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Unique, high elevation, mountain-top atmospheric research facility readily accessible under all weather conditions!!! Dr. A. Gannet Hallar Director

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1 Unique, high elevation, mountain-top atmospheric research facility readily accessible under all weather conditions!!! Dr. A. Gannet Hallar Director 970.819.0968 Ian McCubbin Site Manager 970.819.2842

2 STORM PEAK LABORTORY MISSION STATEMENT: MISSION STATEMENT: To ensure that Storm Peak Laboratory will continue to integrate climate research and education by advancing discovery and understanding within the field of aerosol, pollution, and cloud interactions.

3 Located on Steamboat Ski Resort – NW Colorado Elevation: 3.2 km (10,530 ft) In cloud ~25% of time Mixed Phase Clouds Free Tropospheric Air Year-Round Access 9 Person Bunkhouse Full Kitchen Facility Instruments

4 Field Courses – Past and Present  Atmospheric Science Winter Field Courses –Currently used by Major Universities for atmospheric science field courses (Graduate and Undergraduate):  Univ of Nevada, U of Wisc., Colo State, CCNY, U of Calgary, Colorado Mtn College, U of Wyoming

5 Geoscience Research at Storm Peak (GRASP) Awarded NSF Grant from Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in Geosciences (OEDG) –Undergraduate Course for 9 students –Field Course During June 2008  Collaborating with UCAR SOARS Program  Tour of NCAR EOL Facilities (HIAPER, Mesa Lab, Etc.) –Year Long Mentoring via web-based tools (Moodle – free software) –Reunion Event at Howard University and NASA Goddard Atmospheric Science Laboratories in December 2008

6 GRASP GeoScience Research at Storm Peak Collaboration Desert Research Institute (DRI), Storm Peak Lab – Dr. Hallar and Mr. McCubbin Bay Area Environmental Research Institute – Dr. Jimena Lopez, Co-Investigator Howard University – Dr. William Stockwell, Co-Investigator Tennessee State – Dr. Sujata Guha Colorado State at Pueblo- Dr. Kristina Proctor National Center for Atmospheric Research Dr. Vidal Salazar, Mentor Partnering with Significant Opportunities for Atmospheric Research (SOARS) University of Georgia – Assessment - Dr. Julie Kittleson, Co-Investigator

7 Application now closed for GRASP Online Application at: Brochures Available Today Due Date: February 28th

8 GRASP - Schedule  October – December, 2007 –Recruitment and Website Design  January – Feb, 2008 –Acceptance of Applications  March 2008 –Inform accepted participants  April 2008 –Students Information and Short course at home institution  June 2008 –Field Course at Storm Peak Laboratory and NCAR visit  July – Sept, 2008 –Students communicate with mentor, perform data analysis and final paper and presentations –Assessment by UGA  December 2007 –Reunion event for all participants at Howard University –Students present work

9 GRASP Evaluation  First phase –On-line dialogue forum between course developers and faculty  Second phase –Administer pre and post course exams  Lower and higher order cognitive thinking skills  Attitude survey –Daily journals –Focus Group Interviews –Continue on-line dialogue forum  Third phase –Summary reflection –Continue on-line dialogue forum –Collection of artifacts –Individual interviews at organized reunion

10  Randy Borys, Melanie Wetzel, Ward Hindman for support at SPL outreach for the last 20 years. Acknowledgements:  Funding provided for GRASP by: –NSF Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity GRANT # 0703801  Support provided by: –USFS Rangers of the Routt National Forest

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