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On-site or as a service: E&I is easy to implement.

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Presentation on theme: "On-site or as a service: E&I is easy to implement."— Presentation transcript:

1 On-site or as a service: E&I is easy to implement

2 Payment enquiries challenges Save costs Comply with regulation Reduce risk Improve customer service Only 5% automated Labour intensive Growing volumes due to FAFT SR7 Payments under investigation Long turn-around time No transparency on enquiry status

3 E&I is easy to implement Manual message creation  Alliance Messenger Case management application  Easy E&I from SWIFT  Choice from SWIFTReady vendors Connected via service bureau No own case management application Low enquiry volumes => Choice from service bureaux Service bureau Case Management application Case Management application E&I as a service On-site

4 An E&I solution for everyone Exceptions and Investigations 4 2010 planned : E&I application providers E&I service bureaus Take the opportunity to visit them at Sibos! 2011 planned :

5 Customer viewpoint BNY Mellon Mr. Jeremy Phelps, Lead Business Systems Analyst – Global Operations Abanka Mr. Stefan Volk, Director Interbank Relations Sloval Guarantee and Development Bank represented by Digital Systems Mr. Peter Hasko, Chief Sales Officer

6 BNY Mellon In –house implementation of E&I Mr. Jeremy Phelps

7 Agenda I.Operational Statistics II.Decision / Project Details III.E&I Process IV.Benefits / Lessons Learned V.Future Initiatives

8 Operational Statistics Payments and inquiries processed in several locations globally Over 450 employees dedicated to funds transfer 165,000+ payments processed daily 4 th largest FED/CHIPS participant by volume 3,000+ inquiries processed daily Automation of 10 – 20 % inquiry volume 6 th largest shareholder on SWIFT Network of 2,000 correspondent banks in 100+ markets

9 Decision / Project Details Built on existing CRM inquiry application Drivers –Cost –Time –Ease of use –Existing technology Project timeline (1 year duration) 2 months to establish requirements 3 months to design 3 months to build 4 months to test and implement

10 E&I Process Inbound E&I message Translates inbound XML into tag-based format System determines if message (or case) can be automated –Converts outbound message if necessary Message is transformed into user-friendly attachment to case Inbound non-E&I message System determines appropriate action and checks outbound party for E&I eligibility –System uses information from inbound message to automate outbound E&I SWIFT E&I Message E&I Bank or Corporate BNY Mellon Middleware – XML Translator XML Message Translated Message CRM Application Outbound E&I Message SWIFT FIN or Other Outbound Message Types

11 Benefits / Lessons Learned E&I will help increase the amount of qualifying STP cases STP messages are more concise (less ambiguity) Overall case processing time is reduced Reduced staff training time (E&I vs. FIN) Provides a facility to handle newly defined global compliance standards (FATF SRVII) Prepare a training program and material before implementation Utilize the expertise of business partners for “best practice”, testing, and implementation advice –E&I Task Force –

12 E&I Future Initiatives Phase III Completion – Work to automate more difficult E&I workflows Continue to be active members of the E&I community and Task Force Work with both clients and partners to encourage industry uptake Share our experience with others

13 For questions about this presentation please contact:

14 E&I implementation with Easy E&I Mr. Stefan Volk

15 1991: Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 2004 : Member of EU 2007 : Adoption of EUR currency 1955: Foundation of Abanka as subsidiary of Jugobanka 1989: Independent bank – Abanka 2008: Listed on Ljubljana Stock Exchange Universal Banking Network of 41 branches in Slovenia 3th largest bank in Slovenia with 8.9% market share Euromoney award 2010 The Banker award 2009 About Abanka

16 Some figures 250 payment enquiries per month Processing channels: structured and unstructured MTs (n95,n96,n92, n99), e-mails, fax Challenges & wishes Heavy manual processing No dedicated resources No existing investigations system Wish for short time-to-market Bank strategy to remain at forefront of technological modernisation and rationalisation Easy E&I Operational aspects of E&I project

17 “Extended”“Off the shelf” SWIFT Alliance Access/Entry Case management application Payments messages Inquiry messages (MT, MX) Payment application All “off the shelf” features Retrieves underlying payment from payment application Multiple BICs and subsidiaries Integrates with Alliance Access / Entry Off-the-shelf case management functionalities and embedded intuitive workflows Handles MT and MX messages Powerful search engine Secure, role base access Multi-user Abanka choose for Easy E&I Off-the-shelf Easy E&I

18 Set up Pilot Project Group (PPG) within Abanka: 4 staff members headed Ms Natalija Šega, Head of Payments 2010 July 2009 Sign-up for Easy E&I (incl. Access to E&I and Expertus application Decision to participate in Easy E&I pilot Aug. 2009 Download of Easy E&I application Sept. 2009 Oct. 2009 Integration with Alliance Access application Start counterparty testing with BNY Mellon Internal testing Nov. 2009 End successful counterparty testing Go live with E&I Dec. 2009 Abanka became first Easy E&I adopter, in May 2010! E&I project experience & timeline

