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South Downs National Park

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1 South Downs National Park
Tourism and the South Downs National Park Katharine Hale, Sustainable Tourism Officer

2 The South Downs National Park
Kat The South Downs National Park is over 1,600 sq. km and stretches 100 miles from the edge of Winchester to Beachy Head, Eastbourne. South Downs Way in blue. Boundary laid down by an inspector based on quality of the landscape. The section near to Alice Holt was the largest addition to the AONB. The Park's geology combines the greensands and clays of the Weald with the chalk of the Downlands. This geology provides the foundation for large tracts of internationally important ancient woodlands, open heathland and the famous rolling downlands that lead to the iconic, sheer cliffs at Seven Sisters and Beachy Head.

3 Info graphic taken from the Partnership Management Plan published in January 2014.

4 South Downs National Park - tourism in a nutshell
2 million people live within 1 hour Visitor numbers – 46 million day visits, 5% staying overnight Visitor behaviour – 83% by car, air quality, congestion, conflicts with land managers Value of visitors – £464.3 million visitor spending, supports 11,706 jobs Kat Image location - The Long Man Morris in action on the final day of the Alfriston Festival on Alfriston Village Green ( The Tye ), with St Andrews in the background. ©David Roberts

5 Visitor/tourism Issues
Conflict with landowners (dogs off leads, visitors off footpaths) Short season Only 5% staying inside Low visitor spend Congestion/pollution at honeypot sites Lack of accommodation in certain areas

6 South Downs National Park Partnership Management Plan (Visitor and Tourism Policies)
Policy 41: Maintain visitor enjoyment and influence visitor behaviour in order to reduce impacts on the special qualities and increase visitor spend in and around the National Park „ Policy 42: Develop a consistent and co-ordinated approach to the promotion and marketing of the South Downs National Park as a sustainable visitor destination „Policy 43: Support the development and maintenance of appropriate recreation and tourism facilities And visitor hubs, in and around the National Park, including a mix of quality accommodation, which responds to market demands and supports a sustainable visitor economy Policy 44: Encourage and support tourism providers to develop sustainable business practices and increase knowledge about the National Park’s special qualities to provide a distinctive and high-quality visitor experience.

7 What is SDNPA doing? Developing a shared identity (brand) & SOPT
Travel Awareness campaigns Working with marketing partners such as Love Sussex, Visit Chichester, Visit Winchester, Visit Brighton, Training for businesses and transport providers Grants for community partnerships and businesses South Downs Centre, Midhurst

8 Discover Another Way… Sustainable travel campaign 2013 – 2015 Raising awareness of SDNP as a place to visit Influencing visitor behaviour Switching 370k visits from car to train / bus / walking / cycling

9 - 2-for-1 discounts at 13 attractions until end April - Print, broadcast and online coverage - 10,000 leaflets distributed in key locations - Engaging Youtube video produced - Extensive social media campaign - Daily radio adverts on Heart FM - New interactive map – Allison Each National Park is administered by its own National Park Authority. We are an independent body funded by central government to fulfil these two purposes. If there’s a conflict between these two purposes, conservation takes priority. In carrying out these aims, National Park Authorities are also required to seek to foster the economic and social well-being of local communities within the National Park. Duty needs economic growth New growth will come from Rural areas SME’s

10 Allison Each National Park is administered by its own National Park Authority. We are an independent body funded by central government to fulfil these two purposes. If there’s a conflict between these two purposes, conservation takes priority. In carrying out these aims, National Park Authorities are also required to seek to foster the economic and social well-being of local communities within the National Park. Duty needs economic growth New growth will come from Rural areas SME’s

11 South Downs Sense of Place Toolkit

12 Kat Sense of place toolkit – to help businesses and people describition

13 SDNP ‘Shared Identity’
‘develop a shared identity for the National Park , partners and stakeholders to use to raise the profile of the area’ SDNP Brief July 2013

14 Identity is to raise the profile & communicate the distinctiveness
of the SDNP NOT accreditation by the SDNPA

15 special qualities diverse, inspirational landscapes & breathtaking views rich variety of wildlife & habitats tranquil & unspoilt places environment shaped by farming & embracing new enterprise great opportunities for recreational activities & learning experiences well conserved historical features & rich cultural heritage distinctive towns, villages & communities with pride in their area

16 Shared Identity Toolkit
visual language full colour & white out colour palette typeface guidance on photography examples of language applied partner examples using the language tone of voice key messages checklists for business using the shared identity

17 Visitor Leaflets

18 Kat Sense of place toolkit – to help businesses and people describition

19 What next? Shared identity launch and roll out to partners
Launch South Downs Centre Travel Awareness Campaigns Food Tourism Development Local Plan – supported by visitor and tourism topic paper Walking/Cycling improvements through LSTF Training Bus drivers PMP delivery

20 Contact me Katharine Hale
South Downs National Park Authority, Hatton House, Bepton Road, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9LU – sign up to our online forum via the website

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