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12 th ACRU Annual Conference Godollo, Hungary 16-18 October 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "12 th ACRU Annual Conference Godollo, Hungary 16-18 October 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 th ACRU Annual Conference Godollo, Hungary 16-18 October 2003

2 Program 16 October 2003 Arrival of participants Arrival of participants Welcome Party in the Rectors Council Hall Welcome Party in the Rectors Council Hall

3 Program (2) 17 October 2003 Opening of the ACRU Annual Conference Opening of the ACRU Annual Conference Introductory statement. President of ACRU - prof. A. Korbel Introductory statement. President of ACRU - prof. A. Korbel Report of ACRU activities since Annual Conference 2002 Report of ACRU activities since Annual Conference 2002 Financial report. Secretary General. Financial report. Secretary General. Current issues of higher education and research in Hungary Current issues of higher education and research in Hungary

4 Program (3) 17 October 2003 Presentations of member universities - brief reports on changes at the member universities, ongoing projects, projects under preparation. Suggestions for future ACRU activities & joint projects. Discussion. ALL Presentations of member universities - brief reports on changes at the member universities, ongoing projects, projects under preparation. Suggestions for future ACRU activities & joint projects. Discussion. ALL Election of new ACRU President Election of new ACRU President Approval of the Conference declaration, planned activities. Approval of the Conference declaration, planned activities.

5 Program (3) 18 October 2003 Social program Social program Departure of participants Departure of participants

6 Activity Report October 2002 - September 2003 Tomas Sabol

7 Activities NATO Environmental Protection Conference NATO Environmental Protection Conference Approved by Annual Conference 2002 Approved by Annual Conference 2002 Organised by Szent Istvan University, Godollo; Military University of Technology, Warsaw; ACRU Organised by Szent Istvan University, Godollo; Military University of Technology, Warsaw; ACRU 13-16 April 2003 13-16 April 2003 Patron of the Conference Dr. Arpad Goncz, former President of Hungary Patron of the Conference Dr. Arpad Goncz, former President of Hungary Topics, attendance, conclusions, … Topics, attendance, conclusions, … Information on: International Conference MteM 2003 “Modern technologies in Manufacturing”, organized by Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 2 – 4 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Information on: International Conference MteM 2003 “Modern technologies in Manufacturing”, organized by Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 2 – 4 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

8 Activities (2) Sylvia Meloche (our individual member and supporter): U.S. ambassador to the Slovak Republic, Ronald Weiser along with the President, Rudolf Schuster were visiting the University of Michigen, Sylvia informed them about ACRU. T. Sabol sent email to Ms. Weiser, no response , but keep making PROMOTION. Sylvia Meloche (our individual member and supporter): U.S. ambassador to the Slovak Republic, Ronald Weiser along with the President, Rudolf Schuster were visiting the University of Michigen, Sylvia informed them about ACRU. T. Sabol sent email to Ms. Weiser, no response , but keep making PROMOTION. Brian Rosenblum, librarian at the University of Michigan, has been awarded a Fulbright grant for research/lecturing in the Czech Republic for the 2003-2004 academic year, in the field of digital libraries. Contact: (contact Fulbright office in your country and invite Brian to come over) Brian Rosenblum, librarian at the University of Michigan, has been awarded a Fulbright grant for research/lecturing in the Czech Republic for the 2003-2004 academic year, in the field of digital libraries. Contact: (contact Fulbright office in your country and invite Brian to come over)

9 Activities (3) International Conference: “55th Congress of chemical societies” International Conference: “55th Congress of chemical societies” Organised by: Organised by: Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy ACRU ACRU 8 - 12 September 2003, Kosice, SR 8 - 12 September 2003, Kosice, SR Approved by Annual Conference 2002 Approved by Annual Conference 2002 Grant from ACRU: $1,027 Grant from ACRU: $1,027

10 Activities (4) International Conference: “Development of Transport Infrastructure Within the Carpathian Euroregion and Its Impact on the Regions” International Conference: “Development of Transport Infrastructure Within the Carpathian Euroregion and Its Impact on the Regions” Organised by: Organised by: Association Region Karpaty – Carpathian Euroregion Association Region Karpaty – Carpathian Euroregion Kosice Self-governing Region Kosice Self-governing Region ACRU ACRU 23 – 24 October 2003, Zemplínska Šírava – Kaluža, SR 23 – 24 October 2003, Zemplínska Šírava – Kaluža, SR Infrastructure in the peripheral areas associated within the Carpathian Euroregion Infrastructure in the peripheral areas associated within the Carpathian Euroregion Approved by Annual Conference 2002 Approved by Annual Conference 2002

