0.2-~5 GeV/c TPC+TOF:

14 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海

15 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Electron identification Combined with TOF , electrons can be separated from pions cleanly Electorns mixed with pions if only dE/dx of TPC is used to identify particles X. Dong, Z.B. Xu, LJ Ruan, J Wu et al Lepton decay from heavy quark

16 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海

17 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海

18 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 R AuAu and R dAu of  R dAu of  is closer to that of p and k than that of p Particle production at intermediate p T region is sorted by the particle’s type, not the mass STAR Preliminary ______________

19 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Preliminary results v 2 1. the elliptic flow of Φ-meson gives similar behavior of Ks but distinguish from Λ 2. a NCQ-scaling has been observed in Φ-meson 3. error bars in higt pt range (2.5GeV,5.0GeV) are still large 0-80% STAR Preliminary data AMPT calc.

20 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Impact of Chinese RHIC-STAR Collaboration

21 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Organizing International workshop Host:  Aug 2002: 1st International CCAST Summer School and Workshop on “QCD and RHIC Physics” in CCAST-WL, Beijing. Organized by Profs. X.L. Wang and P. F. Zhuang. There were ~15 foreign speakers invited, ~100 participants  Oct 2003, 1st STAR Regional Collaboration Meeting, USTC; ~10 STAR speakers invited  Aug 2004: 2nd International CCAST Summer School and Workshop on “QCD and RHIC Physics” in CCAST-WL, Beijing. Organized by Profs. Y.G. Ma, E.K. Wang and J.H. Fu. There were 19 foreign speakers and 22 domestic speakers, ~140 participants.  Oct 2004: International Workshop on “Collective Dynamics in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions” @ USTC, Organized by X.L. Wang and Nu Xu  19 - 24 June 2005: 3rd International Workshop on “QCD and RICH Physics” was organized by CCNU and CCAST et al.,, Wuhan; 20 foreign speakers, ~140 participants

22 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Talk @ Int. Conference QM2006 in Shanghai:  The proposal to host “Quark Matter 2006” in Shanghai was accepted during QM2004 in Oakland. Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics and Central China Normal University will co-organize the QM2006 in Shanghai, preliminary date Nov 16-22, 2006 Co-chairs: Zhiyuan Zhu (SINAP) & Xu Cai (CCNU) Honor Chair: T. D. Lee Taks in some international conferences: Conference Talks: QM2004: one oral presentation (Ruan) SQM2004: three oral presentations (Cai, Ruan, Ma) ICEHP2004: one oral presentation (Wu) QM2005: one Plenary Talk (Dong, from TOF phys results) one parallel talk (Cai) ……

23 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Our excellent students PhD Dissertations (incomplete statistics) : Jinghua FU (CCNU): 获二 ○○ 五年全国优秀博士学位论文 Shengli HHUANG (USTC), Lijuan RUAN (USTC) , Zhixi LIU (CCNU) Xing DONG (USTC): 获二 ○○ 四年中国科学院院长奖学金特别奖 More PhD Students are involved in RHIC-STAR physics Chinese Principal authors of STAR Publications or works: Jinghua Fu et al.: Flow of Ks and  for 130GeV/c Au+Au (Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 132301 (2002).) Xin Dong et al. : electron spectra fro open Charm (nucl-ex/0407006), PRL94, 062301 (2005) Lijuan Run et al.: Cronin Effect (nucl-ex /0309012 ), Phys Lett B 616, 8 (2005) Lijuan Ruan (for the STAR Collaboration), π, K, p and production from Au+Au collisions at 62.4 GeV, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31 S1029-S1033 (2005) Xiangzhou Cai (for the STAR Collaboration) Production of K0s, Λ and Ξ from 200 GeV d+Au collisions at RHIC, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31 S1015-S1018 (2005) Ming Shao, Pion, Kaon, and (Anti-) Proton Production in Au+Au Collisions at \srt = 62.4 GeV, J.Phys. G31 (2005) S85-S92 Shengli Huang et al.: azimuthal dependent fluctuation Zhixu Liu et al.: flow of Ks and  for 63 GeV/c Au+Au Guoliang Ma et al. : flow and spectra of  for 63 63 GeV/c Au+Au Jinhui Chen et al., phi flow Jiaxu Zuo et al., multi-strange partcile spactra, …………….

24 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Physics with the full coverage of TOF

25 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 STAR TPC + TOF (MC) Central (top 10%) collisions acceptance with TPC:  : ~ 60% K: ~ 60% p: ~ 50% acceptance with TPC+TOF: > 95% for all particles S/N for   reconstruction will increase by a factor of 5-10  v 2 measurement possible Z. Liu, F. Liu, et al.

26 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 STAR TPC + TOF 1)TOF will increase V 0 reconstruction efficiency. In the case of , a factor of 5 – 10 increase expected in the region p T ~ 3-5 GeV/c! 2)TOF will also help future D meson reconstruction – increasing S/N ratios, same way for other resonances. ( D 0 → K −  +) (D 0-bar → K +  − ) 3) In the case for , a factor of 5-10 increase in S/N ratio is expected.  =>K + + K - (49.1%) H. Long et al.

