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HOSA in the Classroom.

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1 HOSA in the Classroom

2 Why HOSA in the Classroom?
HOSA is an integral part of the Health Occupations Education program and provides an enhancement to the objectives taught in the classroom. The value of HOSA competitive events program is two-fold.

3 First Teachers can use the program as a motivational and recognition tool by encouraging students to participate in local, district, state and national CE. The opportunity to compete against other students from rival school and states can be motivating for many students. We are going to look at HOSA in the classroom but first I want to give you a look at the origins and purpose of the competitive events program – the part that happens outside the classroom.

4 In order to be successful in CE, most students must spend hours upon hours outside the classroom – studying, practicing and learning. This extra work translates into future academic and career success! Second Teachers can also use the competitive events program tools to enhance classroom instruction.

5 Why does HOSA Sponsor a National Competitive Events Program?
HOSA’s origins are in the curriculum - When HOSA was created as an integral part of the curriculum, it was designed to support and reinforce classroom learning outcomes – not the other way around. HOSA’s purpose is learning - What HOSA does is motivate students to learn. HOSA conferences, events, and partnerships all motivate Health Science Technology Education students to do more than would be reasonable within the classroom walls. HOSA’s origins are in the curriculum -.    HOSA’s purpose is learning -    HOSA’s learning value reaches program content and beyond -

6 HOSA's learning value reaches program content and beyond.
HOSA members learn HOE goals and competencies, and they learn them well. They also learn about leadership, responsibility, teamwork, communication, and other “real world” skills.

7 Competitive Events as a powerful instructional tool.
When you focus on the purpose of the competitive events program, you focus on achieving HOE goals. The goals are achieved through the process – not the reward! What are the REAL goals?

8 Learning Fun (relationships) Self-respect and personal satisfaction These goals are achieved when students take part in the competitive events program. They are not dependent on “winning” but rather on participating in the process.

9 The recognition and awards are NOT the goal - they are the reward we use to motivate students to achieve the goals.  

10 Guiding Thoughts about Competitive Events
The priority is to offer the best learning experience possible through Health Occupations Education. HOSA is a part of that process.    The value of competitive events happens before the competition. It is the learning that takes place in the days, weeks and months BEFORE the competition.   

11 The competitive events program is designed to be comprehensive, challenging, and efficient, with minimal duplication of effort.    The competitive events program is not just a bunch of events – it’s a comprehensive PROGRAM.

12 Participation in the HOSA National Competitive Events program can reinforce classroom learning.
Quite often we see an improvement in classroom performance in students who participate in competitive events. This happens when learning becomes a “choice” for students, instead of something that is “forced” upon them.

13 The learning outcomes of involvement in CE can be summarized as follows:
Health Science Events (Terminology, Math, Spelling and Knowledge Tests) Reinforce and remind students of fundamental concepts of Health Occupations Education. These events should serve as a review for students who plan to continue their education, as the terminology of medicine is central to all health professions.

14 Health Professions Events (Skill events)
Help individualize skill instruction based on the student’s career goal. They provide the outline for individualized units of instruction in a comprehensive HOE class, or support actual classroom goals for career-specific courses.

15 Specifically, students who plan to pursue any health career could learn the knowledge and skills associated with the event as their individualized instructional plan for a unit on career development.

16 Emergency Preparedness Events
(CPR, EMT, CERT, Emergency Preparedness, Epidemiology, MRC Partnership) Help build teamwork skills while strengthening individual and team skill instruction for emergency situations.

17 Leadership Events (Health Poster, Speaking, Writing, Job Seeking, Medical Photography) Strengthen the leadership and basic communication skills of future healthcare professionals using many forms of communication.

18 Teamwork Events (help build teamwork)
(Community Awareness, Medical Reading, Health Education, Public Service Announcement) Skills while strengthening understand of the medical community (HOSA Bowl, Biomedical Debate) Medical knowledge

19 (Career Health Display, Forensic Medicine) Careers
(Parliamentary Procedure and Creative Problem Solving) Critical thinking.

20 Recognition Events (National Service Project, Barbara James) and recognition (National Recognition Program, Outstanding HOSA Chapter, Chapter Newsletter, HOSA Week) Provide an opportunity for community service, an opportunity to apply academic learning to real human needs and to make the knowledge gained usable in one's thinking beyond the situation in which the learning occurred.

21 Participating in the HOSA National Competitive Events program gives the HOE student a golden opportunity to network with health care professionals beyond the classroom and clinical experience. The added learning supports the student’s ability to make informed personal career decisions, and to become a contributing member of the health care community.

22 Using HOSA in the Classroom

23 Examples of how teachers use HOSA in the classroom are numerous Examples are to follow and others can be found on the National HOSA website, The point is, HOSA competitive events program is first and foremost about health science learning and preparing the student for a health career.

