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KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)

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Presentation on theme: "KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) The Large Scale Data Management and Analysis Project (LSDMA) Dr. Andreas Heiss, SCC, KIT

2 2September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Introducing KIT and SCC Big Data Infrastructures at KIT: GridKa and the Large Scale Data Facility (LSDF) Large Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA) Summary and Outlook Overview

3 3September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss KIT is both state university with research and teaching and research center of the Helmholtz Association with program oriented provident research Objectives: research teaching innovation Introducing KIT Numbers 24,000 students 9,400 employees 3,200 PhD researchers 370 professors 790 million EUR annual budget in 2012

4 4September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Provisioning and development of IT services for KIT and beyond R&D High Performance Computing Grids and Clouds Big Data ~ 200 employees in total 50% scientists 50% technicians, administrative personnel and student assistants named after Karl Steinbuch, professor at Karlsruhe University, creator of the term “Informatik” (German term for computer science) Introducing Steinbuch Center for Computing

5 5September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data Comparing Google trends Cloud computing Big Data Grid Computing 20102013

6 6September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data Cloud computing Big Data Grid Computing Comparing Google trends

7 7September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.” (Luke 2,1) Big Data 2000 years ago clearly defined purpose for collecting data: tax lists of all tax payers data collection distributed analog time-consuming distributed storage of data tedious data aggregation

8 8September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data today One Buzzword ….. various challenges! Industry Science -Data mining -Business intelligence -Get additional information from (often) already existing data. -Data aggregation -Typically O(10) or O(100) TBs New field to make money! -Products -Services -Market shared between some ‘big players’ and many start- ups / spin-offs! -Handling huge amounts of data -PetaBytes -Distributed data sources and/or storage -(Global) data management -High Throughput -Data preservation

9 9September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Definition of Data Science Venn-Diagramm by Drew Conway (IA Ventures)

10 10September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Goals search for the origin of mass understanding the early state of the universe LHC went live in 2008 four detectors main discovery until now: a Higgs boson Big Data in science: LHC at CERN Level 1 - Hardware Level 2 – Online Farm 40 MHz (1,000 TB/sec) equivalent Level 3 – Online Farm 300 Hz (250 MB/sec) 100 KHz (100 GB/sec digitized) 5 KHz (5 GB/sec) world-wide LHC community Goal for 2015: 500 Hz@L3 2012: 25 PB of data taken

11 11September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Goals search for the origin of mass understanding the early state of the universe LHC went live in 2008 four detectors main discovery until now: a Higgs boson Big Data in science: LHC at CERN Level 1 - Hardware Level 2 – Online Farm 40 MHz (1,000 TB/sec) equivalent Level 3 – Online Farm 300 Hz (250 MB/sec) 100 KHz (100 GB/sec digitized) 5 KHz (5 GB/sec) world-wide LHC community Goal for 2015: 500 Hz@L3 2012: 25 PB of data taken O(1000) physicists distributed worldwide

12 12September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Hierarchy of services, response times and availability: 1 Tier-0 center at CERN copy of all raw data (tape) first pass reconstruction 11 Tier-1 centers worldwide 2 to 3 distributed copies of raw data large-scale data reprocessing Storage of simulated data from Tier-2 centers tape storage ~150 Tier-2 centers worldwide user analysis simulations Worldwide LHC Computing Grid – Hierarchical Tier Structure Hierarchy Courtesy of Ian Bird, CERN Mesh Hierarchical model relaxed

13 13September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data in science: DNA sequencing MB GB

14 14September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data in science: synchrotron light sources Source: Wikipedia ANKA @ KIT

15 15September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data in science: synchrotron light sources Dectris Pilatus 6M 2463 x 2527 pixels 7 MB images 25 frames/s 175 MB/s Several TB/day Data doesn‘t fit any more on USB drive Users are usually not affiliated to the synchrotron lab Users from physics, biology, chemistry, material sciences, …

16 16September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data in science: high throughput imaging Imaging machines / microscope 1 – 100 frames/s => up to 800 MByte/s => O(10) TBytes/day Reconstruction of zebrafish early embryonic development

