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 The Guidelines That Will Lead Your Lodge to Fraternal and Therefore Financial Success!

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Presentation on theme: " The Guidelines That Will Lead Your Lodge to Fraternal and Therefore Financial Success!"— Presentation transcript:

1  The Guidelines That Will Lead Your Lodge to Fraternal and Therefore Financial Success!

2  The Premiere Lodge Award is a fraternal road map to success.  Lodges that win this award are successful. o They are turning a profit month after month o They are attracting new members o Their calendars are full of activities that members enjoy o They are the Friendliest Places in Town! o They are supporting Mooseheart, Moosehaven, and their communities.

3  Camas 1042  Montesano 1210  Peninsula 2362  Finley 2681

4  Five mandatory criteria: o 1) Net increase in equity (assets) – only has to be $1 more than the previous year! o 2) Net increase in active members on the rolls – only has to be one more member than you had at the start of the year. o 3) Increase in Endowment Fund contributions over the previous year – only has to be $1 more. Or you can attain this by donating more per capita than the national average of $2,10 per member. o 4) Representation at least two of three of the following – WSNIMA Convention, WSNIMA Conference, and International Convention. o 5) Submit Moose of the Year Nomination by July 1 st.

5  10 alternate criteria: o 1) All four community service reports filed by the quarterly deadline o 2) Preferred members are at least 6% of last years member count o 3) Submission of the Moose Legionnaire of the Year nomination by July 15 th o 4) Submission of the Rookie of the Year nomination by July 1 st o 5) At least two students sponsored to a Youth Awareness Congress

6  10 alternate criteria: o 6) Report new & re-enrolled members greater than or equal to 15% of your active members on 4/30/2010 o 7) At least $100 donated to Safe Surfin’ Foundation o 8) Participation in the Tommy Moose Program o 9) Representation at WSNIMA Convention, WSNIMA Conference, and International Convention (all 3 meetings) o 10) Representation at a Leadership Training Session for Lodge Officers

7  Bronze award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + any 5 of the alternate criteria

8  Silver award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + any 7 of the alternate criteria

9  Gold award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + any 9 of the alternate criteria

10  Platinum award level o Meet all 5 of the mandatory criteria + all 10 of the alternate criteria


12  Can you see your lodge’s name and number engraved on that plaque at the bottom of the Premiere Lodge Shadow Box?  Can you understand why winning this award is important to your lodge?  Can you see that meeting these criteria will lead your lodge to greater success?  Can you see yourselves sitting in the convention hall in Anaheim when your lodge’s name and number are announced?  Can you imagine how proud of yourselves and your lodge you will be if your lodge name and number are called?  Can you imagine how proud your members will be of their officers and lodge when you bring this home and hang it up?

13  Can you imagine the kinds of conversations having this hanging in your lodge will generate?  Can you imagine what your lodge’s future is if you don’t start to aspire to do the fraternal things this award recognizes?  Can your lodge survive much longer without embracing the fraternal programs outlined in the award?


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