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Wirtschaftsförderung Hagen GmbH Wirtschaftsförderung in Ihrer Nähe Editorial Board Meeting 09. - 10. 02. 2006 in Rotterdam T O O L K I T.

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1 Wirtschaftsförderung Hagen GmbH Wirtschaftsförderung in Ihrer Nähe Editorial Board Meeting 09. - 10. 02. 2006 in Rotterdam T O O L K I T

2 Tuesday, 31 January 20062 Time schedule  Thursday, 9th February 2006  17:00 - 17:30 „What we have done so far“ Presentation Meike  17:30 - 18:00 „general introduction“ Presentation Erik  19:00 communal dinner  Friday, 10th February 2006  9:00 - 10:00 „Design Toolkit-Website“Presentation i-world  10:00 - 11:30 Discussion and approval of website-design, next steps  11:30 - 12:00 Agendas Southampton and Leverkusen

3 Tuesday, 31 January 20063 Starting position  Agreements on toolkit  principles  elements and  structure at Bristol Project Meeting  Disagreement on toolkit-design  Current design-proposal had to be re- designed

4 Tuesday, 31 January 20064 Toolkit principles  Toolkit should  contain guiding principles  be both inspirational and practical  be easy to use  should adress both practioners and experts  be accessible for all users  be transferable  be written in a logical and consistent style  Website should  be easy to navigate  be well indexed and cross-referenced  have a logical „readable“ structure  be barrier-free

5 Tuesday, 31 January 20065 Toolkit elements  Handout with principles of the toolkit  „Starter Set“ with a folder with  4 brochures (creating image and identity, public space and streetscape, legible city, political recommendations) and a  DVD with all reports, images and lessons and the congress documentation  Website „Toolkit“ should contain  a general introduction  the three main topics (TWTs) with  local test cases CRII  tools concerning process steps  arguments for / objections & answers  experiences elsewhere  do‘s and dont‘s  links  frequently asked questions  links  contact details

6 Tuesday, 31 January 20066 Toolkit structure  Local test cases  Tools  Creating the vision  Involvement  Research & analysis  Process management  Marketing & communication  Resource allocation  Implementation  Evaluation  Arguments  Experiences elsewhere  Do‘s and dont‘s  Links  Frequently asked questions

7 Tuesday, 31 January 20067 What we have done so far  Re-design of Toolkit-Website  Tender procedure  Appointment of consulting team  Development of a template for description of local test cases  Development of a template for tools

8 Tuesday, 31 January 20068 Re-design of Toolkit-Website  Tender procedure  Lead Partner started a tender procedure for the re- design and implementation of the toolkit website  A network for IT and E-Learning has been involved  6 bids have been submitted  A team of two consultancies: a designer and a software engineer has been appointed  Design-proposals will be presented tomorrow

9 Tuesday, 31 January 20069 Responsibilities: Who is writing what?  general introduction (why, what, how)Erasmus  good practice CRII / local test cases  common formatHagen  co-ordination / consultationTWTs  detailed descriptionPartner  tools  examples from other websitesHagen  co-ordination / consultationTWTs  detailed descriptionPartner  argumentsTWTs  experiences elsewhereErasmus  Do‘s and dont‘sTWTs  linksTWTs  frequently asked questionsTWTs  overall co-ordinationHagen  implementation of all issues into toolkit-websiteHagen

10 Tuesday, 31 January 200610

11 Tuesday, 31 January 200611 Timeschedule Friday, 10.02.2006  Friday, 10th February 2006  9:00 - 10:00 Presentation i-world: Design Toolkit-Website“  10:00 - 11:30 Discussion and approval of website-design, next steps  11:30 - 12:00 Presentation agendas Southampton Conference (Kerrie) and TWT-Meetings in Leverkusen (Daniel)

12 Tuesday, 31 January 200612 Due for approval  Website design  Readable/logical structure  Nomenclature (i.e. process steps)  Colours (based on fundamental colours)  Functions  System for collection of information / files  Glossary  Members-only-part  Intro  Which kind of information on home/startpage  Barrier-free (deepness? voice-over necessary?)  E-cards: city views  Additional things?  Web-adress:  Data entry exclusively via Hagen or later on decentralised, too?

13 Tuesday, 31 January 200613 Next steps  Partner fill in templates for description local test cases and tools. Return sheets to Meike until 15.02.2006  Lead Partner posts descriptions and tools to toolkit- website until 20.03.2006  Discussion of TWT parts in the next TWT session in March? (arguments, do‘s and dont‘s, links, frequently asked questions) (attention: if discussion in March the website will be blank in these fields for the launch at the Southampton Conference)

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