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Directorate-General for Translation EUROPEAN COMMISSION Tendering for EU projects – Why and how? London, 25 September 2008 Klaus Ahrend Head of Unit S.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Directorate-General for Translation EUROPEAN COMMISSION Tendering for EU projects – Why and how? London, 25 September 2008 Klaus Ahrend Head of Unit S.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directorate-General for Translation EUROPEAN COMMISSION Tendering for EU projects – Why and how? London, 25 September 2008 Klaus Ahrend Head of Unit S.2 – External translation

2 - 2 - ATC– London - 250908 Summary  EU procurement – rules and procedures  Evaluation of tenders: Exclusion Selection Award  Figures and trends

3 - 3 - ATC– London - 250908  Legal basis EU Financial Regulation Implementing Rules  General principles Increased choice => better value for money Developing market opportunities for suppliers Transparency Fair and equal treatment Consistency, integrity and accountability EU procurement – rules and procedures (1)

4 - 4 - ATC– London - 250908  Three main award procedures Open procedure (independent of contract value) Restricted procedure following call for expression of interest (value over 60,000 €) Negotiated procedure (60,000 € max. value) applicable to Service contracts  Example Open call for tenders for translation services … EU procurement – rules and procedures (2)

5 - 5 - ATC– London - 250908  Main steps Contract notice (publication) Deadline for submission of tenders (usually 52 days) Opening (public) Evaluation of tenders Award decision Notification of tenderers Signature of contract(s) Contract execution Award notice (publication) EU procurement – rules and procedures (3)

6 - 6 - ATC– London - 250908  Exclusion criteria FR - Article 93 // possible grounds for exclusion  Bankruptcy  Grave professional misconduct  No payment of social security contributions or taxes  Fraud, corruption, etc.  …  Required document upon submission of tender Declaration on honour (evidence to be provided before signature – successful tenderers only) Evaluation of tenders - Exclusion

7 - 7 - ATC– London - 250908  Selection criteria Economic/financial, technical and professional capacity to execute the contract  Required evidence upon submission of tender ‼Always follow Specifications closely ‼Criteria and required evidence are always specific to the respective procedure !e.g. diplomas to prove specific qualification and references, invoices, worksheets to prove relevant experience Evaluation of tenders - Selection

8 - 8 - ATC– London - 250908  Award criteria Typically Quality and Price – in recent DGT calls with a weighing of 60 : 40  How quality is determined ‼Again: everything is clearly defined in the Specifications, e.g. !Working methods (i.e. recruitment of staff, assignment of jobs, consistency assurance, quality control cycle, etc.) !Team composition ‼70% threshold Evaluation of tenders – Award

9 - 9 - ATC– London - 250908 ►42 staff ►2 teams – Brussels and Luxembourg ►Annual budget of some 13 M€ ►Outsourcing rate approx. 23 % in 2007, and increasing (almost 28 % as of 31 August 2008) DGT’s External Translation unit

10 - 10 - ATC– London - 250908 Trends in translation at the Commission Note: Some source texts are in more than one language. 199720042007 Total output in pages 1,125,7091,270,5861,747,276 Proportion outsourcing 16 %23 % Source text written in English 45 %62 %72.5 % - in French 40 %26 %12.2 % - in German 5 %3.1 %2.6 % - in other EU languages 8 %9 %12.7 %

11 - 11 - ATC– London - 250908 Breakdown by target language (2007)

12 - 12 - ATC– London - 250908 Our website: Many thanks for your attention!!!

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