11 Activities (5) International Conference: “Slovakia – Tourism Development Perspectives” International Conference: “Slovakia – Tourism Development Perspectives” Organised by: Organised by: Technical University of Kosice, FBERG Technical University of Kosice, FBERG Kosice Self-governing Region Kosice Self-governing Region ACRU ACRU 30-31 October 2003, Herlany, SR 30-31 October 2003, Herlany, SR Strategies of sustainable tourism development in Slovakia. To share the best practice of tourism development in candidate countries. Strategies of sustainable tourism development in Slovakia. To share the best practice of tourism development in candidate countries. Approved by Annual Conference 2002 Approved by Annual Conference 2002

12 Activities (6) Info on: 5 th EUA Conference “Universities Working Together in Europe: Integrated Programmes and Joint Degrees – a Hallmark of the European Higher Education Area” Info on: 5 th EUA Conference “Universities Working Together in Europe: Integrated Programmes and Joint Degrees – a Hallmark of the European Higher Education Area” Organised by: Organised by: Babes-Bolyai University, Clij-Napoca, Romania Babes-Bolyai University, Clij-Napoca, Romania 24 - 25 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 24 - 25 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

13 Activities (7) Project: “Eastern Policy of Innovation and Technology Transfer, Capability in Visegrad Countries“ Project: “Eastern Policy of Innovation and Technology Transfer, Capability in Visegrad Countries“ Funding: International Visegrad Fund Funding: International Visegrad Fund Knowledge infrastructure and innovation and technology transfer capabilities Knowledge infrastructure and innovation and technology transfer capabilities Partners: Partners: University of Technology Rzeszów, Association for Innovation and Technology Transfer HORIZONS University of Technology Rzeszów, Association for Innovation and Technology Transfer HORIZONS Faculty of Economics Technical University of Kosice Faculty of Economics Technical University of Kosice IRC Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics IRC Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Technology Transfer Centre, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic Technology Transfer Centre, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

14 Activities (8) 2003 Special Request for Applications Institutional Partnerships in Higher Education for International Development. 2003 Special Request for Applications Institutional Partnerships in Higher Education for International Development. RFA may be downloaded from ALO's website: RFA may be downloaded from ALO's website: Deadline for receipt of applications is 4 November 2003, 5:00 p.m. (info sent by email in early October). Deadline for receipt of applications is 4 November 2003, 5:00 p.m. (info sent by email in early October).

15 Activities (9) Priorities: Priorities: 1) higher education leadership and administrative transformation; 1) higher education leadership and administrative transformation; 2) workforce development and community colleges; 2) workforce development and community colleges; 3) agriculture and environment; 3) agriculture and environment; 4) management of private and public sector institutions in countries severely affected by HIV/AIDS; 4) management of private and public sector institutions in countries severely affected by HIV/AIDS; 5) improving the quality of teacher training colleges and institutions; 5) improving the quality of teacher training colleges and institutions; 6) MBA programs and private sector development; 6) MBA programs and private sector development; 7) higher education partnerships that address other critical development needs targeted towards the strategic objectives of USAID missions or that reflect emerging policy and technical solutions to development problems. 7) higher education partnerships that address other critical development needs targeted towards the strategic objectives of USAID missions or that reflect emerging policy and technical solutions to development problems.

16 Activities (10) Parliament Magazine Parliament Magazine Sent direct, by name to the following: MEPs of European Parliament, All Secretary-Generals and senior press officers of the nine political groups, EU President and Presidency officials, Council of Ministers, European Commission, EU National Parliaments, All Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers in the EU member states and 13 enlargement states, USA - The President, The Vice-President, The Secretary of State and members of the US Cabinet, Library of Congress … Sent direct, by name to the following: MEPs of European Parliament, All Secretary-Generals and senior press officers of the nine political groups, EU President and Presidency officials, Council of Ministers, European Commission, EU National Parliaments, All Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers in the EU member states and 13 enlargement states, USA - The President, The Vice-President, The Secretary of State and members of the US Cabinet, Library of Congress …

17 Activities (11) 20th of October 2003 edition: This issue will focus on Education and Research. Editorial contributions will come from commissioner Philippe Busquin, Kurt Konig, Head of Cordis, Rolf Linkohr MEP, Dr Peter Stern, Science Magazine Editor 20th of October 2003 edition: This issue will focus on Education and Research. Editorial contributions will come from commissioner Philippe Busquin, Kurt Konig, Head of Cordis, Rolf Linkohr MEP, Dr Peter Stern, Science Magazine Editor The aim of the publication is to highlight priorities, present the forthcoming policies, answer the most important questions on research and co-operation, promote the best examples, funding research, creating an Action plan for Europe The aim of the publication is to highlight priorities, present the forthcoming policies, answer the most important questions on research and co-operation, promote the best examples, funding research, creating an Action plan for Europe One promotional position for ACRU: To introduce the Association, to promote its priorities, projects and needs. 1/3 A4 page for 1,500 EUR One promotional position for ACRU: To introduce the Association, to promote its priorities, projects and needs. 1/3 A4 page for 1,500 EUR

