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African Health Leadership and Management Network (AHLMN) Plenary Overview of Business Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "African Health Leadership and Management Network (AHLMN) Plenary Overview of Business Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Health Leadership and Management Network (AHLMN) Plenary Overview of Business Plan

2 2 What is a business plan?  A business plan is a plan used to secure funding for a new product, service or business opportunity, or to expand current products and services to new or larger markets.  It focuses on a new business opportunity that makes it possible for your organization to serve your clients in dramatically new ways.

3 3 Components of a business plan  Executive Summary  Description of organization  Who is AHLMN? Include information on management structure  What does AHLMN do and what is its expertise? What are the products and services?  What differentiates AHLMN from other networks in the region?  Who are the stakeholders / who is AHLMN’s “market”?  Proposed new product/services  Market analysis, including competitors  Description of the new products/services – what they are and what they are not  Why these products/services are need – what is the market demand for such programs/services?  Marketing/promotion of products/services: how does AHLMN plan to do this?  Financials  Analysis and financial projections of what it will cost to launch products/services and maintain for 3-5 years  Financial health of AHLMN

4 4 History of AHLMN’s business plan  Developed by founding members of AHLMN with collaboration from Strathmore Business School  Developed in 2009 and revised in 2010 to cover the period 2010 – 2012  Once approved by Steering Committee, business plan shared with members

5 5 Overview of AHLMN’s existing business plan Introduction 1.Mission 2.Objectives 3.Key Functions and Responsibilities of the Network Organization Structure of the Network 1.Background 2.Structure of Membership, including Proposed Membership Fee Structure 3.Legal Status 4.Management Summary, including Organization Structure and The Secretariat 5.Functions and Responsibilities of the Network to the Members 6.Functions and Responsibilities of the Network to the Healthcare System Ma

6 6 Overview of AHLMN’s existing business plan Market Analysis 1.Market Segment Strategy 2.Target Market Segment Survey 3.Competitor Analysis Start-up Activities and Costs Strategy and Implementation 1.Marketing Strategy 2.Quality Assurance 3.Fundraising Strategy, including Important Assumptions and Funding Forecast 4.Start-up Milestones Conclusion

7 7 AHLMN’s existing business plan – Mission and Vision Mission The Network’s mission is to contribute for the improvement of the health services in Africa through the strengthening of the management and leadership of institutions that are part of the health sector. Vision The Network´s vision is to see improvements and strengthening of the health sector management and leadership in Africa and contribute for better health services and better health for inhabitants of Africa. Ma

8 8 AHLMN’s existing business plan - Objectives The Network is established to share and expand healthcare leadership and management expertise in Africa. Our strategic objectives are to: 1.Expand healthcare leadership and management technical assistance – including human resource development -to requesting countries, by pooling human and technical resources to create greater synergy and impact; 2. Facilitate intra-regional integration and exchange of knowledge, services and expertise; 3. Agree benchmarks and standards (or good practices) for improving the performance of its members; 4. Serve as a forum for collective advocacy for resources to support health service delivery and efforts by African countries to attain MDG targets through better management.

9 9 AHLMN’s existing business plan – Key Functions & Responsibilities  Developing strong formalized training methodologies for leadership and management in healthcare services including input into the design of education and training curricula; policy and procedures; qualifications and duties; and feedback reporting.  Mapping of health leadership and management training service providers  Promoting best practices in healthcare leadership and management  Ensuring quality and credibility of health leadership and management training in Africa  Facilitating technical assistance to the healthcare system  Advocacy to improve health sector leadership, management and services delivery  Research in the leadership and management of healthcare systems  Maintaining low overhead and liability a

10 10 AHLMN member survey results – who are the members?

11 11 Opportunity for AHLMN – diversification of members Current status  Focus on institutional v. individual memberships  Current membership does not reflect diversity and true composition of health system  Full member $1,000/year  Corporate/Associate member $500/year  Individual member $250/year

12 12 Opportunity for AHLMN – diversification of members Opportunity and action item for Steering Committee’s consideration  revise classification and implement tiered fee structure Organizational member  For profit  Non-profit/academic  Governmental Individual member  Student/early career (26 years old or under)  Mid-career/senior professional  Retired professional

13 13 AHLMN member survey results – why did they join?

14 14 AHLMN member surveys – what could network do?

15 15 Results of AHLMN member surveys – what could network do?

16 16 Opportunity for AHLMN – clarification of services/products Opportunity and action item for Steering Committee’s consideration  Clarify and prioritize services and products  What is the need?  Conduct additional survey of potential members  What are the products/services of AHLMN?  How relevant are these? How sellable are these to attract diversified members? Progress report’s 4 categories  Training of ToT  Replication of LMG training/curricula  Gathering of evidence  Advocacy

17 Eva Ros, MBA MPH Director, Global Partnerships & Advocacy +1 703 310 3474 @LMGforHealth Thank you

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