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Chapter 21: World War I Review. President during World War I. He played an important role in ending the war and urged Congress to join the League of Nations.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21: World War I Review. President during World War I. He played an important role in ending the war and urged Congress to join the League of Nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21: World War I Review

2 President during World War I. He played an important role in ending the war and urged Congress to join the League of Nations. People: Arthur Zimmermann Woodrow Wilson Herbert Hoover Vladimir Lenin Henry Cabot Lodge John J. Pershing

3 A Republican Senator who forcefully opposed joining the League of Nations. People: Arthur Zimmermann Woodrow Wilson Herbert Hoover Vladimir Lenin Henry Cabot Lodge John J. Pershing

4 Germany’s foreign minister. He proposed that Mexico enter the war on Germany’s side. People: Arthur Zimmermann Woodrow Wilson Herbert Hoover Vladimir Lenin Henry Cabot Lodge John J. Pershing

5 An American general. He was chosen to lead the American troop in Europe, or the American Expeditionary Force. People: Arthur Zimmermann Woodrow Wilson Herbert Hoover Vladimir Lenin Henry Cabot Lodge John J. Pershing

6 He was appointed as the head of a new Food Administration to assure adequate food supplies for American soldiers and civilians. People: Arthur Zimmermann Woodrow Wilson Herbert Hoover Vladimir Lenin Henry Cabot Lodge John J. Pershing

7 Leader of the Bolsheviks, he seized the Russian government on November 7, 1917. People: Arthur Zimmermann Woodrow Wilson Herbert Hoover Vladimir Lenin Henry Cabot Lodge John J. Pershing

8 Name the 4 countries that make up the Allies: United States Great Britain France Italy

9 What was the “spark” that started World War I? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

10 What 3 countries make up the Central Powers? Turkey Austria-Hungary Germany

11 MAIN Causes Agreeing to support another country or countries, especially in times of conflict. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

12 MAIN Causes Forming an empire by conquering or taking over other lands. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

13 MAIN Causes Using the military to gain more land and status. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

14 MAIN Causes Extreme loyalty or pride in one’s country. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

15 What technological advances made the war more deadly and how? -Airplanes were used for scouting and air support. -Armored tanks. -Rapid-fire machine guns raised the death toll -Poison gas caused long-term health problems.

16 Name 3 factors that brought the U.S. into the War. The Zimmermann Telegram Submarine warfare The sinking of the Lusitania

17 Wilson and the leaders of France, Britain, and Italy. PropagandaConvoyArmistice “The Big 4”MobilizeCommunism

18 The spread of information designed to win support for a cause. PropagandaConvoyArmistice “The Big 4”MobilizeCommunism

19 An economic idea and political system based on the idea that social classes and the right to private property should be eliminated. PropagandaConvoyArmistice “The Big 4”MobilizeCommunism

20 To prepare for war. PropagandaConvoyArmistice “The Big 4”MobilizeCommunism

21 A large group of merchant vessels sailing together. PropagandaConvoyArmistice “The Big 4”MobilizeCommunism

22 A halt in fighting that allows peace talks to begin. PropagandaConvoyArmistice “The Big 4”MobilizeCommunism

23 Which of the following was NOT a part of the Treaty of Versailles? a.Germany’s military was limited in size. b.Germany must be broken down into 4 smaller countries to keep them from getting too big. c.Germany must pay reparations to the Allies. d.Germany must accept full responsibility for the war. b.

24 Wilson’s peace plan, the goal of which was to end the war. ReparationsStalemate The Battle of Argonne Forest10 million Self-determinationFourteen Points

25 Payments to cover war damages. ReparationsStalemate The Battle of Argonne Forest10 million Self-determinationFourteen Points

26 The right of a group to form its own government. ReparationsStalemate The Battle of Argonne Forest10 million Self-determinationFourteen Points

27 A deadlock. ReparationsStalemate The Battle of Argonne Forest10 million Self-determinationFourteen Points

28 The total number of military personnel killed in the war. ReparationsStalemate The Battle of Argonne Forest10 million Self-determinationFourteen Points

29 The battle that turned the tide of the war towards victory for the Allies. ReparationsStalemate The Battle of Argonne Forest10 million Self-determinationFourteen Points

30 The law that required all men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for the draft. Selective Service

31 What 2 jobs did over 30,000 women hold in the Army? -nurses -clerical work

32 Which group of people joined the war even though they were not citizens at the time? Native Americans

33 Despite facing discrimination when they served, more than 380,000 ________ __________ joined the military. African Americans

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