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Adobe® CS5: The Essential Toolset for the 21 st Century Digital Communicator Patrick Koster Education Solution Consultant Adobe Systems, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Adobe® CS5: The Essential Toolset for the 21 st Century Digital Communicator Patrick Koster Education Solution Consultant Adobe Systems, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adobe® CS5: The Essential Toolset for the 21 st Century Digital Communicator Patrick Koster Education Solution Consultant Adobe Systems, Inc.

2 Adobe Certified Associate Program Value Help educators and students validate expertise in critical digital communication skills Help Career-Technical Education programs provide a endpoint to their learning programs Enable broader range of communication skills using the power of all forms of media (video, audio, web, multimedia, graphics) Create a credential aligned to established national and international initiatives around the use of technology as a foundation skill Offers students a certification from a recognized worldwide industry icon in Adobe A person with validated entry-level skills needed to plan, design, build, and maintain effective communications using different forms of digital media.

3 VALUE TO INSTITUTIONS  Strengthens an educational institution’s curriculum, programs, relevance and value. Prepares students for success in ongoing education or entry into the workforce through validated Adobe Creative Suite skills Validates, differentiates, and adds value to educational programs Enables administrators to enhance teacher evaluation and faculty development programs Can open the door for schools and districts to qualify for additional funding tied to career clusters, if available Provides a motivator for students to complete their coursework and advance Equips instructors with a reliable and validated tool to measure their students success Provides an endpoint for career technical education programs using digital communication skills aligned to national and international initiatives

4 Digital competencies CertificationsCompetencies Understanding project requirements Identifying layout design Adding content Organizing and formatting content Evaluating and maintaining a site Update sites files to a remote server. Understanding project requirements Identifying rich media design elements Building rich media elements Evaluating rich media elements Updating multimedia projects Understanding project requirements Identifying design elements when preparing Images Manipulating images Evaluating digital images Preparing images for different mediums Understanding project requirements Identifying design elements when preparing video Organize and plan a video sequence Evaluating interface elements and functions Editing a video sequence

5 Setting up an Adobe Certified Associate program ACA graduate gaining experience in internships or first job in the industry

6 Cengage Courseware REVEALED SERIES The series of choice for tutorial driven, project based software learning. Do your students need step-by-step, highly detailed instruction on how to use Adobe CS5 software? This acclaimed series will help your students master each feature of the software as they work through a wealth of information, including end-of-chapter learning projects, reviews, and step-by-step tutorials. The Revealed Series features full-color visuals and in-depth “how and why” explanations that will help your students learn the features of this industry-standard design suite in no time! SHELLY CASHMAN SERIES®: Comprehensive Series Known for its project-based approach, the Shelly Cashman Series® is perfect for students who want to learn skills in a real-world context. Step-by-step instructions make it nearly impossible for students to lose their way. Full-color screenshots with callouts help students visualize what they should see on their screen as they work through a project. Extensive end-of-chapter exercises provide assessment options while enhancing student retention. NEW PERSPECTIVES SERIES: Comprehensive Series With the New Perspectives Series’ critical-thinking, problem-solving approach, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the software and will learn how to take advantage of the flexibility it offers. Case-based tutorials challenge students to apply what they are learning to real-life tasks, preparing them to easily transfer skills to new situations. Students understand why they’re learning what they’re learning and are better situated to retain skills beyond the classroom. ILLUSTRATED SERIES Loved by instructors for its visual and flexible way to build computer skills, the Illustrated Series is ideal for teaching both computer rookies and hotshots. Each two-page spread focuses on a single skill, making information easy-to-follow and absorb. Large, full-color illustrations represent how the students’ screen should look. Concise text introduces the basic principles of the lesson and integrates a case study for further application. Origins Series: ACA CS5 Certification Basics The Origins Series was written with the newer computer user in mind. The texts in the series are ideal for beginning students or students who have varying abilities. Beginning computer users will easily follow along and learn the most important computer skills for everyday life with the step-by-step instruction in these Origins Series texts. The steps, with accompanying screenshots, allow students to grasp the concepts presented and to learn by doing. Extensive end-of-lesson exercises help computer novices retain the skills they have learned to prepare them to become successful computer users.

