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 The Although David had many notable qualities what made him stand out to God was the fact that he chased after God’s own heart.  Who is a person that.

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Presentation on theme: " The Although David had many notable qualities what made him stand out to God was the fact that he chased after God’s own heart.  Who is a person that."— Presentation transcript:

1  The Although David had many notable qualities what made him stand out to God was the fact that he chased after God’s own heart.  Who is a person that will chase after God’s heart?  It is an individual that will do everything that God has commanded him or her to do.  A youth that is after God’s heart is one that sets everything aside and make God their main priority.  God is calling everyone to worship him regardless of your age. Sermon: Dcn. Samuel Ameyaw Slide 1 Theme: “Chasing After God’s Heart” Main Text: Acts 13:22

2  What is worship?  Worship is lavishing your love on someone or something.  Human beings in their very nature are worshippers. Worship is not something you do it defines who you are.  Worship is doing whatever God has told you to do with reverends. - The heart of God is the word of God and the word of God is Jesus so therefore chasing God's heart is chasing after his word. How do you chase after God's heart? 1.There has to be a willingness to chase after him...A personal pursuit 2. Humility 3.Pray and seek the face of God 4.Turn from our wicked ways Sermon: Dcn. Samuel Ameyaw Slide 1 Theme: “Chasing After God’s Heart” Main Text: Acts 13:22

3  How do you chase after God's heart?  There has to be a willingness to chase after him (A personal pursuit)  You should have the spirit of humility in you.  Pray and seek the face of God  Turn from our wicked ways Sermon: Dcn. Samuel Ameyaw Slide 1 Theme: “Chasing After God’s Heart” Main Text: Acts 13:22

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