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Chapter 5 Web Marketing Strategies. Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Web Marketing Strategies. Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Web Marketing Strategies

2 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

3 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

4 Marketing Strategy on Web Brands: Web site Change: constantly Conciseness: short and sweet Content –New information –Picture and illustration Dynamic sites: use new technologies

5 Marketing Strategy on Web Finances: new markets with low advertising pricing schemes Free give-away: freebee for loyal customers Global village: think global, but localize Live Events: online events create awareness fast Niche market

6 Marketing Strategy on Web Promotion: promote web site everywhere (traditional methods) Syndication: co-brand services and product Technology: use Internet technology to maximize the marketing objectives

7 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

8 Web Design Rules Content Consistency Density Design Size

9 Content New information Pictures and illustrations Understood on a world-wide basis Summary of the content in title page and URL Two to three links, no more than ten links Fast download speed (old computers and modems) Accessibility for different type of users (disable) Alternatives for document download (HTML or ASCII)

10 Content Feedback and online surveys –A separate page –Reason for the feedback –Name and e-mail address –Link to frequently asked question page or database –Reward for the survey Frequently asked questions –A separate page for every service or product –Up to date knowledge base or database –Newsgroups

11 Consistency Company rules for e-mail, newsgroup postings and web design For common recognition Same navigation and graphical logos or icons

12 Density Break up content into little pieces without tearing it apart Meaningful labels for sets of web pages Good navigation (simple and clear) User friendly site (user control)

13 Design Two or three meaningful colors to support the messages – or Printed copy consideration (color) Different network appliances (different resolution) –Personal-based: mobile phones –Passenger-based: devices in transportation vehicle –Place-based: kiosks

14 Size Right graphic file size for bandwidth Text version for image –Search engine index –Different users –Different happy Match the user’s modem speed for download

15 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

16 Attract Visitor Content Personalization Marketing Service Localization Promotion

17 Content Real-time and up-to-date information Something new all the time –Next visit Free information, product and service –Incentives or discounts

18 Personalization Greeting & other information –Registration –Free give-away Customer needs –Database –Data mining Privacy notice –Confidential

19 Marketing Dynamic cross-marketing or cross references –Products and services Event marketing –Infotainmnet –Edutainment –Real time multimedia presentation –Victoria’s Secret

20 Marketing Affiliate networks –Portals –Reseller web sites –Legal issue for pyramid scheme

21 Service Use concise straightforward language Support online and offline reading Fast service –Simple-to-use search engine –Simple and powerful navigation –Three click principal Interactive user groups for each service or product –E-mail –Chat –Newsgroup

22 Localization Act global but think local Culture –Country or region specific web sites –Local language –Local customs (date, address, professional title) –Avoid offending other culture or religions

23 Localization National Forum on Cultural Difference Legal Currency

24 Promotion Domain name Banner

25 Domain Name Fit the business needs Check availability –InterNic for American –Ripe for European –APNic for Asia and Pacific region Apply IP address

26 Domain Name Visibility of the Web site –Appear with company logo –Exchange banner advertising and links with other sites –Register web site with search engines and directories –Use traditional media methods Consistent image or standard for web pages

27 Banner Advertising rules –Keep banners small: visible within a few second on slow connection –Invest in design: concise message –Avoid complex animations: download time –Make it readable: proper fonts –Make sure the link works –Design a compelling message: short

28 Banner Exchange –Exchange site for ad –Tap Narrow target market (Web sites) General purpose exchange agencies Selling agency New sites with low costs

29 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

30 Online Measurement Measurement units Measurement methods

31 Measurement Units Page view: download page Hits: every access Visits: single customer Visitor: e-mail address or cookies Ad impression: banner views on a web page Ad click: on a banner

32 Measurement Methods Methods –Counting: web server log files –Auditing –Rating Problems –Spiders: little robots sent out by search engines –Proxy servers: save web sites on cache for performance

33 Measurement Methods Software –Log files analyzer On server side –Online rating agencies On client side Only for individual Exclude corporate

34 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

35 One-to-one Marketing Strategies Customer profiles Measuring satisfaction

36 Strategies Identification –Customers buying patterns for every single customer Interaction –Automated assistance –Pre-selecting goods, information and products Differentiation –Values and needs for every single customer

37 Strategies Tacking –Every transaction for every single customer Customization –Product module –Information part –Service components

38 Customer Profiles Identification –Login and password –Digital certificates –Browser cookies –IP address

39 Customer Profiles Methods –Newsgroups –Chats –E-mail –Survey –Feedback

40 Customer Profiles Technologies –General Up-selling or cross-selling Learning agent technology and collaborative filtering (preferences) Rules-based filing (question and answer) Firefly and

41 Customer Profiles –Products Broad Vision: display product and services to a particular customer Cold Fusion: rapid application development and site design Edify: for e-banking GroupLens: filtering solution with rating services for content or products WebObjects: access legacy for e-business application

42 Measuring satisfaction Types –Attribute importance –Customer satisfaction –Customer value added Database & data mining Damage control

43 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

44 Direct Marketing Spam Newsletter –Push: sent to all –Pull: users pick and choose newsgroup –Meaningful information to users

45 Direct Marketing E-mail –Signature: two lines with business name –Auto-responders: e-mail address or web site –Received conformation message –Emoticon (or simley) –Use opt-in mailing list –Building database Free gifts Survey Opinion

46 Agenda Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

47 Types –Dial-up connections –Lease line Selection criteria –Cost –Local point of presence –Performance (speed) –Availability –Reliability –Backbond capacity –Internet’s Network Access Points (NAPs) –Support –Required hardware & software

48 Discussion How does this e-business marketing strategies and methods affect traditional IT management in terms of –IT department –System analysis and design –Implementation

49 Points to Remember Marketing Strategies on Web Web Design Rules Attract Visitor Online Measurement One-to-one Marketing Direct Marketing Internet Service Provider (ISP)

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