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Computing and SE II Chapter 5: Requirements Analysis

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1 Computing and SE II Chapter 5: Requirements Analysis
Er-Yu Ding Software Institute, NJU

2 Main Contents Models of Requirement Analysis
Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram Structural Analysis: State Transition Diagram Object-Oriented Analysis: Use Case Diagram Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram Object-Oriented Analysis: CRC Card Writing the Software Specification

3 1. Models of Requirement Analysis ——Requirements analysis
Outcome of Analysis 现实世界 计算世界 用户模型 分析模型 计算模型 Analysis

4 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— The Analysis Model
The analysis model consists of a wide variety of diagrammatic forms used to bridge an important gap. System Description Design Model Analysis System information System function System behaviors Purpose: Describe what the customer wants built Establish the foundation for the software design Provide a set of validation requirements

5 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— Model
What is a model? a model is a simplification of reality Why do we model? we build models so that we can better understand the system we are developing we build models of complex systems because we cannot comprehend such a system in its entirety four aims to achieve help us to visualize a system permit us to specify the structure/behavior of a system give us a template that guides us in constructing systems document the decisions we have made

6 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— Software Model
A model is an abstract representation of a system that enables us to answer questions about the system. When we represent it with real world language, it’s user model When we represent it with computing world language, it’s design model When we represent it with codes, it’s program model When we represent it with a neutral, formal language, it’s analysis model

7 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— How to represent software model?
Describes necessary and complete knowledge Stakeholders can get what they want Decision makers Users ,clients… Developers Analyst Designer Programmer Integrator Developers can develop software according to software model Data, behavior, business rules…


9 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— Model and View
Model, views, viewpoints, and stakeholders A model is a simplification of reality, created in order to better understand the system being created; a semantically closed abstraction of a system A stakeholder is an individual, team, or organization (or classes thereof) with interests in, or viewpoints relative to, a system A content type is an kind of information needed for software development

10 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— Viewpoints, perspectives and views
Viewpoint is defined as a standing position used by an individual when examining a universe of discourse (Stakeholders Roles) A perspective is defined as a set of facts observed and modelled according to a particular aspect of reality (Certain type content observed from some viewpoint) A view is defined as an integration of related perspectives, usually using two kinds of methods According to viewpoint (all perspectives observed by some stakeholders role on different content types) According to content type (all perspectives observed by different stakeholders on some content types)

11 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— Describing Perspectives
A perspective language is used to represent the observed information of the perspectives Text, Diagram (semi-formal language), Formal Language… The language defines the set of units and their associations that can be used to describe perspectives Languages N:M perspectives There is no semi-formal or formal language can describe all kinds of perspectives

12 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— Common Perspectives Languages
UML Object diagram Classification model Behavioral diagram OCL Use case diagram Entity-Relationship Diagram Composition( semantic data) model Process Model (DFD) Data processing model State Machine Model Stimulus/response model Fact Model Entity-event model Object Role Model Organization model Petri Nets ……

13 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— Analysis Model – Structural
Data dictionary ERD DFD STD Control Specification (CSPEC) Data Object description Process specification (PSPEC) Data Behavior Function

14 1. Models of Requirement Analysis —— OO Analysis Model - UML
Object State-chart diagram Interaction diagram Class diagram Object diagram Use case diagram Activity diagram Data Behavior Function

15 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram ——Data Modeling
Examines data objects independently of processing Focuses attention on the data domain Creates a model at the customer’s level of abstraction Indicates how data objects relate to one another Automobile Person Make Model Body type Price Color Birthday Height Weight Expertise

16 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram —— What is a Data Object?
—something that is described by a set of attributes (data items) and that will be manipulated within the software (system) each instance of an object (e.g., a book) can be identified uniquely (e.g., ISBN #) each plays a necessary role in the system i.e., the system could not function without access to instances of the object each is described by attributes that are themselves data items

17 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram —— Typical Objects
external entities (printer, user, sensor) things (e.g, reports, displays, signals) occurrences or events (e.g., interrupt, alarm) roles (e.g., manager, engineer, salesperson) organizational units (e.g., division, team) places (e.g., manufacturing floor) structures (e.g., employee record) Automobile Person

18 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram —— Data Objects and Attributes
A data object contains a set of attributes that act as an aspect, quality, characteristic, or descriptor of the object Automobile Person Make Model Body type Price Color Birthday Height Weight Expertise

