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WEC Taiwan Faith Goals 2010-2018 Target areas Taoyuan County to Taichung County. Present areas of work: 1.Guanshi, Hsinchu County 2. San Wan, Miaoli County.

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Presentation on theme: "WEC Taiwan Faith Goals 2010-2018 Target areas Taoyuan County to Taichung County. Present areas of work: 1.Guanshi, Hsinchu County 2. San Wan, Miaoli County."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEC Taiwan Faith Goals 2010-2018 Target areas Taoyuan County to Taichung County. Present areas of work: 1.Guanshi, Hsinchu County 2. San Wan, Miaoli County Proposed New Target Area 3.Hsin Wu, Taoyuan County In Su and Sung Hee(DFL) Park (San Wan) Timothy and Mary Seo (Guanshi) Violet McMaster (FL) WEC Taiwan Team

2 1.Kuanshi, Hsinchu County Kuanshi has a population of 32,000, the largest percentage being Hakka Chinese. It is a tea producing area. There are 4 churches in the township. Timothy and Mary have begun working with one of these. Faith Goals: 1. The Kuanshi Church will become a center from which many churches will be planted. 2. Training of key people in the church in Evangelism and Church Planting. 3. Research into 3 local areas for future church planting. These areas are Wui-San, Sui Bien Tou and Long Tan.

3 2.San Wan, Miaoli County San Wan has a population of just over 7,000 people with over 95% being Hakka Chinese. It is a farming and tourist area. There are 8 villages and each village has its own big and small temples.Faith Goals: 1.The San Wan Church will become a center from which many churches will be planted. 2. Training of church members, key people to reach out into the new areas of outreach. 3. Research for church planting into the neighboring areas where there is no Christian witness.

4 3.Hsin Wu, Taoyuan County Shinwu Township has a population of around 50,000 people and although many are Hakka Chinese there are also many working class Taiwanese people. It is an agricultural and fishery area. There is also industry. There are only 2 known churches. Faith Goal: 1. To begin a ministry among the mainly unreached working class Taiwanese people (less than 1% are Christian). 2. To see a team of at least 3 established to begin this work.

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