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Office for Information Resources GIS Services Strategic Development for Enhanced Elevation in TN Dennis Pedersen, Director Department of Finance and Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Office for Information Resources GIS Services Strategic Development for Enhanced Elevation in TN Dennis Pedersen, Director Department of Finance and Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office for Information Resources GIS Services Strategic Development for Enhanced Elevation in TN Dennis Pedersen, Director Department of Finance and Administration Office for Information Resources, GIS Services TNGIC 2011: Managing Mountains of Data TNGIC 2011: Managing Mountains of Data

2 OIR – GIS Services 2 Tennessee Base Mapping Program When you come to a fork in the road… Take it!!! ~ Yogi Berra

3 OIR – GIS Services 3 Tennessee Base Mapping Program

4 OIR – GIS Services 4 Tennessee Base Mapping Program Constraints External (things we can’t control) –Poor Economy –GIS Budget cuts/new funding priorities –“Hiring Freeze” –Loss of Exec. GIS “Champion”/New Leadership Internal (things we can control) –Attitude, Motivation, Desire to learn new things –Adapt to change….must keep moving! Constraints…or New Opportunities for GIS Coordination!

5 OIR – GIS Services 5 Tennessee Base Mapping Program

6 OIR – GIS Services 6 Tennessee Base Mapping Program OIR-GIS - “Setting a new Course” Goal: Develop statewide enhanced elevation GIS dataset Key Step: Develop a business plan –Why should TN invest in elevation data? –Costs and Benefits –Requires input from TNGIC/GIS community

7 OIR – GIS Services 7 Tennessee Base Mapping Program What is LiDAR and related GIS elevation data products? – Tim Blak, Dewberry NC Elevation/LiDAR experience – Zsolt Nagy, AECOM National Elevation Assessment – Keith McFadden, USGS 2011 Elevation Business Plan Activities – Dennis Pedersen Setting the Stage for Elevation Business Planning

8 OIR – GIS Services 8 Tennessee Base Mapping Program OIR-GIS - “Setting a new Course” Goal: Develop statewide enhanced elevation GIS dataset 3 Key Elements: –Develop a Business Plan –Identify Exec. Champion –Secure Funding Proven Strategy with TNBMP How is TN going to develop the Business Plan?

9 OIR – GIS Services 9 Tennessee Base Mapping Program TN Committee on Enhanced Elevation Several unsuccessful attempts at “pilot projects” Participate in NSGIC “50 States Initiative” –Managed by FGDC –Issues annual “CAP” grants to facilitate statewide GIS coordination efforts (business plan development) OIR GIS Services submitted grant application for Enhanced Elevation Business Plan (Dec 2010) FGDC awarded Category 3 CAP grant to New Jersey and Tennessee (Feb 2011) Enhanced Elevation Business Plan Strategy

10 OIR – GIS Services 10 Tennessee Base Mapping Program Use CAP grant funding to hire contractor Developed RFP (Jan-Feb 2011) Evaluations of 3 proposals complete: 3/31/11 State issued “Preliminary Award” to: Enhanced Elevation Business Plan Strategy

11 OIR – GIS Services 11 Tennessee Base Mapping Program Facilitate Regional Workshops ½ Day meetings across TN to gather business requirements for enhanced elevation –Kingsport –Knoxville –Chattanooga –Nashville –Jackson Exact location and dates TBA (June 2011?) Business Plan: Scope of Work

12 OIR – GIS Services 12 Tennessee Base Mapping Program Conduct Interviews with TN Elevation Committee members – June/July 2011 Develop draft Business Plan and provide opportunity for review/feedback – Aug. 2011 Present results of draft Business Plan at Mid TN GIS User Forum – Fall 2011 Present results to Information Systems Council – Nov 2011 Submit final Business Plan to OIR-GIS Services and FGDC Business Plan: Scope of Work

13 OIR – GIS Services 13 Tennessee Base Mapping Program …..depends on your involvement!!! Improve communication/collaborate “Where good Ideas Come From” Be an advocate for GIS Elevation Business Plan Success….

14 OIR – GIS Services 14 Tennessee Base Mapping Program

15 OIR – GIS Services 15 Tennessee Base Mapping Program WE CAN DO IT!!!

16 OIR – GIS Services 16 Tennessee Base Mapping Program Questions????

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