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2 Read to Learn How the workplace is affected by forces such as changing technology and the global economy How to evaluate job outlooks when making career.

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2 2 Read to Learn How the workplace is affected by forces such as changing technology and the global economy How to evaluate job outlooks when making career plans

3 3 Main Idea Familiarity with changes in the workplace will help you in your search for a job.

4 4 Key Concepts The World of Work Is Changing Job Outlook Work, Change, and Lifelong Learning

5 5 Key Terms economy global economy job market outsourcing telecommute team lifelong learning

6 6 The Word of Work is Changing Knowing about how the world of work is changing will help you make sound decisions about your job, your career, and your future.

7 7 The Word of Work Is Changing How to Stay Informed About the Changing Workplace Read newspapers Read magazines Read Web sites Watch or listen to the news on television or radio Talk to people who work in a field that interests you

8 8 The Global Workplace When you buy goods and services, you are participating in the economy. economy the ways in which a group produces, distributes, and consumes its goods and services

9 9 The Global Workplace Goods are items that people buy. Services are activities done for others for a fee.

10 10 The Global Workplace When you buy goods and services from other countries, you are participating in the global economy. global economy the ways in which the world’s economies are linked

11 11 The Global Workplace The global economy affects the job market in the United States. job market the demand for particular jobs

12 12 Skills for the Global Economy Basic Skills Communication Skills (reading, writing, language arts) Mathematical Skills Scientific Literacy

13 13 Skills for the Global Economy Thinking Skills Creative thinking Critical thinking Decision making Problem solving Seeing things in the mind’s eye CuriosityReasoning Knowing how to learn

14 14 Skills for the Global Economy Personal Qualities Personal responsibility Social and civic responsibility Self- direction Self- management Self-esteemAdaptabilityHonestyIntegrity

15 15 Adaptable Workers Adaptable workers know what their skills are and how to use those skills in different situations. An adaptable worker is able to explore job opportunities in a variety of industries.

16 16 Technology in the Workplace As companies increase their use of technology, the number and types of jobs will change. Understanding technology trends will help you to be an adaptable worker.

17 17 Technology Trends Outsourcing is a popular trend that is affected by technology. outsourcing when businesses hire other companies or individuals to produce their goods or services

18 18 Technology Trends Some workers telecommute, using computers, faxes, and telephones to perform their jobs. telecommute to work from home or from an office center

19 19 Other Workplace Trends Members of a team collaborate to set goals, make decisions, and implement actions. team an organized group that has a common goal

20 20 Other Workplace Trends Today’s workforce is becoming more diverse. Part of respecting diversity means valuing the contribution of every individual.

21 21 The Job Outlook Most new jobs will be in the service- producing industries. Fewer jobs are expected in the goods- producing industries.

22 22 Figure 1.3 Job Growth Change for Service and Goods Industries

23 23 Impact on Today’s Workers Even though you are learning to follow trends in the job market, you still want to find fulfilling work. Whatever occupation you choose, you will still need certain basic skills, thinking skills, and personal qualities.

24 24 Work, Change, and Lifelong Learning The world of work is changing every day. You will benefit from practicing lifelong learning. lifelong learning continuing to learn more about new technologies, new practices, and new ideas throughout your life

25 25 Work, Change, and Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning ReadingOnline forums ClassesWorkshops

26 26 When the game is finished, close the Quick Quiz window and click here for the next slide >>

27 27 Section 1.2 After You Read 1.Describe different forms of technology used in telecommuting. Computers, fax machines, mobile devices, and telephones; other answers are possible

28 28 Section 1.2 After You Read 2.List some advantages and disadvantages of the global economy. Advantages may include lower costs of labor and production for businesses, increased variety of imported goods for consumers, and possible job opportunities abroad. Disadvantages may include the loss of jobs to foreign workers and increasing competition for goods.

29 29 Section 1.2 After You Read 3.Explain why it is important to evaluate job outlooks when making career plans. Being aware of job outlooks can enable you to make good career decisions.

30 End of

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