19 E&I benefits for Abanka Centralised evidence of investigations, providing a proper audit trail Increase in operational efficiency –Easy and direct access to full investigation case information instead of time consuming paper document retrieval –Unified way of solving investigations across departments –Possibility of duplicate cases eliminated Enhanced customer service thanks to faster enquiries resolution Cost savings –Better use of time of highly qualified workers –Reduction of paper and other communication channels Environmental benefit –Paper reduction

20 Concluding remarks Through the pilot experience, Abanka was able to evaluate all parameters of Easy E&I offering –Economical aspect –Response time –User friendliness –Suitability within our business environment Abanka is an active supporter and promoter of Easy E&I –Presented in SWIFT user communities in Romania, Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia Hercegovina Contact Abanka to learn more about Easy E&I and our experience

21 Natalija Šega, team leader tel.: +386 1 47 18 314 e-mail: Grega Zadnik, SWIFT manager tel.: +386 1 47 18 557 e-mail: Štefan Volk, Director of Interbank Relations tel.: +386 1 47 18 435 e-mail: Nataša Klepec, E&I specialist tel.: +386 1 47 18 309 e -mail: Sead Duračković, IT technical expert tel.: +386 1 47 18 507 e-mail: E&I pilot team Žiga Žerjal, Relationship Manager tel.: +386 1 47 18 433 e-mail: Interbank Relations Contact details

22 Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank E&I implementation via a service bureau Mr. Peter Hasko

23 About SZRB and Digital Systems Digital Systems A SWIFT Service Bureau providing SWIFT connectivity and SWIFT products and services such as “Software as a Service” to banks and financial institutions Provides E&I solution for SZRB via its’ SWIFT Service Bureau Visit us at our stand A721 to get more information regarding E&I and other solutions running in our SWIFT Service Bureau Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank (SZRB) State-owned bank in Slovakia Focused on development small and medium sized businesses in Slovakia Supports towns, municipalities, corporates etc. A small bank with – ca. 200 payments per month – 2-5 investigations per month January 2010 started deposit products for their corporate clients expecting increase of investigations

24 Small number of investigations Limited resources Expecting increase in investigations from corporates Looking to automate processes in a clear, transparent and cost-effective way Already connected to SWIFT network via Digital Systems service bureau, which offers E&I service Obvious choice for SZRB to sign-up for the E&I service offered by their service bureau Investigations profile of SZRB

25 Implementation set-up E&I offering of Digital Systems includes access to Case management system MSIT- EXIN To the bank’s own payments archive To e-mails, faxes, SAP, AML system Any bank information system BIS SAP Service Bureau E&I Case Management System Messaging Interface MX MT Messaging Payments

26 Adopt E&I in very short timeframe – up to 4 weeks Minimal upfront investment No maintenance of an own investigation system Central investigations hub and integration with all the bank’s back-office systems allowing any investigator/ department to easily access all investigation cases and related information in one central point Very cost effective solution Benefits of « E&I via Service Bureau » for SZRB “Our major challenge was to centralise all our payments investigations with one central investigation hub.” Jozef Galis Director of the Accounting and Reporting Section at SZRB

27 Concluding remarks By using E&I SZRB: Can rapidly respond to customer enquiries Obtained increased operational efficiency of its staff and procedures Added a competitive advantage to its offering for corporates Was able to centralise all investigations to provide a clear audit trail

28 Radoslav Hromy – Account Manager Tel: +421 2 634 525 37 E-mail: Peter Paprskar – Director of information systems Tel: +421 2 572 92 178 E-mail: Peter Hasko – Head of Sales Tel: +421 2 634 525 37 E-mail: SRZB Digital Systems (Sibos A721) Jozef Galis – Director of the accounting and Reporting Section Tel.: +421 2 572 92 644 E-mail: Contact details


30 Questions &Answers

31 Presentation title – dd month yyyy – Confidentiality: xxx31 The colour palette Use the defined colour palette Don’t use other colours or fill- effects The standard font colour is black Use Oxblood red to emphasise text Primary colours Supporting colours R 151% G 2% B 84% R 242% G 140% B 163% R 148% G 157% B 158% R 160% G 207% B 235% R 240% G 171% B 0% R 181% G 218% B 210% R 0% G 155% B 187% R 44% G 94% B 79% R 183% G 18% B 52% R 118% G 106% B 98% R 105% G 54% B 149% R 149% G 74% B 9% R 255% G 204% B 0% R 204% G 102% B 51% R 181% G 163% B 0% R 130% G 124% B 52% R 151% G 35% B 63% R 192% G 192% B 192% R 204% G 102% B 51% R 151% G 35% B 63%

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