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Welcome to Back to School Night 2014-2015 school year.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night 2014-2015 school year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night 2014-2015 school year

2 Meet the Teacher: Mrs. Hottenstein December 2005 Graduate of Bloomsburg University Major: Dual degree Special education and Elementary Education Minor: Spanish 2006-2008- South Side Elementary-LS 2008-present – East High School- LSS 2009- Masters in Education –Wilkes University 2012- Educational leadership Certification (Principal certification)

3 Meet Our Para-Professionals: Mrs. Fischer 13 th year in Life Skills Mrs. Sharon 4 nd year in Life Skills 8 th year in CDSD

4 Grades Report Card grades are given for: Reading Math Science Physical Education

5 IEP-Goals Progress Monitoring occurs as determined by your child’s IEP You receive information quarterly w/report cards

6 CBI- Community Based Instruction Each month you receive a hi-lighted calendar with your child’s CBI destinations CBI’s are to reinforce skills learned and covered in the classroom Students are encouraged to bring $ to purchase items on CBI to help complete IEP goals. Students should bring a purse/wallet with an ID card regardless if they have money to spend or not.

7 CBI continued… Grocery Store – 1 time per week to purchase food for Home-Ec If you have any items you wish for your child to purchase just send along a note and money. MondayFriday J.DJ.B D.DT.L D.JT.T H.PJ.S C.LA.B J.TJ.J CBI schedule

8 Non-Paid Work Training All students participate when signed contracts have been returned. Students are required to wear long pants, sneakers and a belt. A lunch must be brought from home, or purchased in the cafeteria the morning of work

9 Work… Hershey Laundry Fold towels in groups of 5 Place towels in reverse order in large bins Towels are for… Hershey Lodge Hotel Hershey Hotel Hershey Spa Milton Hershey School Dutch Wonderland Walmart Facing Shelves Stocking Shelves Ollies Pricing Items Open boxes Stacking Boxes Inventory of boxes on pallets Fronting Shelves

10 Hygiene It is very important that we encourage students at home and school to shower daily, and wear deodorant. Job-Sites want the children clean and ready for work.

11 Healthy Living Healthy Living Laps at the track Weight program from PT Healthy eating for cooking on Fridays Meal Plan Health Class

12 IEP meetings Please notify me if you can not make an IEP meeting at least 24hours in advance Write on index card your child’s CMU case manger, so I can contact for meeting regarding transition

13 Blue Folder We send home a blue folder nightly if there is information we need to communicate with you Please use this folder to communicate with us as well (a journal is provided)

14 Contact Information Phone number:541-1662 ext 110

15 Questions/Comments/Concerns?Questions/Comments/Concerns?

16 Life Skills Teachers Mr. English Room 119 Mrs. Jaffe Room 114

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