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Introductory Orientation For Interns, Guardians, and Sponsors Errol A. Jones, M,Ed. MBA.

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2 Introductory Orientation For Interns, Guardians, and Sponsors Errol A. Jones, M,Ed. MBA

3 Many years have past since my childhood, but I remember my grandfather building a shoeshine box for me. This box was not your ordinary shoeshine box. It had a lid on the front side that opened downward like a huge C5 Airforce jet. I could store all kinds of things inside that box. He would take me on Woodward Ave in downtown Detroit, Michigan and let me shine shoes to make money. I also remember “Gramps”, as I lovingly called him, taking me to work with him to paint apartments for new tenants. He worked for a Jewish man named Jake. My earliest recollections of making $5.00 a day painting baseboards and old iron heaters are still fresh in my mind. I must have been 9 or 10 when I began painting. I did that during the summers until “Gramps” was too old to carry the 5-gallon paint buckets and I had learned enough to challenge him to races to see who could paint a room the fastest. I never had a summer job that lasted longer or paid more than working with my grandfather. Eventually, I made more on those jobs than he did and was able to hire my friends. My grandfather did more than give me a job, he taught me to be self-reliant. He taught me how to earn income whenever and wherever I needed it. The things I learned from my grandfather are the foundations for what is enabling me to become the millionaire he prepared me to be. With tears in my eyes as I write this, I hope to encourage thousands of youth around the country to learn the lessons that Gramps instilled in me. Now my granddaughter is laying asleep on the bed as I make this recording. I won’t make her a shoeshine box, but I hope to teach her the lessons that Gramps taught me. He enabled me to keep money in my pocket and though many have been there to help me, I rarely have had to ask anyone, for much of anything. You don’t have to listen, just watch! Thanks Gramps, I’m trying to pass it on

4  Your Short-Term Objective #1 ◦ Increase your income to $1000  Annually  Quarterly  Monthly  Weekly

5  Your Short-Term Objective #2 ◦ Increase personal network to 500+ individuals, small businesses, and organizations.

6  Your Short-Term Objective #3 ◦ Promote Career and Social Skill Development  Compete with local “Youth Business Councils” Interns  Promote “Youth Government Association”  Computer Sports League  Radio, TV, Internet Projects  Participate in online YBC activities and forums.

7  Your personal income or fund-raising revenues could exceed $1000 per ???

8 This space available for companies to advertise their products and services. For more info


10 Attend a YBC orientation by requesting a FREE TICKET to a weekly presentation at

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