27 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 STAR TPC + TOF  v 2 measurements For integrated  v 2 : needs ~ few 10 6 MiniBias events. More events without TOF  Multi-years running. p T dependence  v 2 : for <20% around p T ~ 5 GeV/c, needs ~ few 10th 10 6 MiniBias events with TOF  almost impossible without TOF in middle Pt STAR 200 GeV results: T = 0.45 GeV dN/dy = 0.64, sum of  - and  + ~ 8% all are usable events (1.5 -3 factor) ideal With TOF w/o TOF

28 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 TOF and  Hyperon Embedded Data:  reconstruction with and without PID information! A Factor of 3 !! Input spectrum: T = 350 MeV

29 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Chinese interests  Collective dynamics for rare particles  Heavy flavor quarks  Search for multi-quark state particles  Fluctuations  Correlation of rare particles  Hadronic evolution dynamics: resonance  …….

30 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Collective flow in partonic level: Does the Recombination model work for heavy particles or strange quark? how about flow of electron, , , D, J/  v2(p  ) ? Need Full TOF for good efficiency and statistics

31 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Without TOFWith TOF All p T 12M2.6M p T >2.59M23M 2>p T >4.85M42M 4>p T >6.115M D 0 Sensitivity in p T Important Measurement: Open Charm TOF helps by a factor of ~5 (all PT) TOF + Active Pixel Sensitive: x8 Other Open Charm States Possible only with TOF Full Coverage needed Heavy flavor quark Initial condition J/  suppression Heavy quark energy loss Charm quark mostly produced from the initial fusion of partons (mostly gluons)

32 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Time scale of resonance state Resonance K*(892)  (770) f0(980)  (1020)  (1232)  (1520)  (1385) Decay channel K      K K ee p  p K   Branching Ratio % ~100 ~100 dominant 49.2 0.3 >99 22.5 88.2 Width [MeV] 50.7 150 40 to 100 4.46 ~120 15.6 35.8 Life time [fm/c] 4 1.3 40 ~1.6 13 5.6 Resonance Parent PT(GeV/c) TPC+TOF K*0 0-1 2.0 K*0 1-2 1.85 K*0 2-3 1.74 K*0 3-5 1.39 ______________________  (1020) 0-2 5.0  (1020) 2-5 3.42 ___________________________  (1520) 0-1.6 11.4 Chemical Freeze-out --- formation of hadrons Kinetic Freeze-out --- Interaction ceases Increasing factor for statistical significance of the signal Hadron evolution dynamics : resonance

33 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Discoveries from Unexpected Areas?! RHIC -- Frontier for bulk partonic matter formation (quark clustering and rapid hadronization) -- Factory for exotic particles/phenomena Potential exotic particles/phenomena: penta-quark states (uudds, uudds!) di-baryons H – ( , uuddss) [  ] (ssssss) strange quark matter……. penta-quark states?

34 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Search for multi-quark state particles  Z.Y. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. C 61, 065204 (2000); Phys. Rev. C66, 015205 (2002)  3 body decay : 2 body decay : A chrial SU(3) model and analyses of the symmetry properties of two-baryon systems, some features: A deeply bound, E b ~ 100MeV; A compact object, R rms ~0.63fm, <<Rd may be six strange quark state rather than a di-baryon configuration Phenomenological estimation (coalescence/statistical): yield 10 -4_ 10 -7 /central Au-Au; Full barrel TOF ~ 100M central AuAu events needed. It is impossible to search di-omega in RHIC without STAR-TOF

35 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Conclusion  We have strong team to collaborate with RHIC-STAR, especially we have excellent young students and excellent overseas Chinese Americans  Chinese Proposal to make B35arrel TOF has been approved by NSFC, we are playing leading role in STAR TOF upgrade  We have great opportunity to do some new and important physics with full TOF

36 2005/6/28-29 Quark Confinement ?

37 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Recall Shanghai TOF meeting for Discussion of NSFC proposal draft, Jan 2003

38 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 别有洞天 We have a new scenery !

39 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Traditional Cronin Effect is not the whole story at RHIC STAR d+Au from TOFr analysis (USTC+BNL+RICE) Results on K S,  and  will reach higher p T (SINAP+UCLA) Hadron spectra and Cronin effect With TOFrTPC

40 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 PID dependent Cronin effect With TOFr PID Cronin Effect nucl-ex /0309012 )

41 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 recently In order to know about the elliptic flow of , , D, J/ , Full TOF is necessary for good efficiency and statistics.  In order to improve the measurements of Open Charm, TOF helps by a factor of ~5 (all P T ) and Full Coverage needed  In order to investigate the hadronic evolution dynamics, TOF increases important factor for statistical significance of the resonance production.  TOF will significantly enhance the hyperon detection efficiency. RHIC provides a unique environment for possible production of multiply strange di-baryons.

42 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Bottom: Ratios of the inclusive electrons over the total back-grounds. signal excesses are visible with pT > 1 GeV/c. The total photonic backgrounds are shown as solid lines. Dashed lines depict the various contributing sources. The fractions were derived from simulations. Heavy flavor ( D-->e+X) With TOF tray D meson and electron spectra :Dong, ZB, Ruan et al

43 2005/6/28-29 第 59 届东方论坛,上海 Rcp of  for different collision system yield suppression at intermediate P T in central Au+Au collisions no clear suppression is showed in the 62.4 GeV Au+Au collision. It become flat at P T >1GeV/c 2 R CP in d+Au collision is enhanced It is difficult to draw some definite conclusion due to the large error bar Low p T, R CP <1 High p T, R CP >1 STAR Preliminary

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