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Coopération chercheur/enseignants : A la découverte des apports éducationnels d'un programme "Sport Education" en éducation physique à l'école primaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Coopération chercheur/enseignants : A la découverte des apports éducationnels d'un programme "Sport Education" en éducation physique à l'école primaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coopération chercheur/enseignants : A la découverte des apports éducationnels d'un programme "Sport Education" en éducation physique à l'école primaire David Kirk Leeds Metropolitan University & Susan Kirk Mountfields Lodge Primary School

2 Introduction The teams: teachers and researchers The school Sport education Chronology of the project Methodology Impacts on school, PE and pupil learning Reflecting on the impact of collaboration

3 The teams Teachers Dorothy Orr (1999) David Brown (1999-2006) HT Adele Hickling (2000-2) L Susan Kirk (2001-8) L Matt Cronin (2002-8) Vanessa Morgan (2003-7) Helen Dimmick (2004-8) Dammiene Clark (2005-8) Rob Jarram (2005-8) L Clare Phillips (2006-8) Researchers David Kirk (1999-2008) Ann MacPhail (1999-2003) Linda Griffin (1999) Gary Kinchin (2000) Hayley Fitzgerald (2002) Toni O’Donovan (2005-8) Louisa Webb (2005-6)

4 Mountfields Lodge Primary School Loughborough

5 The school Located in Loughborough close to University Multi-ethnic population of children, ages 4-11 years 520 pupils and 24 teachers State school National curriculum in all subjects Years 5 & 6 = 150 pupils

6 Sport Education Origins in the work of Daryl Siedentop Competent, literate and enthusiastic players Seasons rather than units of work Teams as persisting groups Pupils are players, coaches, equipment officers, scorekeepers, referees, & etc. Competition and festivity essential Fair play and sportsmanship rewarded

7 Chronology 1999-2000 Year 5 TGfU unit followed by SE season (Orr/Hickling, DKirk/MacPhail/Griffin/ Kinchin) 2000-2002 Year 5 SE continues (Hickling, MacPhail) 2002-5 Year 5 SE continues, with modifications for disabilities (SKirk, MacPhail/Fitzgerald) 2005-6 Year 5 & Year 6 SE continues, research team returns (S Kirk/ Jarram, O’Donovan/ Webb/ DKirk) 2006-8 Year 5, Year 6 & Year 4 SE continues, introduced to Yr 4 (2007-8), introduced to and implemented in other local schools (S Kirk/ Jarram, O’Donovan)

8 Methodology Teaching experiment Intervention taking theory into practice Design of programme of work, development of teaching materials Evaluation of the impact of programme of work Methods include interviews, filming of lessons, children’s drawings, GPAI

9 Impacts School organisation –The support of the Head Teacher and teacher colleagues –Flexible use of timetable Physical education programme –Innovative while meeting NCPE requirements Pupil learning

10 Inclusivity and social learning Taking responsibility for actions of self and others Authentic experience of team sport Understanding how they as individuals add value to their team Cross-curricular learning Learning elementary rules, strategies and skills

11 What is the impact of collaboration on the professional practices of teachers and researchers? Between hope and happening – living and bridging the theory-practice gap Seeing new possibilities for pupil learning Sport as a theme for cross-curricular learning Imagining new possibilities for physical education Teacher learning

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