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Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln By Sarah. Childhood/early life Abraham Lincoln looked up to George Washington. He read books about him. Abe wanted to go.

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Presentation on theme: "Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln By Sarah. Childhood/early life Abraham Lincoln looked up to George Washington. He read books about him. Abe wanted to go."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln By Sarah

2 Childhood/early life Abraham Lincoln looked up to George Washington. He read books about him. Abe wanted to go to school.

3 Family Abe. had a sister named Sarah. His dad’s name is Tomas Lincoln. His moms name is Nancy Hank. Tomas Sarah Nacny

4 Accomplishments 16 th president of the U.S. Fought in the civil war. Stopped slavery.

5 Contributions Abraham Lincoln got marred to a woman named Mary Todd. This is Marry Todd !!!

6 Time line 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born 1818 read books about gorge Washington 1831 worked at a store 1860 elected for president 1865 Abraham Lincoln died

7 WebsitesWebsites Lincoln html Home Showcase.netins. net/web/creative/Lincoln/time line.htm W.w.w.. eiu.~ wow /Lincoln chid.html – ? Qid = 2008 121455525 aaoenjp.

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