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Welcome to this Presentation on Planning Process.

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1 Welcome to this Presentation on Planning Process

2 2 Population (Census 2001) 16.61Crore Total Geographical Area241Lac ha Divisions18 Districts72 Tehsils312 Blocks820 Gram Panchayats52000 Revenue Village107452 UP AT A GLANCE

3 3 Planning Set-up State Planning Institute Planning Department State Planning Commission

4 4 / Planning Department Planning Commission Development Departments Economic & Statistics Div. PFAD PPD Man Power Div. Area Devp. Div. Monitoring Div. Evaluation Div. PRAD Training Div. Academicians District Planning Units Under planning process- interaction with :

5 5 Role of Planning Department  Formulation of Annual Plans and Five Year Plans.  Determination of the plan priorities and allocation of outlays.  Review and Evaluation.

6 6 PLAN FORMULATION Step-1 Estimation of Resources by Central Planning Commission & State Government. Step-2 Size of the State Plan and Broad Framework is determined in the discussions of Chief Minister with Dy. Chairman, Planning Commission. Step-3 Distribution of Outlay. Step-4 Details of Programmes/Schemes are discussed in the Working Groups set-up by Planning Commission. Step-5 Approval of State’s proposal of Sectoral outlays by Planning Commission.

7 7 Decentralized Planning Process DPC consists of such number of members as prescribed : Provided that the number of members shall not be more than forty. Four-fifths of the total number of members of the Committee are elected from amongst the elected members of the Zila Panchayat and of the Municipalities in the district in proportion to the ratio between the population of the rural areas and of the urban areas in the district One-fifth members of the Committee are: -- Minister nominated by the State Government, who is the Chairperson of the Committee; -- The Chairman of the Zila Panchayat -- District Magistrate - ex-officio; MP, MLA, MLC of the State representing constituencies which are comprised wholly or partly in the district are permanent invitees to the meetings of the Committee Chief Development Officer - ex-officio Secretary and Economic and Statistics Officer of the district - ex-officio Joint Secretary

8 8 Activation of District Planning Committee as stipulated in Article 243 ZD of the Constitution. Formulation of District Plans - greater role to the PRIs in the planning process.. Integration of village planning - local community including the Panchayati Raj members assess their needs and develop an action plan for development and monitor progress against these plans. The plans of each Gram Panchayat collated at the Kshetra Panchayat and Zila Panchayat level and approved by the District Planning Committee. Similarly, the urban local bodies prepare their own plans and forward the same to the District Planning Committee which is the final body to decide and approve the District Plan. The plans so approved by the DPC are integrated with the State Plan

9 9 Characteristics of State Economy  Dominant role of agriculture in economy.  A large segment of work-force is dependant on agriculture for livelihood.  The level of agriculture productivity is relatively low and still the food-grains cultivation is the main source of income due to inadequate increase in high value commercial crops and less diversification in agriculture and allied activities.  Preponderance of marginal and uneconomic holdings, together with low level of average size of holding and per capita net cropped area.  The share of manufacturing sector is not increasing which is an indicator of inadequate diversification in the economy.

10 STRENGTHS The State has sufficient resources ie manpower, fertile land and water resources. The State is the largest producer of wheat, sugarcane, potato, mango, vegetables and milk. in the country. The State has largest workforce. Immense potential for tourism development. The State has good prospects for dairy development, meat production, horticulture development, food processing and agro based industries The State has the largest market size for consumer goods.

11 11 DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES Placing the State on high growth trajectory Bridging the increasing gap in per capita income of the State and India Poverty Alleviation Creation of quality infrastructure- roads, power, health, education, irrigation. Improvement in the State’s ranking in Human Development Index. Positive stride towards attainment of Millennium Development Goals Improvement in service delivery systems.

12 12 Higher literacy and universal education, Basic health amenities in rural and urban areas Safe and adequate water supply village connectivity by all weather roads housing for poor Adequate power Improvement in socio-economic conditions of the under-privileged and historically disadvantaged sections of the society Promoting and developing public private partnership, empowerment of the masses and involvement of Self Help Groups High Priority Areas

13 13 Strategy Financial Consolidation Optimum utilisation of resources Effective and Efficient Delivery of Public Services PPP Redressal of Public Grievances Digital and GIS based Database

14 14 Financial Consolidation The FRBM Act envisages elimination of revenue deficit and reduction of the fiscal deficit/GSDP ratio Both the targets have been achieved two years in advance in 2006-07 and the level of consolidation achieved is most likely to be maintained, but after implementation of recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission, state economy adversely affected. Important features of changes in fiscal stance of the State -  Improvement in tax performance  Major jump in plan expenditure  Sustained increase in capital outlays  Debt/GSDP ratio begins to fall  Streamlined the process of Sanction and Release

15 15 Effective & Efficient Delivery of Public Services Creation of new data base and introduction of new proforma with a view to capture the realities at the field level Strict computer based monitoring of projects and programmes Creation of TASK FORCE Inspection by the teams with a view to monitor the progress of schemes and programmes every month Compliance reviewed every week and ensured

16 16 Redressal of Public Grievances Tehsil Divas Thana Divas Lokvani Web based Information System of Departments and Districts E-suvidha E-procurement Citizen Service Centre Bhulekh


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