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Theory of Algorithms: Transform and Conquer James Gain and Edwin Blake {jgain | Department of Computer Science University of Cape.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory of Algorithms: Transform and Conquer James Gain and Edwin Blake {jgain | Department of Computer Science University of Cape."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory of Algorithms: Transform and Conquer James Gain and Edwin Blake {jgain | edwin} Department of Computer Science University of Cape Town August - October 2004

2 Objectives lTo introduce the transform-and-conquer mind set lTo show a variety of transform-and-conquer solutions:  Presorting  Horner’s Rule and Binary Exponentiation  Problem Reduction lTo discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a transform-and-conquer strategy l“The Secret of Life … to replace one worry with another” - Charles M. Schultz

3 Transform and Conquer 1.In a transformation stage, modify the problem to make it more amenable to solution 2.In a conquering stage, solve it lOften employed in mathematical problem solving and complexity theory Problem’s Instance Simpler Instance OR Another Representation OR Another Problem’s Instance Problem’s Solution

4 Flavours of Transform and Conquer 1.Instance Simplification = a more convenient instance of the same problem  Presorting  Gaussian elimination 2.Representation Change = a different representation of the same instance  Balanced search trees  Heaps and heapsort  Polynomial evaluation by Horner’s rule 3.Problem Reduction = a different problem altogether  Reductions to graph problems

5 Presorting: Instance Simplification lSolve instance of problem by preprocessing the problem to transform it into another simpler/easier instance of the same problem lMany problems involving lists are easier when list is sorted:  Searching  Computing the median (selection problem)  Computing the mode  Finding repeated elements  Convex Hull and Closest Pair lEfficiency:  Introduce the overhead of an  (n log n) preprocess  But the sorted problem often improves by at least one base efficiency class over the unsorted problem (e.g.,  (n 2 )   (n))

6 Example: Presorted Selection lFind the k th smallest element in A[1],…, A[n] lSpecial cases:  Minimum: k = 1  Maximum: k = n  Median: k =  n/2  lPresorting-based algorithm: Sort list Return A[k] lPartition-based algorithm (Variable Decrease & Conquer): Pivot/split at A[s] using Partitioning algorithm from Quicksort IF s=k RETURN A[s] ELSE IF s<k repeat with sublist A[s+1],…A[n] ELSE IF s>k repeat with sublist A[1],…A[s-1]

7 Notes on the Selection Problem lPresorting-based algorithm:  (n lgn) +  (1) =  (n lgn) lPartition-based algorithm (Variable decrease & conquer):  Worst case: T(n) =T(n-1) + (n+1)   (n 2 )  Best case:  (n)  Average case: T(n) =T(n/2) + (n+1)   (n)  Also identifies the k smallest elements (not just the k th ) lSimpler linear (brute force) algorithm is better in the case of max & min lConclusion: Presorting does not help in this case

8 Finding Repeated Elements lPresorting algorithm for finding duplicated elements in a list:  use mergesort:  (n lgn)  scan to find repeated adjacent elements:  (n) lBrute force algorithm:  Compare each element to every other:  (n 2 ) lConclusion: presorting yields significant improvement lSimilar improvement for mode lWhat about searching? What about amortised searching?  (n lgn)

9 Balancing Trees lSearching, insertion and deletion in a Binary Search Tree:  Balanced =  (log n)  Unbalanced =  (n) lMust somehow enforce balance lInstance Simplification:  AVL and Red-black trees constrain imbalances by restructuring trees using rotations lRepresentation Change:  2-3 Trees and B-Trees attain perfect balance by allowing more than one element in a node

10 Heapsort: Representation Change lA heap is a binary tree with the following conditions:  It is essentially complete  The key at each node is ≥ keys at its children  The root has the largest key  The subtree rooted at any node of a heap is also a heap lHeapsort Algorithm: 1.Build heap 2.Remove root – exchange with last (rightmost) leaf 3.Fix up heap (excluding last leaf) 4.Repeat 2, 3 until heap contains just one node lEfficiency:  (n) +  (n log n) =  (n log n) in both worst and average cases  Unlike Mergesort it is in place

11 Horner’s Rule: Representation Change Horner’s Rule: Representation Change lAddresses the problem of evaluating a polynomial p(x) = a n x n + a n-1 x n-1 + … + a 1 x + a 0 at a given point x = x 0 lRe-invented by W. Horner in early 19th Century lApproach: Convert to p(x) = (… (a n x + a n-1 ) x + …) x + a 0 lAlgorithm: lExample:  Q(x) = 2x 3 - x 2 - 6x + 5 at x = 3  P[ ]:2-1-65  p: 23*2 + (-1) = 53*5 + (-6) = 93*9 + 5 = 32 p  P[n] FOR i  n -1 DOWNTO 0 DO p  x  p + P[i] RETURN p

12 Notes on Horner’s Rule lEfficiency:  Brute Force =  (n 2 )  Transform and Conquer =  (n) lHas useful side effects:  Intermediate results are coefficients of the quotient of p(x) divided by x - x0 lAn optimal algorithm (if no preprocessing of coefficients allowed) lBinary exponentiation:  Also uses ideas of representation change to calculate a n by considering the binary representation of n

13 Problem Reduction lIf you need to solve a problem reduce it to another problem that you know how to solve lUsed in Complexity Theory to classify problems lComputing the Least Common Multiple:  The LCM of two positive integers m and n is the smallest integer divisible by both m and n  Problem Reduction: LCM(m, n) = m * n / GCD(m, n)  Example: LCM(24, 60) = 1440 / 12 = 120 lReduction of Optimization Problems:  Maximization problems seek to find a function’s maximum. Conversely, minimization seeks to find the minimum  Can reduce between: min f(x) = - max [ - f(x) ]

14 Reduction to Graph Problems lAlgorithms such as Breadth First and Depth First Traversal available after reduction to a graph rep lState-Space Graphs:  Vertices represent states and edges represent valid transitions between states  Often with an initial and goal vertex  Widely used in AI lExample: The River Crossing Puzzle [(P)easant, (w)olf, (g)oat, (c)abbage] Pwgc | |Pwc | | gPgc | | wPwg | | cPg | | wc wc | | Pgc | | Pwgw | | Pgcg | | Pwc | | Pwgc

15 Strengths and Weaknesses of Transform-and-Conquer Strengths:  Allows powerful data structures to be applied  Effective in Complexity Theory ûWeaknesses:  Can be difficult to derive (especially reduction)

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