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Chapter 24, Section 4: The Failed Peace

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1 Chapter 24, Section 4: The Failed Peace
Main Idea: President Woodrow Wilson went to the Paris Peace Conference with high hopes but failed to achieve his goal of a just and lasting peace.

2 A. Wilson’s Plan for Peace
The Fourteen Points- Wilson’s plan for peace; meant to prevent international problems from causing another war Key Goals: no secret alliances (cause of WWI) freedom of seas (cause of US in WWI) reduce militaries (anti-militarism) self-determination (decide your own form of govt – anti-imperialism) League of Nations (world peace) Weaknesses-too vague and unrealistic

3 B. The Paris Peace Conference
The “Big Four”-Wilson(US), George(GB), Clemenceau(France), Orlando (Italy) Wilson wanted “peace without victory.” Other 3 wanted revenge/harsh treatment for Germany. Treaty of Versailles (June 1919)-Germany was not represented at the talks, but was forced to sign the treaty (very harsh): Germany was Blamed for war had to pay for damages(Reparations), was disArmed, and lost all of its colonies/Territory (given to Allies). 3 new nations were created in E. Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia. The League of Nations is created (world peace).

4 German Territorial Losses: 1919-1921



7 What were the four MAIN, or “root” causes of World War I?
How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the start of WWII? World War I World War II Nationalism Militarism Imperialism Alliances

8 - Germany was forced to:
Versailles Treaty - Germany was forced to: · take full blame for the war · completely disarm · pay huge reparations to the Allies · give up it’s colonies to the Allies * Germany was an angry, humiliated nation, setting the stage for World War II.

9 Treaty of Versailles Leads to WWII
Germany not represented, but forced to sign treaty Germany blamed for war; had to pay for damages Germany disarmed & loses its colonies Treaty of Versailles Leads to WWII


11 - The Allies agreed to form the League of Nations.


13 C. The Senate and the Treaty
Many Americans, led by Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, opposed the treaty because of the League of Nations. They wanted to avoid further involvement in European affairs (isolationism) Wilson went on a speaking tour to promote the League and drum up support, but suffered a stroke that left him bed-ridden In 11/19, the Senate rejects the Versailles Treaty and, with it, the League of Nations. The U.S. will sign its own treaty with Germany in 1921 and the League will eventually fail because it is too weak without the U.S.


15 Senator Henry Cabot Lodge objected to many parts of the treaty for the following reasons.
· Lodge believed that the League of Nations should not have to protect any nation whose territory was threatened. · He believed that the U.S. should remain independent of the League of Nations. · He also felt that Congress should have the power to decide whether or not to follow the League of Nations. * Pres. Wilson refused to compromise on the treaty. * In November of 1919 the Senate rejected the Versailles Treaty.

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