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Creating Connectivity with a Portal James Sell Director of Portal Communications October 19, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Connectivity with a Portal James Sell Director of Portal Communications October 19, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Connectivity with a Portal James Sell Director of Portal Communications October 19, 2005

2 Overview of this Session To provide a perspective of the “cradle to grave” approach to portal development. Demonstrate how the portal can contribute to and enhance sense a of community on a college campus. To recognize the reality of assumptions that you may make regarding your user base. To describe methods by which La Salle has encouraged and - in some cases mandated – portal use.

3 La Salle University, Philadelphia PA La Salle is an independent, coeducational university founded in 1863 by the De La Salle Christian Brothers, a Catholic order dedicated to teaching and career preparation. The University's population now totals over 6,221 students –3,358 full-time undergraduates (two-thirds are resident students) –983 part-time undergraduates –1,880 graduate students. About two-thirds of the full-time undergraduates.

4 Characteristics of a Portal Dynamic and Functional Secure – Password Protected Integrates Services (SSO) Personalized and Customizable

5 Vision for Portal Development mylasalle will be the cyberpoint of entry for dynamic information and online services.

6 Evolution of mylasalle

7 Integrating Services in mylasalle UP NEXT: My Library – (Open Source)

8 “Cradle” - Prospective Student Role Prospects create their own temporary portal accounts to gain access to portal. PSP provides opportunity to target information based on student interests. Students can complete the Admissions process –Initiate web application –Monitor Application status –Complete institutional data formComplete institutional data form

9 What Prospects/Applicants Are Saying… “I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! I check it every day. I don't see any way you can improve it at this point, because everything is there.” “mylasalle helps me get the information I want without a problem. It’s faster than having to call and easier. Also, you can go on at anytime.” “I really like My La Salle. I find it very user friendly, which is important to me since, I am not very computer friendly myself.”

10 Transition: Prospect to Student Once an application is filed (and pushed), permanent portal accounts are assigned. (Remains in PSP Role) Once a student is accepted and has been confirmed, the student’s La Salle e-mail account is established and is available for use. (Moves to Student Role) Students are sent information on how to use the portal to register for their Freshman Orientation Program

11 Educating the Student…from Day ONE! Importance of the portal is introduced to students from the point of application. Portal use is encouraged for swift access to freshman orientation materials and dates. mylasalle is featured prominently at each Day One orientation program. Students learn the the portal is their primary communication tool. communication tool.

12 What Students Are Saying “I think the portal is great!….The connection to the student organization is great.” “I am a sophomore here at La Salle and I think the homepage of our website is boring. Incoming students cannot see all the cool digital effects that we have once you log into mylasalle.” “ I am just beginning to use the portal, checking financial aid, etc. Easy to use, so far…I am looking forward to using mylasalle to keep informed. “I love the portal its been very helpful for my freshman year.”

13 Transition from Student to Alumni Welcome to the “Explorer Connection” – –Provides an avenue for remaining connected to the University with a tool that is convenient and familiar –Role Based Services include: Find a classmate (Banner Web) Career Networking with other alums (Banner Web) Access to Class groups Make a gift La Salle e-mail for life ( Refer a “Future Explorer!” Alumni Board of Directors Election Balloting Win A Trip to the Super Bowl!

14 Faculty and Staff Similar layouts/Access to Informational “Community Building” channels Sample of Services available: –View personal information and pay stubs –Post grades (faculty) –View course schedules (faculty) –Access to EARS (early alert retention system) –Soup of the Day! –Access to Minutes/News Repositories –Directories and e-forms.Directories and e-forms.

15 What Faculty and Staff Are Saying “Congrats to you and photographer Matthew V for the graduation pictorial on the portal. A job well done.” (VP of University Communications.) “By the way, mylasalle has been wonderful for program promotion! Thanks for all you do to keep it going and adding new features!” (University Ministry and Service) It's amazing how much you were able to do on the portal in such a short time. I want to pass on thanks from the winning composers, too, who are very happy that people will be able to hear their work online. The whole thing seems magical! ( Faculty Member) Thanks so much for posting our news on the portal. This will help us with our self-study and re-accreditation; in other words, you may not know how far reaching your efforts go. (Faculty Member)

16 Keys to Success for mylasalle! #1 Key to Success…Bring Your Portal to Life! Maintain a dynamic and functional environment – Something to do and something new to see. –Users who are used to accessing portals anticipate seeing change –Internal Application Development (php/mySQL) –Add third party products that are only accessible by portal. –Get Form Happy! Identify Quick & Easy cost-effective tools –Web Pasties (Scrollers, Trackers, Slides, Polls)Web Pasties (Scrollers, Trackers, Slides, Polls) –Macromedia Captivate (Good for “How To’s”)Macromedia Captivate (Good for “How To’s”) –Import “for fun” applications (Dictionary, Weather, Horoscope

17 Keys to Success (Continued) Campus Commitment: Create a “Winning” Infrastructure –Portal Director –Portal Tech Group – IT based –Portal Steering Group – representatives from all areas of the University, meet to discuss needs. –Malleable Reporting Structure Lobby to make the portal the “center of the Universe” for your school. Make recommendations for portal use that will force constituents to become involved with the portal.

18 Current Challenges Assuming that All Understand the Portal Concept –How exactly does it differ from a web site? Content: How Much is Enough? –Deciding upon how much is more than you can chew. How to Get Folks to Think Portal First - Changing a Campus Culture. Tracking Portal Usage.

19 Forcing the Issue at La Salle Students and faculty will communicate using La Salle e- mail. Employees will access the Campus News (weekly publication) through the portal. Faculty/Staff will make requests for information using the forms in the portal. –Academic information (Registrar’s Office) Students will access mylasalle for: –Housing (if they want a good room/roommate!) –Course Selection: (if they want an optimal schedule.) –Grade Reports (No longer mailed to UG Students Alumni will enter Super Bowl Contest through the portal.

20 Thank you. Contact Information James Sell Director of Portal Communications La Salle University 215-991-3615


22 Student

23 My courses

24 Student Services

25 My Tab


27 Alumni


29 La Salle Insider


31 My Brother LUWIS

32 Interact w/ La Salle

33 Employee

34 Staff Services

35 Academic Services

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