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Human Resource Management

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1 Human Resource Management
Week 1 Introduction Welcome to the first week of MGT 340. This week we’ll be covering chapters 1 through 2 in your textbook. Even though I only cover a few of the major points within the chapters, please be sure that you understand all of the concepts within the chapters because the rest of the semester assumes you have a strong grasp of these foundational issues. If anything is unclear, submit your question on “Ask Your Professor” section in Blackboard. MGT 340

2 What do HR professionals Do?
Analysis & design of work Recruitment & selection Training & development Performance management Compensation and benefits Employee relations Personnel policies Legal compliance Support for strategy In addition to the list of responsibilities shown on this slide, HR professionals are advocates for both the company & its employees. Consequently, good HR professionals perform a constant balancing act to meet both needs sufficiently.

Filing paperwork needed in the hiring Dealing with and explaining benefits Processing payroll

4 So What’s Changed? NEW HR Role Serving as a strategic business partner
Creating high-performance organizations by linking HR practices, policies, and rewards to the organization’s goals and objectives Acting as an ethical compass for the company Being PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE to employee relations issues So what’s really changed? HR has moved from being the paper filer and keeper of records to the strategic business partner that helps implement the policies and procedures that influence the bottom line. How has it made this drastic change? Organizations with progressive HR department have seen HR turn from a reactive dept to a proactive dept. For example, in the traditional role, HR departments help with hiring when they receive a call from a dpt’s hiring manager telling them that an opening does or will exist. In a progressive company, HR will keep accurate and updated records of staffing trends. Using this data, they’ll predict when staffing needs exist and find the candidate before the need exists. They also use company goals such as

5 Trends in Human Resource Management
Age: People are working longer and not retiring; four generations in the workplace Diversity: Gender, disabilities (visible and invisible), English-as-a-second-language, sexual orientation, socio-economic backgrounds, marital status, military status Skill Deficiencies: technical, COMMUNICATION (written & verbal), interpersonal, education Aging Workforce Skill Deficiencies Diverse Workforce The book highlights 3 major trends in the demographics of the U.S. workplace First, we see that we have an aging workforce. People in the US are living longer and maintaining their ability to work much longer than before. In addition, because of the economy and the collapse of their investments, some are no longer able to retire at 65 and need to continue working to support themselves. Other older people choose not to retire because they are still taking care of the 20, 30 and 40 year old children who refuse to move out. Or many have been left the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. With 4 different generations in the workplace you have to be aware that there will be a huge difference in how they are motivated, their expectations and their communication styles. For example, Someone in the 20s might expect an immediate response to their , while someone older may expect that responding within 48 hrs is typical. Someone in their might expect you to send an to set up an appointment while someone in their 20s might expect you to send a text message and someone 50+ might expect that you pick up the phone or just walk over to their office.


7 Other Workplace Trends
Teamwork Knowledge Workers Employee Empowerment Downsizing Mergers & Acquisitions Outsourcing The last important set of trends I’ll highlight are shown here. Please make sure that you read Chapters 1-2 thoroughly to gain a strong understanding of each trend. In addition, please make sure that you understand everything in the chapters--- not just what I’ve highlighted in these 6 slides. Once you have a firm grasp on the content of the chapters, please take the quiz. Then respond to the media minute. Finally, start corresponding with your group to compose the answers for the Carter Cleaning Centers case.

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