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Sustainable tourism. What is sustainable tourism? Tourism managed so it does not threaten the natural, social and cultural resource base on which the.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable tourism. What is sustainable tourism? Tourism managed so it does not threaten the natural, social and cultural resource base on which the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable tourism

2 What is sustainable tourism? Tourism managed so it does not threaten the natural, social and cultural resource base on which the tourist industry and our environment and society depends. Tourism developments need to be limited to within standards believed to be sustainable. Negative impacts need to be minimised, and tourism needs to be planned and managed to maximise the economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits from tourism.

3 Why do we need sustainable tourism? To preserve the resource base on which the tourist industry, society and the environment depend. To limit tourism to a level that is sustainable for future and current populations. To minimise the negative impacts and maximise the positive impacts of tourism. To ensure that visitors are satisfied with a high quality experience so that tourism continues in the long run.

4 Ecocentrics and Technocentrics Ecocentrics - Radical Reject the market economy – believe it results in materialistic and consumer orientated individuals. Nature should be preserved irrespective of it’s current and future value to society Tourism should be cut to levels that do not consume resources or challenge local communities Tourism should be managed at a local level

5 Technocentrics Accepts the market economy Planning is necessary to reduce the problems caused by tourism. More should be spent on research to reduce the harmful side effects. Technology should be used to deal with these impacts. Controls can be used to reduce impacts and set minimum environmental standards, using subsidies to encourage sustainable tourism.

6 Key differences Market economy: Eco’s reject, Techno’s accept. Natural resources: Eco’s want to preserve regardless of their value to society, Techno’s are concerned about their value to society. Technical planning process: Eco’s suspicious, Techno’s in favour. Levels of tourism: Eco’s want to reduce, techno’s want managed growth.

7 Principles of Sustainable Tourism policy and Planning. 1.Acceptance that there are limits to growth 2.Promotes long term rather than short term planning 3.Seeks to maximise the benefits and minimise the negative impacts of tourism on the environment, society + culture and economy. 4.Is realistic about the constraints on tourism developments. 5.Attempts to balance the trade offs between different outcomes and between winners and losers.

8 Difficult issues… Competitive disadvantage… Extent to which the tourist industry, government and community take responsibility for the negative impacts of tourism. Sustainable tourists can be especially intrusive and have a big impact on local culture. Limousine environmentalism – lip service…

9 Possible interventions… to achieve sustainable tourism development.. Set limits on use of resources Establish tourism carrying capacity – Depends on views of stake holders – Social + cultural + political considerations – Nature of resources


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