19 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram ——Relationship
Connectedness A fact that must be remembered by the system and cannot or is not computed or derived Several instance of a relationship can exist Entity can be related in many ways own

20 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram ——Cardinality and Multiplicity
own Automobile Person Make Model Body type Price Color Birthday Height Weight Expertise

21 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram —— ERD Notation
One common form: (0, m) object relationship object 1 2 (1, 1) attribute Another common form: object relationship object 1 2 (0, m) (1, 1) attribute

22 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram —— The ERD: An Example
request for service Customer places (1,1) (1,m) (1,1) standard task table (1,n) work order generates (1,1) (1,1) (1,1) selected from work tasks (1,w) consists of (1,w) (1,i) materials lists

23 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram —— Building an ERD
Level 1—model all data objects (entities) and their “connections” to one another Level 2—model all entities and relationships Level 3—model all entities, relationships, and the attributes that provide further depth

24 2. Structural Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram ——ERD- Let’s try it

25 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram ——Flow Oriented Model
Represents how data objects are transformed at they move through the system A data flow diagram (DFD) is the diagrammatic form that is used Considered by many to be an ‘old school’ approach, flow-oriented modeling continues to provide a view of the system that is unique—it should be used to supplement other analysis model elements

26 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— The Flow Model
Every computer-based system is an information transform .... computer based system input output

27 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Flow Modeling Notation
external entity process data flow data store

28 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— External Entity
A producer or consumer of data Examples: a person, a device, a sensor Another example: computer-based system Data must always originate somewhere and must always be sent to something

29 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Process
A data transformer (changes input to output) Examples: compute taxes, determine area, format report, display graph Data must always be processed in some way to achieve system function

30 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Data Flow
Data flows through a system, beginning as input and be transformed into output. base compute triangle area area height

31 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Data Stores
Data is often stored for later use. sensor # sensor #, type, location, age look-up sensor data report required type, location, age sensor number sensor data

32 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Data Flow Diagramming
all icons must be labeled with meaningful names the DFD evolves through a number of levels of detail always begin with a context level diagram (also called level 0) always show external entities at level 0 always label data flow arrows do not represent procedural logic

33 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram ——Level 0 (Context Diagram)
user video source monitor processing request NTSC video signal requested video signal digital video processor

34 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Constructing a DFD—I
review the descriptions and use a grammatical parse to determine “operations” determine external entities (producers and consumers of data) create a level 0 DFD

35 write a narrative describing the transform
3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Constructing a DFD—Refine Process write a narrative describing the transform parse to determine next level transforms “balance” the flow to maintain data flow continuity develop a level 1 DFD

36 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Level 1
b x P y level 0 p1 p2 p3 p4 5 a b c d e f g level 1

37 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Flow Modeling Notes
Each bubble is refined until it does just one thing The expansion ratio decreases as the number of levels increase Most systems require between 3 and 7 levels for an adequate flow model

38 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Using PSPEC
Process Specification (PSPEC) can be used to specify the processing details implied by a process within a DFD bubble PSPEC narrative pseudocode (PDL) equations tables diagrams and/or charts

39 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Using PSPEC
Check & convert pressure PSPEC If absolute tank pressure > max pressure then set above pressure to “true”; else set above pressure to “false”; begin conversion algorithm x-01a; compute converted pressure; end end if

40 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— Mapping to design model
analysis model Maps into design model

41 3. Structural Analysis: Data Flow Diagram —— DFD- Let’s try it

42 4. Structural Analysis: State Transition Diagram ——Behavioral modeling
The behavioral model indicates how software will respond to external events or stimuli. events behavior Outside world Application How do I model the software's reaction to some external event?

43 4. Structural Analysis: State Transition Diagram —— Basic concept
a set of observable circum-stances that characterizes the behavior of a system at a given time State transition: the movement from one state to another Event: an occurrence that causes the system to exhibit some predictable form of behavior Action: process that occurs as a consequence of making a transition

44 4. Structural Analysis: State Transition Diagram —— State Modeling
Make a list of the different states of a system (How does the system behave?) Indicate how the system makes a transition from one state to another (How does the system change state?) indicate event indicate action Draw a state transition diagram

45 4. Structural Analysis: State Transition Diagram ——Notation and Example
Event button1&2Pressed button1Pressed button2Pressed Increment Minutes Hours Blink Seconds Stop Blinking Initial state Transition button1&2Pressed Final state

46 4. Structural Analysis: State Transition Diagram —— State Diagram - Lets Try It!
North You are designing a traffic light system for this intersection. Draw a state diagram showing the different states and how they transition. West East South

