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Intra-community contestation in institutional development process of living ancient-village tourism management Wu Yunmei.

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Presentation on theme: "Intra-community contestation in institutional development process of living ancient-village tourism management Wu Yunmei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intra-community contestation in institutional development process of living ancient-village tourism management Wu Yunmei

2 outline  Introduction  Community tourism (or ancient village tourism) in new socialist countryside construction: significance, advantage and challenges  General information of Tuanshan village  Contestations and problems  Discussion  Conclusion

3 introduction  Tuanshan as world monumental heritage and national heritage of China  Contestations and problems emerge in the process of developing tourism  Problem: Tourism benefit?  Cause: ununited nature of villagers? Short- eyes of villagers?

4 Community tourism (or ancient village tourism) in new socialist countryside construction: significance, advantage and challenges  Tourism in Yunnan, new socialist countryside construction, small tourist town construction  Tourism as an important approach  However, tourism is double-edged sword  Tourism’s influences related to the social characteristics of local community (Huse et al. 1998)

5 Continued… Dramatic changes in rural China  changes of principle of social classification  changes of social identity (from clan identity to national identity)  reorganize social life  Family become the basic unit of production again  Market entered  Government retreat  Lack of independent and responsible citizen consciousness  Public social life was weakened (Shen 2006; 2007; Xiao 2003) ) 1950s, land reform and communal construction: 1978, household responsibility system and open-up policy:

6 Since rural tourism is promoted as an important approach to development, how will tourism interact with villagers’ daily life and existent (or changing) social institutions? Ancient village tourism as one of rural tourism, in which tourism combines with community development firmly

7 General information of Tuanshan village

8 environments

9 Social demographic and economic aspects  245 households and 927 people totally in this village, nearly 80% villagers belong to Zhang family clan,  Over 800 are agricultural, 100 are non-agricultural (65 are retired)  0.04 hectares per capita  Self-consumption, traditional way of life  Han, Yi, Hani, Dai etc  In the past: remittance from tin industry and agriculture, livestock  Now: pension, agriculture and livestock(700yuan per capita), migrant worker (and tourism)

10 State of tourism resources  15 well-preserved local-style dwelling houses, 3 village gates, 3 temples, and one ancestral hall, occupying 18,384.5 square meters  Architectural style of the 19th century’s countryside

11 Continued…

12 Tourism management  Management committee (15 persons) -Unclear attribute (semi- government or villagers’) -vague rules  Mao

13 History of tourism development  In past, vicinity  1990s, China-Frence exchange  2000, tourism management committee  2003, raise the price and change some committee members  2006, “ticket within ticket”  2007, first election

14 3, Problems and contestations appearing in tourism development  very low stage of development, no more than 180 thousand a year  understandard environment and infrastructure  Lack of economic capitals to develop, constant delay of government’s project  relationship between villagers and tourism management committee getting worse, and villagers lack of the consciousness of being the subject  divergence and contestations appear among villagers: resent vs eagerly pursue. Committee vs Mao

15 4, Discussion  Two sayings: selfish and greedy committee leaders and ununited nature; concern current benefit without longer consideration and lack of consciousness of social responsibility  4.1Tragedy of the commons  4.2 collective action and participation in tourism

16 4.1Tragedy of the commons  Tourism resource as common pool resource (Briassoulis 2002; Healy 1994; Healy 2006)  “communal approach” in China’s ancient-village tourism development (Ying 2006; Ying and Zhou 2007)  ancient-village tourism resource in China should be considered as a kind of common pool resource for villagers  These problems are ‘tragedy of the commons”

17 4.2 collective action and participation in tourism  Tuanshan still in the process of institution formation in tourism management  First, lack of power to organize villagers: concern about their own life and don’t see much relation between their livelihood and tourism; low heterogeneity among villagers; traditional authorities fade; government retreat

18 Continued…  Second, little participation in tourism: participation in benefit-sharing is disappointed; stress between much expectation and needed fund

19 5, Conclusion  villagers’ citizen consciousness and civil organizations are considered as cores of the success of the new socialist countryside construction (Yu 2006), but also significant impediments  systematically consider various factors influencing the institution formation and collective action  increase public activities and promote public social life, as well as enhance participation in tourism. Other factors: authority leader and capital

20 Thank you for attentions!

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