24 Health Science Events Testing – Medical Terminology
Print or show the guidelines and explain the test plan. Using the unit terminology list have the students write definitions for the words. Next, have the students write at least 20 multiple choice items to measure the terminology content. Then have them develop a test plan based on their questions. (This uses math to find percentages.) Take up the assignment and then give the tests to the students the next day to complete for a daily grade. (Make sure you do not give a student their own test.)

25 For the Medical and Dental Spelling tests, simply write the definition and then four response choices. For example: The largest bone in the body is the: A. Feemer. B. Femur. C. Feemur. D. Femer. Use the guidelines to guide you through the Medical Spelling event using the terminology lists provided with each unit of study.

26 Health Professions Events
Skill Events If you have a student who wants to be a veterinarian, give the student a copy of the Veterinary Assisting guidelines and have the student volunteer at an animal clinic, so they can learn the skills and prepare for competition. At the same time the student figures out if he/she really wants to be a veterinarian and prepares to succeed in pursuing a veterinary career. For example, the American Red Cross rules for CPR may be somewhat different from the rules published by the American Heart Association. Or, a specific hospital may have hand hygiene rules that are not identical to those recommended by the CDC. In order to provide consistency for HOSA members, the Category II guidelines set the standards for how students will be judged on a specific skill. Does HOSA believe that the steps in the guidelines are the only way the skill can be done? No. In order to provide students with that type of specificity, HOSA selects a resource for each skill, creates the procedure in the guidelines to match that resource, and asks judges to use the guidelines in evaluating student performance.

27 Skills Different states, facilities, organizations and authors may differ on specific skill requirements and procedures or steps. The HOSA National program is sensitive to differences in skill procedures. We believe the students have the right to know the standards to which they will be held accountable. – Rating Sheets

28 HOSA does not believe that one specific text resource is better than another but we do believe that it helps students to know the source of steps in a specific procedure, which is why a resource is selected and published in event guidelines.

29 of the skills in addition to being able to perform the skills.
The skill events also have a test prior to the skill round. There are many reasons for including a Round One test, including: Tests mirror the industry. Most health professions use testing to qualify a candidate for certification or licensure. HOSA strives to model professional standards by requiring that students demonstrate an understanding of the skills in addition to being able to perform the skills. HOSA believes that students who must take a test in order to qualify for Round Two will work harder and study more than students who do not have a test. For that reason, testing raises the learning value of the event. For years, HOSA gathered evidence by comparing skill scores to test scores. We found that, consistently, students who are highly skilled are also knowledgeable. Students who performed very poorly on skills also performed poorly on the tests. At the national level, this fact created a nightmare with judges. On occasion, judges were being asked to evaluate a student who had little to no skill at all. The judges were appalled, and quite frankly, so were we.    While Round One qualifying does not guarantee that all students who make it to Round Two can do the skills, it has improved the percentage of skilled students who are judged.

30 There is a correlation between test
Testing raises the bar. HOSA believes that students who must take a test in order to qualify for Round Two will work harder and study more than students who do not have a test. For that reason, testing raises the learning value of the event.    There is a correlation between test scores and skill scores. For years, HOSA gathered evidence by comparing skill scores to test scores. We found that, consistently, students who are highly skilled are also knowledgeable. Students who performed very poorly on skills also performed poorly on the tests. At the national level, this fact created a nightmare with judges. On occasion, judges were being asked to evaluate a student who had little to no skill at all. The judges were appalled, and quite frankly, so were we.    While Round One qualifying does not guarantee that all students who make it to Round Two can do the skills, it has improved the percentage of skilled students who are judged.

31 HOSA uses a 70% rule in national competitive events skills and encourages chapter advisors to use the same standard (or higher) in classroom skill instruction. The 70% rule means that competitors must score at least 70% of the total possible score for a skill (or combined skills) in order to be recognized in National Competition. For example, let’s assume a student in Veterinary Assisting.

32 Skill - VA Points Possible 70%
Apply/Remove Restraint Muzzle Canine CPR Total In order for a student to earn finalist honors or a medal in this event, he or she must score a 47 or higher on the skills. The test score does NOT count in the 70% rule, but is used to break a tie. Seventy percent is not the passing standard with many large scale tests, such as the NCLEX, the national nursing licensure exam, as well as many state “end-of-course” tests. In HOSA, the passing standard varies from test to test, based on the nature of the test and other factors. Many factors are considered, including the nature of the content, scope of content assessed, program variability from state to state and amount of time lapse between program completion and testing. Through this process, the passing standard maintains currency and validity. HOSA skill events are praised by our health care community partners who believe in the value-added education HOSA offers through our National Competitive Events Program. When Assistant Secretary of Labor, the Honorable Emily DeRocco, visited the HOSA National Leadership Conference in 2003, she was most impressed with the skills demonstrated by students in Category II events, and challenged all HOSA members to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in HOSA skill events.