7 Adobe Self-paced Study packets Designed for individual self-paced preparation  Available for each ACA Exam online  Free download at or  Content includes o Topic areas and objectives for the exam o Practice materials with image assets o Practice exam items

8 ACA Certificate and Letter

9 The ACA Classroom and Campus License Available for K12 and Higher Education academic institutions, includes o 12-month unlimited exam license used in a 30 or 60 seat classroom o All exam versions are included, at no additional cost. o Includes 30-seat or 60-seat practice test software for preparation (CS3 and CS5) Benefits: o Offer to all students, instructors and staff with no price barriers or restrictions o Budget one-time fixed cost each year o Stay current with latest software version

10 Demos

11 Success Stories

12 Florida Career Academies  A career academy includes the following essential elements:  A small learning community  A college-prep curriculum with a career theme  Partnerships with employers, the community, and higher education .3 FTE Perkins grant refunds based on successful completion of ACA certification per student

13 Performance Indicator Non- CAPE CAPE, No Certification CAPE + Certification Average GPA2.532.603.03 Chronically Absent15.5%12.3%11.6% At Least One Disciplinary Action21.6%21.2%10.0% Dropout Rate2.4%1.4%0.1% 12th Graders Earning Standard Diploma66.5%76.7%94.0% At Least One Accelerated Course17.7%19.0%30.5% Bright Futures Eligible Seniors39.1%24.5%47.1% 2007-08 Graduates Enrolling in Postsecondary Fall 2008 67.2%57.9%70.2% 2007-08 Graduates Found Employed Fall 200848.4%45.5%58.0% Source: “Florida Dept of Education, 2010 Florida Career Academies

14 Career college CHALLENGE:  Media production and design program strived to help students develop skills demanded by industry workforce.  Evaluate and revise the program to meet the needs of the industry. SOLUTION:  Surveyed students and advisory board resulted in the importance of the ACA credential to the program.  In process of rolling out new program, key component of success was structuring courses objectives to the certification exams.  The Adobe Curriculum was a huge asset in being able to incorporate lesson plans into outdated courses. The board approved of the revisions since the lessons were provided by Adobe. RESULTS:  One local employer from a Calgary-based design studio said he was immediately impressed when he learned a SAIT graduate from New Media Production and Design had obtained the Adobe credential during interviews for an open position with his firm.  The ACA credentials add credibility to students portfolios when applying for employment. Partner:Certiport NOAM Customer: SAIT Polytechnic Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

15 2-yr Community college CHALLENGE:  Costly examination fees and frustration with another creative media certification program.  Important employers recognized the certification. SOLUTION:  Eliminated some funding issues and provided justification for needed software purchases.  The ACA classroom license provides unlimited certification exams and use of test-preparation software.  Combining the certification purchase with the software upgrades, able to convince school administrators of the potential return on investment with the latest release of the Adobe Creative Suite. RESULTS:  ACA helped boost capacity and credibility to support Web design projects at Virginia Tech, as well as through freelancing opportunities.  Students are motivated to earn industry certification and make their resume competitive.  High school teachers are energized and enthusiastic to develop their students’ multi-media skills. Partner:Certiport NOAM Customer: New River Community College Location: Dublin, Virginia, US

16 4-Yr University CHALLENGE:  Ball State University need to hire a student support staff to help execute a digital media research project.  Gaps in the application skills of student employees sometimes limited the potential scale and speed of production.  Students who interviewed for positions often overstated their knowledge of key graphic design programs like Adobe® Photoshop. SOLUTION:  Implemented certification program as a useful benchmark for proficiency. “Many students are self-taught by the time they get to us. There are many holes in their education.”  In order to be promoted from apprentice to specialist with a pay increase, they must all pass at least two certifications to prove their mettle.  Most student employees don’t come on board with an excellent range or depth of application skills, but they learn quickly with a heavy dose of exposure and certification preparation RESULTS:  Certification has helped raise the bar on the collective expertise of the group.  Students in the digital media courses that are close to graduating recognize the credential’s value to employers  The combination of an outstanding portfolio and Adobe Certified Associate credentials makes graduating students credible professionals in the workforce Partner: Certiport NOAM Customer: Ball State University Location: Muncie, Indiana

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