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CUTTING EDGE: Use of Tablet PC Enhancing Interactive Learning in the Classroom and the Community.

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Presentation on theme: "CUTTING EDGE: Use of Tablet PC Enhancing Interactive Learning in the Classroom and the Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 CUTTING EDGE: Use of Tablet PC Enhancing Interactive Learning in the Classroom and the Community

2 Presenters: Kathleen W. Esper MS, RN Ann Marie Knoerl MSN, RN, BC Rita A. Moulton, PhD, MPH, RN, CNA,BC Phillip Olla, PhD Phyllis Brenner, PhD, RN,CNA, BC Madonna University College of Nursing and Health Livonia, Michigan

3 Presentation Objectives  Describe effective use of Tablet PC to teach Community Health Nursing concepts.  Identify Tablet PC/Software applications for effective/learning.  Value the power of interactive technology as a learning strategy.

4 Community Based BSN Curriculum  Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Community Engagement Classification  Upper division-4 semesters  Assigned to one Community Partnership for nursing program CHN clinical

5 Curriculum Goals  Engage in therapeutic interventions to optimize a specific population's health status.  Demonstrate effective communication abilities  Discern appropriate CHN roles within various community situations  Integrate community empowerment in selected aspects of Community Health Nursing (Model: “Community as Partner” Anderson and McFarland, 2008)

6 Microsoft Research Grant Fall 2006  10 student PC Gateway tablets purchased  1 Faculty PC Tablet with software options

7 Classroom Use  Epidemiology Class in Tech rooms using PC tablets (3-4 students to a computer)  E-pen filler software created interactive worksheets focusing on calculating rates specific to partnership populations Ability to compare vital statistics rates among partnerships

8 Classroom Application: NUR 4220 Epidemiology

9 Epen forms Worksheet

10 NUR 4220- Epidemiology 

11 Community Application Interactive health promotion modules created based on identified partnership needs:  Using Food Pyramid/ Reading Food Labels  Childhood Obesity/ Physical Activity  Nutrition in Pregnancy  Post-partum Depression  Infant Mortality/Fetal Alcohol Syndrome  Diabetes

12 Reading Food Labels - Becker Elementary K-5 Dearborn MI


14 Using Food Pyramid - Pierce Middle School, 6 th Grade Redford MI

15 The picture above represents the new food pyramid. This module is designed to teach you about healthy food choices.

16 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome American Indian Health and Family Services Detroit MI

17 Lessons Learned Benefits :  SUSTAINABILITY  Visual - Kinesthetic learning  Ability to be creative/personalize  Enhanced relationship with School of Business  Well received by community partnerships Exposure to current technology

18 Lessons Learned Barriers:  University Web systems down  Large groups  More computers needed  Need adequate outlet capacity  Check copyright for clip-art  Time for interdisciplinary collaboration

19 Outcomes  Interactive learning strategy  Sustainability  Cost effective  Multidisciplinary  Adaptable  Use of current technology

20 Making a Difference! Technology in Community/Public Health Nursing Education The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number !

21 Contacts  Kathleen Esper: 734-432-5484  Ann Marie Knoerl:  Dr. Rita Moulton:

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