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9/2/20151 | 9/2/20152 | Wilfred van Eisden International Exchange coordinator Student Mobility Centre Leeuwarden International.

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Presentation on theme: "9/2/20151 | 9/2/20152 | Wilfred van Eisden International Exchange coordinator Student Mobility Centre Leeuwarden International."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/2/20151 | Internationalisation @Stenden

2 9/2/20152 | Wilfred van Eisden International Exchange coordinator Student Mobility Centre Leeuwarden International coordinator School of Education

3 Let’s introduce myself 9/2/20153 |

4 The Netherlands……. ›What do you think when your hear “The Netherlands”......... 9/2/20154 |

5 Qualifications?? ›High quality education ›Innovative, modern and culture ›Worldwide trade, home to major multinationals ›Export of Agricultural products ›International living environment ›Multicultural, tolerant and safe society 9/2/20155 |

6 Internationalisation ›Is……………….. ›The key reality in the 21st Century ›Is fun, challenging and makes life joyful ›Consitst of › internationalisation of the curriculum (or internationalisation at home); › mobility of students and staff; › Transnational Education. 9/2/20156 |

7 Why Internationalisation ›At the macro level of the Netherlands as part of the international community: ›capacity building (development cooperation); ›increasing mutual understanding (to foster peace and prevent war); ›generating revenue; ›increasing skilled migration (to attract people with competencies that are rare). 9/2/20157 |

8 Why Internationalisation: meso level At the meso level of Stenden as part of the Dutch and European education area internationalisation is motivated by: ›political reasons (profiling and stepping stone to New University); ›social and cultural reasons (directly related to the Stenden values of the complete human being, mastery, value driven education, entrepreneurship and intercultural awareness) ›academic reasons ›economic reasons 9/2/20158 |

9 Why Internationalisation At the micro level of students and staff these are the reasons to internationalise: ›the international dimension makes studying and work more attractive; ›It fosters chances on a better career of further studies in the wider international arena; ›it broadens their horizon and learns them a lot about themselves. 9/2/20159 |

10 IP Teacher Identity ›What do we have in common 9/2/201510 |

11 External environment Internationalisation is fostered by international, national and regional developments. ›International point of view: Bologna process is leading for Higher ›Education Institutes in Europe. ›On the national scale internationalisation has been strongly fostered by the former Dutch government. ›Regional level: Sectorplan Noord 9/2/201511 |

12 Stenden International Interculturalisation: the biosphere of internationalisation Interculturalisation can be considered as the biosphere of internationalisation that makes possible three forms of internationalisation life: › internationalisation of the curriculum; › mobility of students and staff; › Transnational Education. 9/2/201512 |

13 Stenden University of Applied Sciences ›School of Social care and Education (SPH, CT, OLB) ›School of Economics and technology ›School of Business and Management (IBMS, MEM, RBS) ›Hotel Tourism and Leisure (IHM, TM, LM) 9/2/201513 |

14 Stenden University of Applied Sciences 9/2/201514 |

15 Stenden University: International DNA ›Serving to make a better world ›Unleash potential in students, staff and surrounding communities - I am Stenden ›Approx. 11.000 students with 90 different nationalities (25% Internationals) ›Stenden provides a home away from home ›About 1000 employees and staff members ›5 Locations in NL (Leeuwarden, Emmen, Groningen, Meppel, Assen) ›Only HEI in NL with International Branch Campuses Doha (Qatar), Denpasar (Bali), Bangkok (Thailand) en Port Alfred (South Africa). ›More than 25% of the Dutch students do a part of their study abroad. ›Co-operation with many foreign Universities 9/2/201515 |

16 General programme information ›University of applied sciences ›BA programme has a duration of 4 years ›MA programme has a duration of 1 year ›Short track programmes Hotel, Tourism, Office, Retail ›Major & Minor system ›Problem Based Learning 9/2/201516 |

17 Study opportunities Bachelor programmes in English e.g. International Business and Management studies Small Business and Retail Management Media and Entertainment Management International Hospitality Management Tourism Management Human Resource Management International Tourism Management Bachelor programmes in Dutch Arts Therapy and Social Work Teacher Training for Primary Education Master programmes fulltime and part time 9/2/201517 |

