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Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund. Cavan Monaghan Rural Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund. Cavan Monaghan Rural Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund. Cavan Monaghan Rural Development Co-op Society Ltd. John Toland Tourism Development Officer 9 th November 2007 ‘How our LAG Operates?’

2 Presentation Format Introduction to region, LAG history to present day, current programmes & structure of LAG ( CMRD ) Management & decision making process Capacity Building – ‘Its about giving communities a voice’ Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

3 Presentation Format Can a LAG operate without LEADER funding? Looking forward… – ‘potential for cooperation between Ireland, Estonia & Sweden?’ Looking forward… Please feel free to ask questions? Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

4 Introduction – ‘my role’ Administered LEADER / NDP Rural/Agri Tourism measure €1.5 million Tourism Training/Development Tourism Networking Coordinated Grundtvig GOAL project Chairperson of Rural Tourism International Training Network &



7 Cavan Monaghan Rural Development Co-operative Society Limited. Region Profile Two border counties of Cavan & Monaghan –Area – 3180 km sq –Population – 112,000 –Population density – 35 p/km sq Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.


9 Characteristics of Region Border area – 144km with N. Ireland Traditionally industry and enterprise focused around farming Rolling Drumlin landscape and lakes No population mass greater than 6,000 Very little foreign investment Employment based on indigenous industry Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

10 Farming Characteristics Land suitable for producing grass Small farm size Part-time farming Dairying plays key role Alternative farm enterprises –Mushrooms –Poultry Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

11 CMRD – Who we are? Community based structure established in 1991 –Pilot LAG in Ireland to deliver LEADER –Established under a co-operative structure –Dairy co-operatives in our region were key in the establishment of CMRD –In 1991, chronic rural unemployment & emigration, skilled activists at community level, emphasis on exploiting EU funds to maximum Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

12 CMRD – Who we are? Current status, CMRD is; – independent legal entity – primary rural development agency in area – non profit making organisation – Non-Government Organisation (NGO) – cost efficient, effective & proven track record – seen as one of strongest & proactive rural development organisations in Ireland –multiple-programming agency (EU & state) Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

13 Multiple-programming agency (€12m+) LEADER National Rural Development Prog Peace IITourism, Crafts, Heritage Peace II 2 Heritage prog with Co Councils Peace IITourism without Borders GRUNDTVIGGOAL online adult learning INTERREG IIIASocial economy networking Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

14 Multiple-programming agency INTERREG IIIA –tourism training prog. Rural Social Scheme –community based employment for farm families LEADER cross border fund for Entrepreneurs CLARvillage enhancement, signage, 3 phase electricity, community grants, top-up scheme Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

15 CMRD’s Main Roles Administer LEADER Programme Developmental Support Mentoring, training, product development, research, business plan assistance, marketing support Grant aiding of specific projects Capital Grant Assistance 2001-2006 - €4.96m LEADER Additional LEADER NDP funds €300,000 Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.


17 CMRD - Board Social Partners –3 Co-operatives / Dairies –3 Farm Organisations –2 Financial Institutions –6 Community & voluntary sector CMRD Manager State Agencies –2 Monaghan County Council –2 Cavan County Council –1 Monaghan Co. Enterprise Board –1 Cavan Co. Enterprise Board –1 National Farm Advisory Body (Teagasc) –1 National Tourism Body (Fáilte Ireland) Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

18 Staff Structure Manager –Administrator / Accounts –Tourism Development Officer –Crafts Development Officer –Community Development Officer –Rural Social Scheme Coordinator 6 supervisors of RSS over 200 workers in community –1.5 secretarial support staff Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

19 LAG Management & Decision Making Process Board meets once a month –Chairperson, Vice, Treasurer & Secretary Administration Sub-committee –Financial reviews –Staffing issues (pay reviews, recruitment etc) Cohesion Committee –Government directive to amalgamate Rural Development (LEADER) & Social Inclusion (Partnership) Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