17 17September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Big Data in science Many research areas, where the data growth is very fast Biology, chemistry, earth sciences, … Data sets became too big to take home Data rates require dedicated IT infrastructures to record and store Data analysis requires farms and clusters. Single PCs not sufficient. Collaborations require distributed infrastructures and networks Data management becomes a challenge Less IT experienced and IT interested people than e.g. in phyisics

18 18September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Definition of Data Science Venn-Diagramm by Drew Conway (IA Ventures) Physicist Biologist, chemist, …

19 19September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss German WLCG Tier-1 Center Supports all LHC experiments + Belle II + several small communities and older experiments >10,000 cores Disk space: 12 PB, tape space: 17 PB 6x10 Gbit/s network connectivity ~ 15% of LHC data permanently stored at GridKa Services: file transfer, workload management, file catalog, … Global Grid User Support (GGUS): service development and operation of the trouble ticket system for the world-wide LHC Grid Annual international GridKa School 2013: ~140 participants from 19 countries KIT infrastructures: GridKa

20 20September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss GridKa Experiences evolving demands and usage patterns no common workflows hardware commodity, software not hierarchical storage with tape is challenging data access and I/O is the central issue Different users / user communities have different data access methods and access patterns! on-site experiment representation highly useful

21 21September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Main goals provision of storage for multiple research groups at KIT and U-Heidelberg support of research groups in data analysis Resources and access 6 PB of on-line storage 6 PB of archival storage 100 GbE connection between LSDF@KIT and U-Heidelberg analysis cluster of 58*8 cores variety of storage protocols jointly funded by Helmholtz Association and state of Baden-Württemberg KIT infrastructure: Large Scale Data Facility

22 22September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss LSDF set-up at KIT

23 23September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss high demand for storage, analysis and archival research groups vary in research topics (from genetic sequencing to geophysics) size IT expertise need for services and protocols Important needs common to many user groups sharing data with other groups data security and preservation ‘consulting’ many small groups depend on LSDF LSDF experiences

24 24September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss The Large Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA) project: facts and figures Helmholtz portfolio extension initial project duration: 2012-2016 partners: project coordinator: Achim Streit (KIT) sustainability: inclusion of activities into respective Helmholtz program- oriented funding in 2015 next annual international symposium: September 24 th at KIT

25 25September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Scientific Data Life Cycle

26 26September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss LSDMA: Dual Approach Data Life Cycle Labs Joint R&D with scientific user communities optimization of the data life cycle community-specific data analysis tools and services Data Services Integration Team Generic methods R&D data analysis tools and services common to several DLCLs interface between federated data infrastructures and DLCLs/communities

27 27September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Selected LSDMA activities (I) DLCL Energy (KIT, U-Ulm) analyzing stereoscopic satellite images for estimating the efficiency of solar energy with Hadoop privacy policies for personal energy data DLCL Key Technologies (KIT, U-Heidelberg, U-Dresden) optimization of tomographical reconstruction using data-intensive computing visualization for high throughput microscopy DLCL Health (FZJ) workflow support for data-intensive parameter studies efficient metadata administration and indexing

28 28September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Selected LSDMA activities (II) DLCL Earth&Environment (KIT, DKRZ) MongoDB for data and metadata of meteorologic satellite data Data Replication within the European EUDAT project using iRods DLCL Structure of Matter (DESY, GSI, HTW) Development of a portal for PETRA-III data Determining the computing requirements for FAIR data analysis DSIT (all partners) Federated identity management Archive Federated storage (e.g. dCache) …

29 29September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss Communities differ in previous knowledge level of specification of the data life cycle tools and services used Needs driven by increasing amount of data cooperation between groups policies open access/data long-term preservation LSDMA Challenges Within communities focus on data analysis high fluctuation of computing experts running tools and services Lessons learned interoperable AAI crucial data privacy very challenging, both legally and technically communities need evolution, not revolution needs can be very specific

30 30September 12, 2013 Dr. Andreas Heiss data facilities and R&D very important for KIT extensive experience at GridKa and LSDF wide variety of user communities often very specific needs Interoperable AAI and privacy crucial topics Today, data is important to basically all research topics more projects on state, national and international levels to come LSDMA: research on generic data methods, workflows and services and community specific support and R&D. Summary and Outlook

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