47 5. Object-Oriented Analysis: Use Case Diagram —— Use-Cases
“[Use-cases] are simply an aid to defining what exists outside the system (actors) and what should be performed by the system (use-cases).” –Ivar Jacobson Key Points: A scenario that describes a thread of usage for achieving a functional requirement Actors represent roles people, devices, or external systems play System internals are ignored Example: See Pressman Chapter 8, Section 8.5.1

48 Remember why we’re interested in use-cases!
5. Object-Oriented Analysis: Use Case Diagram —— The Key Elements of a Use-Case A descriptive name for the scenario e.g., “Customer Checkout”, “Browse Products” The primary actor in the scenario Who is interacting with the system? The primary actor’s goal What is the actor trying to accomplish? Scenario pre-conditions What assumptions are being made? Scenario trigger How was the scenario initiated? The “sunny day” scenario In the best case, how does the user interact with the system? Exceptions What might go wrong? Remember why we’re interested in use-cases!

49 5. Object-Oriented Analysis: Use Case Diagram —— Developing a Use-Case
(1) What should we write about? (2) How much should we write about it? (3) How detailed should we make our description? (4) How should we organize the description? What are the main tasks or functions that are performed by the actor? What system information will the actor acquire, produce or change? Will the actor have to inform the system about changes in the external environment? Does the actor wish to be informed about unexpected changes?

50 5. Object-Oriented Analysis: Use Case Diagram ——Use Case Diagram - Let’s Try It
The Online Bookstore The Online Bookstore System (OBS) will be a web-based application that allows customers to browse and purchase online product offerings. The application will support the notion of an online shopping cart, similar to other online retailers such as The checkout features of the system will be integrated with our credit card transaction processor, as well as our internal billing system. The system will also provide an administrator-view that will allow authorized employees to view and administer products, customers, and orders. Based on this description, what are the key use-cases? Select one key use-case, describes it.

51 5. Object-Oriented Analysis: Use Case Diagram —— Use-Case Diagrams
You’ll probably have a lot of use-cases! Use case diagrams (UCD) provide a diagrammatic table of contents, and a high-level overview of the system. Diagrams Show: Actors Use-cases Relationships among them Example UCD

52 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram ——Object Models
Object models describe the system in terms of object classes An object class is an abstraction over a set of objects with common attributes and the services (operations) provided by each object Key concepts: Classes and objects Attributes and operations Encapsulation Association and Link Inheritance Aggregation (Composition) Polymorphism

53 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Objects
Natural ways of reflecting the real-world entities manipulated by the system Object class identification is recognised as a difficult process requiring a deep understanding of the application domain Object classes reflecting domain entities are reusable across systems

54 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram ——Attributes and operations
Class name attributes operations

55 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Encapsulation/Hiding
The object encapsulates both data and the logical procedures required to manipulate the data method # 1 method # 2 data method # 3 method # 6 method # 5 method # 4 Achieves “information hiding”

56 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Associations and Dependencies
Two analysis classes are often related to one another in some fashion In UML these relationships are called associations Associations can be refined by indicating multiplicity (the term cardinality is used in data modeling If there are associations between classes, then there are links between instances of the classes

57 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Association

58 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram ——Inheritance
Organise the domain object classes into a hierarchy Classes at the top of the hierarchy reflect the common features of all classes Object classes inherit their attributes and services from one or more super-classes. these may then be specialised as necessary

59 User class hierarchy

60 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Object Aggregation
Aggregation model shows how classes which are collections are composed of other classes Similar to the part-of relationship in semantic data models

61 Object Aggregation

62 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Class-Based Modeling
Identify analysis classes by examining the problem statement Use a “grammatical parse” to isolate potential classes Identify the attributes of each class Identify operations that manipulate the attributes

63 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Identifying Analysis Classes
occurrences roles things organizational units places external entities structures class name attributes: operations:

64 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Class Selection Criteria
Retained information Needed services Multiple attributes Common attributes Common operations Essential requirements

