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ICS 462 Information Systems Strategy & Implementation

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1 ICS 462 Information Systems Strategy & Implementation
10/25/10 ICS 462 Information Systems Strategy & Implementation Course Outline

2 10/25/10 Course Objectives To appreciate strategic management concepts and tools To gain an in-depth understanding of information systems strategy formulation and implementation To provide the knowledge and skills necessary for information systems strategic planning and implementation To discuss relevant concepts and cases on information systems strategy and implementation

3 Why is this Course Required?
10/25/10 Why is this Course Required? Equip you with knowledge of strategic management of information systems Enable you to appreciate the organizational and management issues relating to IS planning and implementation and relate this to other relevant courses in your program Be able to evaluate the IS strategy and implementation of an organization and form a judgment and provide necessary advise to management Broaden your understanding of the role of IS in organizations and how you can maximize your contribution to an organization – in turn assist to convert you into a useful/competent IS professional

4 Course contents & materials
10/25/10 Course contents & materials Course contents Course Outline.ppt 1. Introduction to strategic management Introduction to strategic management.ppt Analytical tools in strategic management by Wendy Robson.doc 2. Analytical tools in strategic management Strategic analysis tools.ppt Strategy choice tools.ppt Strategic implementation tools.ppt

5 3. Information systems strategy and implementation
10/25/10 3. Information systems strategy and implementation Introduction to IS strategic planning.ppt Strategic alignment.ppt Strategic Alignment by Steve Clarke.doc Pap 1 - Strategic alignment by Henderson et. al.pdf Pap 2 - Using and validating the strategic alignment model Pap 3 – Assessing business-IT alignment by Luftman Pap 4 – The balanced scorecard: a foundation for the strategic management of information systems Pap 5 - Linking the IT Balanced Scorecard to the Business Objectives at a Major Canadian Financial group

6 4. Management of change associated with IS implementation
10/25/10 4. Management of change associated with IS implementation Change management.ppt Step 1 Establishing a sense of urgency by Kotter.doc Step 2 Creating the guiding coalition by Kotter.doc Step 3 Developing a vision and strategy by Kotter.doc Step 4 Communicating the change vision by Kotter.doc Step 5 Empowering employees for broad-based action by Kotter.doc Step 6 Generating short-term wins by Kotter.doc Step 7 Consolidating gains and producing more change by Kotter.doc Step 8 Anchoring new approaches in the culture by Kotter.doc

7 Delivery Methodology Lectures – to introduce academic concepts
10/25/10 Lectures – to introduce academic concepts Active learning and discussions Case discussions and presentations N.B. Discussions and presentations will enable you to: Examine related topics not covered in class Work in groups to deepen understanding of concepts and how they are applied in practice

8 Assessment 1. Course work 50% 2. Final written exam 50% N.B.
10/25/10 1. Course work 50% 2. Final written exam 50% N.B. Above course work may be amended during the course Exam questions will be based on lectures and required reading not all of which will be covered in lecturers

9 10/25/10 References “Strategic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications”, M. Gordon Hunter; Information Science Ref, 2010, ISBN: (e-book) Strategic information systems management, Kevin Grant, Ray Hackney & David Edgar (Editors), Course Technology, 2010, ISBN: “Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems”, Rober D. Galliers & Dorothy E. Leider (Editors), Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003, ISBN: (e-book) “Strategic management and business policy concepts”, Thomas L. Wheelen & J. David Hunger, 9th Edition, Perason Education, 2004 “Information Systems Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach”, Steve Clarke, Routledge London, 2001 “Strategic Management & Information Systems: An Integrated Approach”, Wendy Robson, Pitman Publishing, 1997 Managing change, John Kotter Journal articles on information systems strategic planning and strategy implementation – for discussion On-line information resources – the Internet, specific digital libraries

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