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PMBA 8125 Course Map and purpose. Why bother studying the management of IS? Annual worldwide expenditures on IS/IT is estimated to be between $1.7 -6.

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Presentation on theme: "PMBA 8125 Course Map and purpose. Why bother studying the management of IS? Annual worldwide expenditures on IS/IT is estimated to be between $1.7 -6."— Presentation transcript:

1 PMBA 8125 Course Map and purpose

2 Why bother studying the management of IS? Annual worldwide expenditures on IS/IT is estimated to be between $1.7 -6 TRILLION. Annual spending on the IS/IT function in Atlanta is > $20 Billion. $2 Billion of this is by two firms alone—UPS and the Hope Depot. The extant IS resource in Atlanta firms is valued at hundreds of billions $ US. Like any corporate resource –land, plant, equipment, capital or people- the IS resource needs to be managed. The IS function provides both tactical AND strategic value to the firm. For many firms poor management of this function would mean the death of the firm. Professor Truex PMBA 8125

3 Published purpose (paraphrased) Professor Truex This course addresses using information technology to position company operations to be effective, efficient and adaptable in the rapidly changing global economy while appropriately handing associated challenges, ethical concerns, and risks. Issues and various approaches involved in defining, developing or acquiring, and deploying information systems are studied within both strategic and support roles. Students will examine how information technology can be used as an enabler for business process improvement and service innovation, how to recognize business processes and assess their information-related needs, and how to develop organizational agility through business process innovations enabled by information technology. PMBA 8125

4 Published Learning Objectives Professor Truex 1.Apply information systems principles to meet business needs. 2.Articulate how information systems provide business value. 3.Assess the potential impact of information systems on business strategy and competitive advantage 4.Recommend how to organize and manage business process innovation initiatives. 5.Identify the enablers and barriers of process implementation and the key tactics for achieving successful implementation 6.Evaluate how alternative process configurations impact business agility. 7.Understand the functioning and role of the IS organization. 8.Understand the issues and opportunities associated with managing enterprise data. 9.Analyze the ways in which information systems can be acquired. 10.Understand the principles of IT project management. 11.Assess the ethical, privacy, and security issues involved in the use of information PMBA 8125

5 8125 is not… Professor Truex 1.A computer course. We will not learn microcomputer tools like excel. This would be like teaching engineers to use a slide rule. This is a much higher order class. 1.A complete coverage of the IS function. We will not cover the breath of the IS/IT function. It is simply too larger for a single course. We will delve into a handful of critical topics. Each of these topic are an entire course or even an degree program in CIS department. PMBA 8125

6 The P MBA 8125 Challenge Professor Truex PMBA 8125 Information Technology Management Why = theory Basic Building Blocks How = practice Integrate Theory and Practice Contextual knowledge for understanding concepts. Needed to keep current; no matter how the technology changes Needed to relate the pieces of theory and to build hands-on competence and confidence Text readings, course notes, discussions and lectures; case briefs (thought pieces); table-driven analysis; class discussion; shared learning exercises Skillport exercises; individual table-driven exercise; specialized articles; Team-led discussion; Team project

7 Professor Truex MBA 8125 Informatioon Technology management 7 Figure 1.1 The Information Systems Strategy Triangle Manager in the coordinating role Business Strategy Organizational Strategy Information Strategy IS strategy has consequences on the business and organizational strategies. IS Strategy is affected by the other strategies a firm uses. Changes in IS strategy must be accompanied by changes in the other two. Includes the whole concept of organizational design

8 Professor Truex MBA 8125 Informatioon Technology management 8 Figure 1.1 The Information Systems Strategy Triangle Manager in the coordinating role Business Strategy Organizational Strategy Information Strategy The corners are interlocking. Change one and all must adjust IS strategy has consequences on the business and organizational strategies. IS Strategy is affected by the other strategies a firm uses. Changes in IS strategy must be accompanied by changes in the other two. Includes the whole concept of organizational design

9 9 When & How to Innovate Main Street - new efficiencies Existing technology to new markets Established offers in existing markets to next level Surface modifications to improve customer experience. Improve customer- touching processes Reframe established value proposition Restructure industry relations

10 Key and Core Concepts Boundary Integration System Process / Business Process Standards

11 Generalized Security Design Model 11 Targets 1.Physical Hardware, facilities, people 2.Software 3.Data 4.Communications Threats 1. Destruction 2. Modification 3. Disclosure Sources 1.People 2.Mother nature Controls 1.Avoidance 2.Tolerance 3.Mitigation


13 8125 Content map Context: Strategy as the driver Firm Strategy & Information Systems Business Strategy, Organization design, IT Design triangle; Porter and the internet Process Design, Enshrinement in silicon and deployment/use Business Process perspectives Process Innovation Process and Organizational Agility / change management Business System Analysis and Process Integration Enterprise Systems (ERP/SAP) Enterprise-wide - ERP configuration SAP tutorials Sourcing of IS and other business functions (because of the IT systems) Where, by whom and how it is done Consequences: (Management Challenges and ‘the dark side’ of IT) Security & Risk Management

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