18 Other Projects - BEEP IST-2000-26224 “Best eEurope Practices (BEEP) IST-2000-26224 “Best eEurope Practices (BEEP) Financed within FP5, IST Program Financed within FP5, IST Program Cases (Best practices) – applications of ICT in four domains: Cases (Best practices) – applications of ICT in four domains: Work and Skills Work and Skills Digital SMEs Digital SMEs Social inclusion Social inclusion Regional development Regional development BEEP page: (including reports etc.) BEEP page: (including reports etc.) BEEP Knowledge System (access to cases): BEEP Knowledge System (access to cases):

19 Other Events organised can be published/promoted at: Events organised can be published/promoted at:, item “New”, item “New” Student exchange program/PhD mobility program? Student exchange program/PhD mobility program? Management of Continuing Education – any spin-offs at ACRU member universities? Management of Continuing Education – any spin-offs at ACRU member universities? MBA program … MBA program … Other projects … Other projects …

20 Members (SK, HU) Technical University of Kosice University of P.J. Šafárik in Košice (?) University of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice Military Aviation Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Kosice (Passive) University of Miskolc Debrecen University College of Nyíregyháza Szent Istvan University

21 Members (PL) Rzeszow University of Technology AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow - new name Technical University of Lublin – new ACRU representative (Prof. Witold Stepniewski) Military University of Technology, Warsaw

22 Members (UA) Lviv Polytechnic State University Lviv Academy of Commerce Uzhgorod State University Uzhgorod Institute of Information Science, Economics and Law Kolomiya College of Law and Business Ivano ‑ Frankivsk State Technical Oil and Gas University

23 Members (RO) Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca University "Politechnica" of Bucharest University of "Aurel Vlaicu" din Arad University of Oradea University of Petrosani 23 Members

24 Members - Issues Check and update your data – contact person, telephone/fax/email/Web address ! Update of the ACRU Web site New members/Interest to join – ? …

25 Proposals for the future 6th Framework Programme – Integrated Projects, Network of Excellence, Supplementary Support Actions, … 6th Framework Programme – Integrated Projects, Network of Excellence, Supplementary Support Actions, … Areas: Regional Development, Regional policy, Knowledge infrastructure, Innovation, Technology transfer, … Areas: Regional Development, Regional policy, Knowledge infrastructure, Innovation, Technology transfer, … Cross Border Cooperation projects Cross Border Cooperation projects Impact of EU enlargement, surveys, studies, … Impact of EU enlargement, surveys, studies, … Joint projects with partners from the Ukraine, Romania Joint projects with partners from the Ukraine, Romania …

26 Proposals for the future (2) Visegrad Fund, Visegrad Fund, Carpathian Foundation, Carpathian Foundation, Cross-border Cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion, Carpathian Research Program, Preserving Carpathian Cultural Heritage Cross-border Cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion, Carpathian Research Program, Preserving Carpathian Cultural Heritage The Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development (ALO), The Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development (ALO), Open Society Institute, Budapest,, national foundations (, …) Open Society Institute, Budapest,, national foundations (, …) … …

27 Other - activities mentioned in 2002 (ideas for future) Workshop „Development of Tourism in Carpathian region”. TU Kosice. Workshop „Development of Tourism in Carpathian region”. TU Kosice. DONE Workshop “Regional Development in Carpathian Region. TU Kosice. Workshop “Regional Development in Carpathian Region. TU Kosice. DONE Workshop „Challenge of Bologna Declaration“, University of Miskolc. Workshop „Challenge of Bologna Declaration“, University of Miskolc. Results of „European study centers“, University of Miskolc. Results of „European study centers“, University of Miskolc.

28 Other - activities mentioned in 2002 Experience in organization/preparation of MBA courses, Szent István University. Experience in organization/preparation of MBA courses, Szent István University. Workshop „Environmental protection“, Szent István University, Military University of Technology. Workshop „Environmental protection“, Szent István University, Military University of Technology. DONE Workshop „Creation of Regional network of life- long learning“, Szent István University. Workshop „Creation of Regional network of life- long learning“, Szent István University. 55th Meeting of Chemical Societies. TU Kosice. 55th Meeting of Chemical Societies. TU Kosice. DONE Summer language camp - English, French, Spanish, German, Szent István University. Summer language camp - English, French, Spanish, German, Szent István University. DONE(?)

29 Other Members of the Auditing Committee – Update? (nominated in 1996?) Members of the Auditing Committee – Update? (nominated in 1996?) To switch from USD to EUR (membership fee 750 EUR?) To switch from USD to EUR (membership fee 750 EUR?) Place of the Annual Conference 2004? Ukraine, Poland? Place of the Annual Conference 2004? Ukraine, Poland? …

30 Looking forward to the further cooperation!

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