18 Spearheads Problem based learning ›Small groups of students (10 to 14 people) ›Students learn independently ›Problem solving approach based on your own knowledge and experience Stenden: a world of Opportunities ›Exchange ›Grand Tour ›Internships ›Programme Mobility 9/2/201518 |

19 9/2/201519 | Exchange and Grand Tour Outgoing students 2011/2012 Students to a partner Europe: ±165 Students to a partner outside Europe: ± 35 Total 200 Incoming students 2010/2011 Students from a European partner: ±95 Students from a Non-European partner: ±10 Total 105 Grand Tour: Yearly 400 students are studying 1-2 semester at a Stenden Campus Abroad

20 International Opportunities ›Inbound: 15 – 30 ECTS programmes in Emmen, Leeuwarden and Meppel ›Outbound ›Grand Tour: study at Stenden campus sites in Qatar, Thailand, South Africa or Bali. ›Exchange semester abroad: Stenden has about 130 partner schools and exchange partners all over the world. ›Industrial placement abroad ›International weeks/projects Go global, Go Stenden! 9/2/201520 |

21 South Africa, Port Alfred Minor possibilities ›Wildlife & Lodge management (in Madolo’s & Port Alfred ) ›Entrepreneurship ›Humanitarian Management ›Advanced Wine Studies ›Regional Tourism Development Internship possibilities ›Community Empowerment TT 9/2/201521 |

22 9/2/201522 | South Africa

23 Campus SA Port Alfred 9/2/201523 |

24 Faculty of Education Four locations Assen Emmen Groningen Meppel and Leeuwarden

25 Location Assen and Emmen

26 9/2/201526 | Campus Leeuwarden

27 Where to find the main location Leeuwarden?

28 9/2/201528 |

29 9/2/201529 | Leeuwarden – student city ›The Royal Capital of Friesland (northern province) ›Easy access to the rest of Holland and Europe ›100,000 inhabitants ›20,000 students, studying at 3 universities ›Many in- and outdoor student sports facilities ›Recreation (such as watersports, shopping, dining, cinema, theatre, dancing and more)

30 Campus Emmen 9/2/201530 |

31 9/2/201531 |

32 Meppel, The gateway to Drenthe

33 School of Education ›5 locations (2 Christian orientated) ›New curriculum ›PBL blended ›Profiles: eg academic, Tri-Langual Pabo, Pabo International. ›Decreasing number of students ›Shrinking Labor market for teachers

34 Stenden Meppel: a long tradition in Teacher Training One of the oldest teacher training college for primary education in The Netherlands (1843) 195 7

35 Stenden Meppel About 300 students Profile Meppel ›International (International Weeks, Intensive Programmes) ›New Media: Part-time course: VONDST (ELE) ›“Window to the World” ›Personal development ›Stimulating Creative aspects of the students ›International Class Renovation of the building in Meppel and adapting to the new curriculum. ITEPS: start september 2012 ›“Joint degree” with Buskerud (NO), Sjeaelland (DK), Linnaeus (SE). ›Modules to be attended in all participating Institutes ›Practice in local and International Schools

36 Over the hills and far beyond borders International Class – spring semester 9/2/201536 | An international semester programme Stenden University - Faculty of Education In association with ILITE

37 Minor over the hills…. intercultural and educational experiences of the learning group, i.e. both staff and students should be seen as actors. The theme of the approach is governed by the notion of: Understanding Contemporary Europe and its Diversity and Identity. ›Key question: how to understand our own identity and the identity of our European neighbours. ›All participants are expected to be active participants in the construction of the content of the competence based programme. 9/2/201537 |

38 Revision after four years Integrated programme of 30 ECTS with:  Intensive Dutch and English  Educational Studies: Integration with ITEPS (topics e.g. PYP, International schools, IB) Research  Active Culture, including school subjects, excursions and School Experience Thematic work Own identity – ‘Who am I?’, ‘Where do I come from? ‘, ‘Where do I fit in?’ Your region in a European Perspective Cultural Ideals & Diversity Democratic Citizenship Influence of Nature on Culture: Luctor et Emergo Culture and School Experience Third Culture Kids Culture in International School Curricula 9/2/201538 |

39 Thank you for your attention !

40 9/2/201540 | Thank you for your attention

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