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Network and PHE Networking Dere Biyaber Anbesa Yaser By Negash Teklu, Executive Director PHE Ethiopia Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "Network and PHE Networking Dere Biyaber Anbesa Yaser By Negash Teklu, Executive Director PHE Ethiopia Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network and PHE Networking Dere Biyaber Anbesa Yaser By Negash Teklu, Executive Director PHE Ethiopia Consortium

2 Presentation layout  The Concept of network  The advantage of networking  Benefits of networking  Major challenges of networking  What PHE networking is  PHE approach and benefits

3 What is a network?  It is not as orderly or stable as an organization  It demands a different mindset,  High degree of freedom and agreement,  Have to share decision-making, resources, and credit,,  Collective value is what makes a network greater than the sum of its parts,  Members share, their Connections, knowledge, competencies, and resources.

4 Major challenges of Network  Problem to handle different interests.  Some have ego’s, or, are self-absorbed.  Some focus on their mission and values only.  Institutional priorities may clash with network priorities  Not recognizing the hard work it will take  Information sharing rather than real collaboration.

5 The advantage of a Network?  The information diffusion spread ideas and generate feedback rapidly.  People separated by geography and other factors reach shared conclusions  Has more fundraising power & attracts funds  Eliminates overlap and duplication of effort;  Delivers greater results with bigger and better outcomes;  Increases opportunities

6 Networking V Development Practitioners  Increased visibility and success initiatives and campaigns  Active cooperation with regional, national, and international campaigns  Provides solidarity for national-level efforts  Powerful learning occurs as a result of the interchange  Connections strengthen access to information and resources.

7 The PHE Network  Ethiopia’s PHE Definition: Population, health and environment (PHE) interventions in Ethiopia are a holistic, participatory development approach whereby issues of environment, health and population are addressed in an integrated manner for improved livelihoods and sustainable well-being of people and ecosystems.  PHE network vision: It envisages providing leadership in integrating PHE to bring about healthy ecosystems and communities in Ethiopia.

8 What is PHE P = Family Planning, Reproductive Health H = W&S, Malaria, HIV, Indoor Air Pollution E = Biodiversity conservation, NRM, climate change Additional Sectors +E = – Education (non-formal education) – Energy (improved cook stove, biogas) – Eco-tourism development – Environment-friendly enterprise development (EED) – PHE may include gender, livelihood, etc

9 The PHE Network Cont…  PHE Members 38 organizations and 2 individuals  PHE Network Activities: Coordinates, Advocacy, research, mobilization, networking, communication, capacity building & channeling funds  Members implement: We support their initiative


11 Programmatic synergy: - The outcomes of an integrated PHE program are greater than what could be achieved if the activities were carried out in a non-integrated fashion. Operational efficiency: - PHE programs frequently benefit from efficiencies such as greater community receptivity and program cost-sharing. Advantages of PHE projects

12 Advantages of PHE projects cont. Added-value benefits: - PHE programs often encourage additional positive outcomes in reaching non-traditional audiences and addressing gender inequities. Best Approach for CC Adaptation & Mitigation - Harmonize relationship between people & nature - + for Livelihood & sustainability

13 Main PHE Interventions Awareness creation Food security Water and sanitation Family planning Livelihoods Land productivity Watershed restoration microfinance

14 Conclusion  We should be part of the PHE network  We need to integrate RH with Environment  We need to start information exchange  We are living in 21 st century  We are living in a global world  Its advantage is organizational and individual


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