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Living and loving unconditionally featuring Dr. Stephen Franson.

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Presentation on theme: "Living and loving unconditionally featuring Dr. Stephen Franson."— Presentation transcript:

1 living and loving unconditionally featuring Dr. Stephen Franson


3 The Channel: “The Path of Least Resistance”

4 living unconditionally independent of circumstances based on choice vision based anchored inspired stable flexible in gratitude “We’ll see.”

5 living unconditionally that you experience fewer stressors move away from stress avoid stressful situations / people Does not imply:

6 living unconditionally learn to respond (vs. react) develop better coping mechanisms develop flexibility better communication skills

7 living conditionally based on circumstances living at effect outcome based elation / depression unanchored unstable stressful exhaustive “Which trail are you on?”


9 traverse You realize that you are on the wrong trail Used to get onto different path or trail Often hard work at first, then easier Leads directly to where you want to be

10 1.Change is possible. 2.It is worth it. 3.You can do it.

11 Create the life that you want. The Path of Least Resistance Robert Fritz

12 The Creative Process What do you want? What do you have? Choosing a Desired Outcome Accurate Assessment of Current Reality Compare Vision with Current Reality Discrepancy creates Structural Tension

13 Structural Tension What do you want? What do you have? “ A Dynamic of Structure that causes energy to move along the Path of Least Resistance” Tension seeks resolution (ex: thirst) Harness the creative energy of nature

14 What do you HAVE? Current Belief System Internal Dialogue Choices & Behavior Patterns*** Current Reality ACCURATE OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT

15 What do you WANT? Belief System Internal Dialogue Choices &Behavior Patterns*** Current Reality CLEAR AND DETAILED VISION

16 “I want…”“I don’t want…” blank. “Don’t fix, change.”

17 “Don’t Fix, Change.” If you are sick, what do you really want? If you are in debt, what do you really want? If you are in a terrible relationship, what do you really want? What do you really want to create?

18 loving unconditionally predictable stable inside-out shared independent of circumstances despite behavior a choice, not a feeling a decision, not a sentiment “Giving love even when there is no reason to love and no guarantee that it will be returned.”

19 loving conditionally unpredictable unstable outside-out selfish situational based on behaviors based on feelings reactive “We offer love and support to those who present the promise of returning it.”

20 Essential Elements Innate Daily Requirements Our genes determine our needs Genes shaped over the millennia Programmed to do 2 things: Survive Reproduce We are social creatures Motivational Triad Feelings Successful Choices and Behaviors As Individuals and in Relationships: “We have needs” G.P.S. “Genetic Positioning System”

21 “We have needs.” Our Innate Needs are Hard-wired GPS - protective mechanisms Climbing Control Dramas Crucial Conversations

22 unconditional: safety mutual objective conditional: threatened manipulation silence ------------------ violence Crucial Conversations Kerry Patterson, et. Al.

23 Create the Relationships that you want. Traverse Creative Process Choose to Elevate Communications Respond Don’t React Be Mindful: Create Safety Listen / Regain Trust Forgive

24 bathymetry

25 Debris Forgive not Forget A New Economy: Grace forgiveness As for Me and My House Walter Wangerin, Jr.

26 Create the life that you want.

27 living and loving unconditionally featuring Dr. Stephen Franson

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