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Chapter 28, Section 2. The Cold War Ends Cause: Nixon and Carter pursue détente with Soviet Union. Détente (French term) meaning a relaxing or easing;

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1 Chapter 28, Section 2

2 The Cold War Ends Cause: Nixon and Carter pursue détente with Soviet Union. Détente (French term) meaning a relaxing or easing; It is primarily used in reference to the general reduction in the tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and a thawing of the Cold War, occurring from the late 1960s until the start of the 1980s.FrenchSoviet UnionUnited StatesCold War1960s Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. Effect: Cold War tension ease. President Carter responds by: Stopping arms control agreement Boycotting Moscow Olympics Imposing trade restrictions

3 The Cold War Ends Conservative Reagan is elected President of the United States. Sandinistas overthrow Somoza in Nicaragua Tries to fight communism by: Building up military supporting rebels in Afghanistan. Supporting anti- communists in Central America. Reagan responds by supporting: Contras

4 The Cold War Ends Cause: Seven Americans taken hostage in Lebanon by Iranian-backed militants. Effect: Reagan officials sell arms to Iran so that hostages will be freed. Officials use the money to buy arms for Contras in Nicaragua. Contras: used by the United States press to cover a range of groups opposed to the Sandinistas

5 The Cold War Ends Cause: Reagan beefs up military. Soviet Union increases military spending. Effect: Soviet Union responds by building up its own military. Soviet economy declines.

6 The Cold War Ends Cause: Gorbachev allows glasnost. Gorbachev wants better relations with the West. Effect: Soviets want more freedom. He meets with Reagan in 1987, and they agree on an arms control treaty.

7 The Cold War Ends Cause: Soviet Union stops supporting unpopular Eastern European Communist leaders. Effect: Communism loses power in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia. In East Germany people tear down the Berlin Wall.

8 The Cold War Ends Cause: Soviet republics want independence. The Cold War ends. Effect: Soviet Union dissolves. Americans feel relief.

9 Chapter 28

10 National Events Change the Nation President Jimmy Carter struggled with the economic problem of inflation. President Reagan made the following economic changes: Cut taxes Cut social programs and government jobs

11 National Events Change the Nation President George W. Bush faced an economic recession. President Bill Clinton made the following economic changes: Raised taxes on the wealthy Reduced some spending Ended federal welfare payments

12 International Events Affect the Nation President Reagan fought communism by supporting rebels in Afghanistan Increasing military spending Fighting leftists in Central America The Soviet Union’s economy was weakened when it built its military in response to U.S. military buildup

13 International Events Affect the Nation Some changes under Gorbachev included: Glasnost Signing of arms control treaty with the United States Lack of support for Communist regimes in Eastern Europe The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union dissolved.

14 Other Major World Events In South Africa, the United States applied sanctions to end apartheid. In China, the United States responded to the crackdown at Tiananmen Square by trying to persuade China’s government to allow more human rights

15 Other Major World Events After the Cold War ended, the United States worried about the spread of nuclear weapons. Two neighboring countries that tested nuclear weapons for the first time in 1998 were India and Pakistan.

16 Tensions in the Middle East Palestinian Arabs were unhappy in 1948 when Jews formed the state of Israel. The PLO was led by Yussar Arafat. The PLO wanted a Palestinian state run by Palestinians.

17 Tensions in the Middle East In 1993, leaders from Israel and the PLO met with Clinton and made the following agreement: Palestinians would get limited self-rule. In return, the PLO would renounce violence. Islamists are Muslims who believe in an extreme form of Islam The Persian Gulf War occurred after Iraq invaded Kuwait.

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