65 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram ——Class Selection
The SafeHome security function enables the homeowner to configure the security system when it is installed, monitors all sensors connected to the security system, and interacts with the homeowner through the Internet, a PC, or a control panel. During installation, the SafeHome PC is used to program and configure the system. Each sensor is assigned a number and type, a master password is programmed for arming and disarming the system, and telephone number(s) are input for dialing when a sensor event occurs. When a sensor event is recognized, the software invokes an audible alarm attached to the system. After a delay time that is specified by the homeowner during system configuration activities, the software dials a telephone number of a monitoring service, provides information about the location, reporting the nature of the event that has been detected. The telephone number will be redialed every 20 seconds until a telephone connection is obtained. The homeowner receives security information via a control panel, the PC, or a browser, collectively called an interface. The interface displays prompting messages and system status information on the control panel, the PC, or the browser window. Homeowner interaction takes the following form…

66 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Identifying Classes
Retained information Needed services Multiple attributes Common attributes Common operations Essential requirements Potential class Classification Accept / Reject homeowner role; external entity reject: 1, 2 fail sensor external entity accept control panel installation occurrence reject (security) system thing number, type not objects, attributes reject: 3 fails master password telephone number sensor event audible alarm accept: 1 fails monitoring service organizational unit; ee

67 6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Let’s Try It
6. Object-Oriented Analysis: Class Diagram —— Let’s Try It. Class Diagram University Bank will be opening in Oxford, Mississippi, in January, We plan to use a full service automated teller machine (ATM) system.The ATM system will interact with the customer through a display screen, numeric and special input keys, a bankcard reader, a deposit slot, and a receipt printer.Customers may make deposits, withdrawals, and balance inquires using the ATM machine, but the update to accounts will be handled through an interface to the Accounts system.Customers will be assigned a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and clearance level by the Security system. The PIN can be verified prior to any transaction.In the future, we would also like to support routine operations such as a change of address or phone number using the ATM Nouns are your classes Verbs are your methods

68 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram ——Behavioral Diagram
State Chart State Transition Diagram Interaction Diagram Sequence Diagram Communication Diagram Activity Diagram

69 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram ——System behaviour modelling with States Chart
The behavioral model indicates how software will respond to external events or stimuli. To create the model, the analyst must perform the following steps: Evaluate all use-cases to fully understand the sequence of interaction within the system. Identify events that drive the interaction sequence and understand how these events relate to specific objects. Build a state diagram for the system. Review the behavioral model to verify accuracy and consistency.

70 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram —— Identifying Events
A use-case is examined for points of information exchange. The homeowner uses the keypad to key in a four-digit password. The password is compared with the valid password stored in the system. If the password in incorrect, the control panel will beep once and reset itself for additional input. If the password is correct, the control panel awaits further action.

71 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram —— State Diagram
State diagram for the ControlPanel class

72 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram —— System behaviour modelling with Sequence Diagram
A behavioural model shows the interactions between objects to produce some particular system behaviour that is specified as a use-case Sequence diagrams (or collaboration diagrams) in the UML are used to model interaction between objects

73 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram —— Sequence Diagram

74 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram ——Let’s Try It!
Give a correct version for figure 8-21.

75 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram —— System behaviour modelling with Activity Diagram
Supplements the use-case by providing a diagrammatic representation of procedural flow How might we make this better?

76 7. Object-Oriented Analysis: Behavioral Diagram —— System behaviour modelling with Activity Diagram
Swimlane Diagrams Allows the modeler to represent the flow of activities described by the use-case and at the same time indicate which actor (if there are multiple actors involved in a specific use-case) or analysis class has responsibility for the action described by an activity rectangle

77 8. Object-Oriented Analysis: CRC Card ——CRC Modeling
CRC : Class-Responsibility- Collaborator Analysis classes have “responsibilities” Responsibilities are the attributes and operations encapsulated by the class Analysis classes collaborate with one another Collaborators are those classes that are required to provide a class with the information needed to complete a responsibility. In general, a collaboration implies either a request for information or a request for some action.

78 8. Object-Oriented Analysis: CRC Card ——CRC Card

79 9. Writing the Software Specification
Everyone knew exactly what had to be done until someone wrote it down!

80 The End Next Lecture Software Design

81 Reviews 为选课系统建立ERD描述 用DFD描述ATM机的功能 用STD描述十字路口红绿灯

82 A First Level DFD System Customer clock Database Printer 1.0 3.0 4.0
ATM card no System clock Customer Requested transaction service PIN prompts 1.0 Verify Customer ID 3.0 Process Transaction 4.0 Perform accounting 2.0 Initial Transaction Database Lost-stolen_list Printer

83 Back

84 State Diagrams (Traffic light example)
Start Traffic Light State Red Transition Yellow timer expires Yellow Car trips sensor Green timer expires Green Event

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