20 LAG Management & Decision Making Process Application process –Enquiries, initially encouraged to expand –Group or private applications treated the same –Development staff ensure application meets necessary criteria –Development staff evaluates/appraises applications –Project evaluation presented to ‘Evaluation Committee’ Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

21 LAG Management & Decision Making Process Application process –‘Evaluation Committee’ is a sub-committee of LAG Board –10 on committee (some external members) –Meets once a month (11 months) –Project is recommended, rejected or differed –Projects are brought before Board for final decision –Also CMRD led projects… Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

22 LAG Management & Decision Making Process Communication strategy –Public awareness raising of eligibility criteria for funding & principles of ‘bottom-up approach’ & ‘rural development’ –Achieved through public meetings, development staff, soft supports, needs analysis, web-sites, –In-house Newsletter, Newspaper articles, advertising, radio interviews –Partnership approach with local government agencies & other developmental bodies Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

23 LAG Management & Decision Making Process Management has autonomy –As indeed do the Development Officers Principles of ‘Bottom-up Approach’ & ‘Rural Development’ are core to CMRD Management Report to Board –Adhere to best practice in terms of management & administration –Auditing is time consuming & necessary Strategic Plan Developed by LAG Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

24 LAG Management & Decision Making Process External Influences –LAG seen as threat to local political (public) representatives –Often project applications receive letters of support –Rejected projects –Overall interference is minimal Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

25 Any Questions??? LAG Management & Decision Making Process Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

26 What are your LAG priorities? Põlvamaa Partnership Board Valgamaa Partnership Board Võrumaa Partnership Board Tartumaa Arendusselts Piirveere Liider Write up on flip chart or board the 3 main priorities for your LAG.

27 LEADER - Basic Principles Social, Economic, Cultural and environmental Development Networking & Co-operation – skills transfer Small – Medium Scale Interventions Reinforce economic environment Flexibility Bottom Up approach – Local ownership Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

28 Capacity Building Overall adoption of a hands on approach by LAG to up-skill ordinary members of the community All development staff should undertake to assist communities, by acting as mentors Identify needs… Its about working with communities where the structures do not exist! Set an example & show others the way! Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

29 Capacity Building Training & Education (for example:) –Management Skills for Voluntary Committees –Facilitation Skills –Awareness raising information events Planning permission Insurance for the voluntary sector Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

30 Capacity Building Volunteerism Report Sustainable Development for Community Groups (2007) Annual Community Leadership Awards Stone wall building – traditional skill Rural Tourism Marketing & Promotion Training Local Tourist Guiding Course Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

31 Any Questions??? Capacity Building – Its about giving communities a voice, And about adopting your strategy to meet the communities needs… Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

32 Can a LAG operate without LEADER funding??? NO… LEADER funding remains the core funding for the LAG Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

33 Can a LAG operate without LEADER funding? In our case, the principles of Rural Development remain at the core & we have accessed other funds… Interim funds to carry LAG over between on period of funding to the next Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

34 Can a LAG operate without LEADER funding? Many of the programmes were in partnership with other agencies Peace II – Heritage, Crafts & Tourism – Retained core rural development principles Issues –Auditing & reporting –LAG Objectives & drain on resources –Overcome by not undertaking lead role Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

35 Can a LAG operate without LEADER funding? Access to EU funds –Communication strategy (will attract partners) –Willingness to lead projects??? –Greater emphasis on Transnational projects between LAG’s across EU –Select projects which reflect the activities/priorities of your LAG Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

36 Any Questions??? Can a LAG operate without LEADER funding? Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

37 The Next Step??? 2007-2013 Cohesion… – Top down approach… – many ??? Greater emphasis on cooperation across EU Discuss potential for projects… Ireland – Estonia - Sweden Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan and the European Union under the EAGGF structural fund.

38 Thank you! John Toland +353 49 4338477

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