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Road Pavements Forum Structural Design Working Group Revision of the South African Flexible Pavement Design Method 7 November 2006 Pretoria H L Theyse.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Pavements Forum Structural Design Working Group Revision of the South African Flexible Pavement Design Method 7 November 2006 Pretoria H L Theyse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Pavements Forum Structural Design Working Group Revision of the South African Flexible Pavement Design Method 7 November 2006 Pretoria H L Theyse

2 Slide 2 © CSIR 2006 Research and Development (R&D) Framework Pavement Design Task Group Established May 2005 Series of meetings during July and August 2005 R&D framework submitted in November 2005 Characteristics of new pavement design method R&D topics Performance based information system Demand analysis (Traffic and environment) Material resilient response models Pavement resilient response models Damage models Probabilistic and recursive schemes Each R&D topic have a number of identified R&D needs Each R&D need is currently being translated into one or more project briefs to address those needs

3 Slide 3 © CSIR 2006 R&D Process Project funding and contracts Funding organisations will sponsor projects of interest to them Contract between service provider and project client Project management Each project will start with an inception phase Investigate available solutions Finalize project methodology Finalize cost and resource allocation Ongoing project review through existing structure of Road Pavements Research Advisory Committee (RPRAC) to ensure correct delivery on time

4 Slide 4 © CSIR 2006 R&D Process (continued) Overarching integration level project Integration of output from various ME-design related projects Integration of performance based information system with ME-design components in a single design method Delivery mechanisms Website for tracking progress on R&D process and sharing general information Any content (documents and software) developed as part of the project available for use on the project website Immediate, short, medium and long-term output User-manual with an overview of the method Detail technical documents on individual components Technical guidelines, test protocols and method specifications

5 Slide 5 © CSIR 2006 Project objectives Overall objective To develop a design method that is Accurate (agree with reality) Impartial in terms of pavement type selection Unbound (Crushed stone, natural gravel) Stabilised (Cement, Foamed-bitumen, Emulsified-bitumen) HMA Concrete (not included in flexible pavement design R&D process) Project structured according to immediate, short, medium and long-term objectives and deliverables Achievement of objectives subject to availability of resources

6 Slide 6 © CSIR 2006 Time-frame for R&D process Immediate12 to 18 months Short-term3 to 5 years Medium-term5 to 8 years Long-term8 to 12 years

7 Slide 7 © CSIR 2006 Revised design method Integration of two components Information system based on past performance Mechanistic-Empirical analysis and design system Performance based information system Starting point for design – coupled with ME-design using default input values for preliminary design and training Validation data set for reality checks and calibration ME-design component Provides opportunity for design refinement Project specific input combined with design expertise Utilisation of available road-building material

8 Slide 8 © CSIR 2006 Integration of past performance and M-E design components Design Method Young professional Seasoned professional Design specialist Design scenario: Routine and preliminary design Low risk Low design experience Known materials – default input Conventional material classification Design scenario: Important design Medium risk Seasoned professional designer Project specific input Design scenario: Very important design, high risk Special investigations Specialist designer Unusual materials Project specific input UserDesign application Performance based information system ME-design component

9 Slide 9 © CSIR 2006 Work in progress Performance based information system Modelling and Analysis Systems CC appointed to develop and populate the system ME-design component CSIR Built Environment appointed for inception phase Develop project briefs – 22 briefs Industry workshop – 15 November 2006 Project website linked to RPRAC website

10 Slide 10 © CSIR 2006 Temperature Moisture content Density Grading Atterberg limits Binder content Binder properties Geometry PB/2006/A-2 Other? PB/2006/A-1 Grading PB/2006/B-1b PB/2006/B-1a PB/2006/B-1c UCS Stress and strain at break Time/previous loading HMA Unbound Stabilized PB/2006/B-4 PB/2006/A-3 PB/2006/A-4 PB/2006/C-1 PB/2006/C-3 PB/2006/C-4 PB/2006/C-5 Resilient response models Damage models PB/2006/D-1 HMA Unbound PB/2006/D-2 Other? Stabilized PB/2006/D-3 Subgrade PB/2006/D-2 PB/2006/E-3 Computer solution PB/2006/E-1 and PB/2006/E-2 PB/2006/B-2 and PB/2006/B-3 PB/2006/C-2 PB/2006/B-4

11 Slide 11 © CSIR 2006

12 Slide 12 © CSIR 2006 Structural Design Working Group Progress Performance based information system due for completion in August 2007 ME-design component Preparation nearly completed R&D framework Project briefs to be finalised after 15 November Project work to start in 2007

13 Slide 13 © CSIR 2006 Announcement ….. In the light of the CSIR mandate, CSIR Built Environment has decided to distribute Pavement Analysis and Design Software (PADS) free of charge from mid-2007 Me – PADS TM Back - PADS TM Traf - PADS TM Pro – PADS TM User certification required - training course Launch at May 2007 RPF

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