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Brought to you by: Connecticut Energy Code Frederick F. Wajcs Senior Energy Engineer Northeast Utilities February 10, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Brought to you by: Connecticut Energy Code Frederick F. Wajcs Senior Energy Engineer Northeast Utilities February 10, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brought to you by: Connecticut Energy Code Frederick F. Wajcs Senior Energy Engineer Northeast Utilities February 10, 2011

2 2 Current Connecticut Energy Code 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 as reference document

3 3 Next Connecticut Energy Code 2009 IECC With Standard 90.1-2007 as reference document  Anticipated implementation: Second half 2011

4 4 Next Connecticut Energy Code  Required for receipt of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds  ARRA also requires 90% compliance by December 2017 uation.stm On site surveys anticipate participation of building officials, design professionals, contractors and suppliers

5 5 Compliance Checklists

6 6 2009 IECC Administration  Applies to residential and commercial buildings  Regulates the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy

7 7 2009 IECC Administration  Additions, alterations, renovations or repairs to an existing building, building system or portion thereof shall conform to provisions for new construction  Change in occupancy or use That increases either fossil fuel or electrical energy Lighting shall comply when space changes from one lighting building area type to another

8 8 Exceptions  Storm windows over existing fenestration and glass only replacement  Cavities completely filled with insulation or not exposed  Reroofing Roofs without insulation in cavity and where sheathing or insulation is exposed shall comply  Replacement of existing exterior door does not require installation of vestibule as long as existing vestibule is not removed  Alteration that replaces less than 50% of luminaires in a space as long as installed interior lighting power is not increased  Lamp and ballast replacement within existing luminaires as long as installed interior lighting power is not increased

9 9 Commercial Projects Shall Comply  Entirely with Chapter 5 Or  Entirely with Standard 90.1-2007

10 10 Construction Documentation Information  Insulation material and their R-value  Fenestration U-factors and SHGCs  Area-weighted U-factor and SHGC calculations  Mechanical system design criteria  Mechanical and service water heating system and equipment types, sizes and efficiencies  Economizer description  Equipment and systems controls  Fan motor horsepower and controls  Duct sealing, duct and pipe insulation and location  Lighting fixture schedule with wattage and control narrative  Air sealing details

11 11 Envelope  IECC, 90.1Residential and 90.1 Non- Residential Requirements are essentially the same (except skylights) and more stringent than 2006 IECC  90.1 has requirements for semi-heated spaces  Projects with vertical fenestration area (40%) or skylight area (3%) exceeding IECC allowances must use 90.1  IECC has no SHGC requirements for fenestration with projection factor ≥0.25

12 12 Mechanical  Air cooled air conditioner & heat pumps Efficiency requirements higher than 2006 IECC 90.1 has IEER requirements for ≥65,000Btu/h  Water & evaporatively cooled air conditioner Efficiency requirements are mostly the same as 2006 IECC 90.1 has IEER requirements  Efficiency requirements for SPVAC and SPVHP in 90.1

13 13 Mechanical  Compliance paths for water chillers Path A for chillers expected to operate a significant time near full load conditions Path B for chillers expected to operate a significant time at part load conditions  Efficiency requirements for water chillers kW/ton for water cooled Higher full load values but lower part load values Air cooled cannot be used for Path B compliance

14 14 Mechanical  Some boilers have combustion efficiency & thermal efficiency requirements in 2009 IECC  Efficiency requirements for boilers are generally higher in 90.1  Heat rejection equipment requirements are in 90.1 but not in IECC

15 15 Mechanical – Controls  Zone thermostatic controls  Off-hour Setback/Shutdown Optimum start (Systems >10,000 cfm) only in 90.1 Exceptions for systems:  <6,800 in IECC  <15,000 in 90.1

16 16 Mechanical – Controls  Ventilation system Gravity dampers allowed on outside air supply & exhaust in buildings <3 stories Gravity dampers allowed on stair and elevator shafts in buildings <3 stories in IECC Motorized dampers required elsewhere and must have shutoff control Ventilation fans  Capability to reduce to minimum required in IECC  Off-hour shutdown for fans >3/4 hp in 90.1

17 17 Mechanical - Controls  Demand control ventilation for spaces >500 sf & design occupancy >40 persons/ 1,000 sf  Single zone VAV for chilled water AHU ≥5 hp in 90.1

18 18 Mechanical  Duct and pipe insulation requirements are different in IECC and 90.1  Duct sealing requirements  Duct leakage tests

19 19 HVAC Completion Requirements  Record drawings covered in 90.1  Operating manual  Maintenance manual  System balancing  System commissioning for conditioned area >50,000 sf in 90.1

20 20 Mechanical  Economizers Air side ≥54,000 Btu/h in IECC  Total capacity without economizers not to exceed 480,000Btu/h or 20% economizer capacity Air side ≥135,000 Btu/h in 90.1  Fan power limitations in IECC and 90.1  Speed control on VAV fan motors ≥10 hp

21 21 Mechanical – Hydronic Systems  Flow modulation (≥300,000 Btu/h for IECC)  Speed control on variable flow systems (>50 hp Pumps in 90.1)  Equipment isolation  Temperature reset controls  Two-way valves on hydronic heat pumps (>10 total pump system power in IECC)

22 22 Mechanical  Energy recovery  Exhaust hoods  Radiant heating systems required for unenclosed spaces  Hot gas bypass limitations

23 23 Service Water Heating  Equipment efficiencies  Pool heaters  Pipe insulation  Pool covers  Heat traps  Allowed for space heating in 90.1

24 24 Lighting  Building area method lighting power densities in IECC and 90.1  Space-by-space method lighting power densities in 90.1  Meet lighting power densities requirements when replacing ≥50% of luminaires  Exterior lighting power allowances

25 25 Lighting – Controls  Automatic interior lighting shutoff in all spaces Holiday scheduling included in IECC  Space controls Bi-level capability in IECC Automatic controls in defined spaces in 90.1 For each interior enclosed space  Individual independent controls in daylight zones in IECC

26 26 Detailed Comparison On Connecticut Chapter of ASHRAE web page  Spreadsheet showing requirements in 90.1-2001, 90.1-2004 and 90.1- 2007  Spreadsheet showing requirements in 2006 IECC, 2009 IECC and 90.1- 2007

27 27 Training  International Code Council training sponsored by State of Connecticut Office of Education and Data Management  To register for : ourses/Pages/CT-Energy-list.aspx

28 28 Thank You! Fred Wajcs Senior Energy Engineer Conservation and Load Management 860-665-3286

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