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Jacques Cartier A timeline of the famous explorer.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacques Cartier A timeline of the famous explorer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacques Cartier A timeline of the famous explorer.

2 Timeline Jacques was presented to the King of France He was gave an expedition to search for new lands Jacques lived in Dieppe. He then mastered the skills of a seaman Born on December 31, 1491 In Saint-Malo, Brittany

3 Timeline continued… Jacques arrived back to France He reported his findings to the King of France Jacques arrived at the “New World” in 20 days He explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence Jacque prepared for his Expedition On April 20, 1534

4 Timeline continued… Jacques prepared for his 3 rd voyage to the “New World” This time, they plan to colonize Canada Jacques sailed to what is now Montreal When they arrived, they were greeted by a 1000 natives Jacques prepared for his 2 nd voyage to the “New World” He departed on May 19, 1535

5 Jacques Cartier died of epidemic on September 1, 1557

6 Personality Traits -Curious (He always wondered about the world, trying to find new ways to Asia and in search for new riches) - Willful (He never wanted to give up, always believing that he will accomplish his goals) - Greed (Whenever he found a chance to make money, he would find a way to do so. eg. Selling native slaves) - Dominant (He enjoyed having the power over his crew and enemies) - Impulsive (When he departed for his voyages, he didn’t bother to prepare for any dangers coming)

7 Dynamic Character Jacques Cartier didn’t change in a excellent way In his voyages to the “New World”, he changed mentally, by greed and power. He took Native and Indian people from Canada, and brought them to France as slaves and sold them. He took advantage of the native’s generosity. (eg. Capturing their chief, torturing them for gold and diamonds)

8 Antagonists Natives - He took everything from the natives - Captured their leader - Tortured them for information - Took over where they lived - Stole their valuables

9 Literary Conflict Person versus Person - Cartier/Natives Person versus Nature - Cartier/snow storm - Cartier/frozen water (The weather stopped him from exploring different parts of Canada)

10 Citations /Profiles/C/Jacques-Cartier-9240128-1-402.jpg jacques-cartier-1491-1557-granger.jpg jacques-cartier-1491-1557-granger.jpg

11 The End

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