33 Skill Chart Event Skills HS II NF HHA Emptying a Urinary Drainage Bag
X NA Make an Unoccupied Bed PC Measure and record Vital Signs (TPR) CPR Adult Team CPR In the “Class” columns, identify the courses you teach.    Complete the chart by checking those skills that are taught in each class.    Post the completed chart in your classroom where students can see the connection between HOSA and the classroom

34 Practicing Skills Select a HOSA skill checklist from the event guidelines as a skill rubric for instruction in classroom skills.    Have students practice the skill using the selected skill checklist.    Allow fellow students to serve as the judges in rating the student on the skill (2-3 judges per skill). It is often a good learning experience to allow students the chance to see how it feels to “judge.” Note: Some skill sheets may differ than the ones in the curriculum. Unless you are certifying NA students the HOSA ones should meet the curriculum objectives.   

35 How many students earned “perfect” skill scores? How did that feel?
Debrief the activity: How many students earned “perfect” skill scores? How did that feel?    For those who didn’t earn “perfect” scores, why didn’t they? What would it take to get a perfect score?    Did all the judges who judged a skill end up with the same rating? Can you explain why? Or why not?    Did the student performing the skill think he/she earned a better score than actually achieved? What does that tell us?    Have students read “Your Ticket to Orlando .” Do they agree with the article? Why or why not? Article is on the HOSA E-Magazine

36 Clinical Specialty In this assignment you will be using the Clinical Specialty event guidelines as a career exploration project.    Give students a copy of the Clinical Specialty guidelines and a copy of the article “Clinical Specialty” from the HOSA e-Magazine, October Great basic information but the event has been updated so please refer to the guidelines for accurate info.    Instruct students to follow the rules outlined in the guidelines, with the exception of the career choice. For this assignment, students should either choose the health career they plan to pursue, or a career they wish to know more about.   

37 Note: If students wish to use this project for future HOSA competition, they would need to assure that the career choice does fall within the guidelines.    Provide class time for independent research on this project. Provide direction and encouragement.    Depending on the time available and classroom circumstances, the teacher may wish to eliminate the skill portion of the assignment.    Bring in community health professionals to “judge” the final product. Involving parents and school administrators can also provide positive publicity for your program. Don’t hesitate to invite your local newspapers. They like to write about innovative learning activities in schools.

38 Leadership Events Leadership events are designed to promote leadership and learning in HOE students. This category offers a series of events and rubrics that are readily integrated into any unit of instruction in all HOE courses. The HOSA events in this category reinforce cognitive, creative and real-world skills. As classroom tools, these events can be used to reinforce the content in all HOE courses and serve to reinforce basic skills.

39 Extemporaneous Health Poster
This event should become a “regular” in your classroom because it develops a student’s thinking skills and creativity – and provides a lasting instructional tool (posters!). In the classroom, use the concept and rating sheet (rubric).    Try to assign each student or group a different topic. For example, when teaching the Endocrine system, assign each group a different disease or disorder. Use complex topics. Assigning the “function” of the digestive system requires more thought than simply assigning the anatomy of the digestive system.

40 This makes an excellent homework assignment
This makes an excellent homework assignment. Depending on the availability of resources, the teacher may assign the topic as homework so students can research the topic. In the classroom explain they are to put their information onto poster board provided by the teacher. One teacher assigned each student a “health hero” about 2 weeks before starting that unit. The assignment was to create a poster about the person assigned. When it was time to begin the unit on historical perspectives in health care, the walls of the room were filled with posters that told of each individual’s accomplishments If you want specific information on the posters be sure to give the students guidelines for the info but let them be free in their delivery.

41 When using this process, you may notice some students do
Have the students share their posters and aide the teacher in teaching the material. Be sure to display student posters. If the topic is a public health issue, display the posters around campus.   When using this process, you may notice some students do exceptionally well with this type of assignment. Extemporaneous Health Poster (EHP) Integrate Extemporaneous Health Poster into classroom instruction.    Approximately 1-2 weeks before a new unit is to begin, give each student a topic related to the unit content to be covered.    Give students a copy of the EHP rating sheet. Explain that a poster is to be created for the assigned topic. Each student should use the course textbook or other course resources as references in developing the poster.    Posters are due the day the new unit begins. In logical order, each student should stand and explain his or her poster – the topic and content details.    The teacher should fill in the blanks of any necessary content not covered during the presentations.    Class members should take notes during the different presentations.    Posters should be posted in the classroom.

42 Job Seeking Skills This event is an excellent tool for reinforcing a unit of instruction on finding and securing a job. In this instance, implementing every step of the event exactly as written in the guidelines is a good idea. Use judges and choose them wisely. School or central office administrators make good judges. Invite a health care personnel director. Remember that whomever you choose, the judge will come away with a better understanding of the Health Occupations Education program and the quality of your students.

43 Another option is to use parts of the process in a role play situation
Another option is to use parts of the process in a role play situation. If you are teaching about historical figures in health care, have students create a resume for an assigned historical figure. If you are teaching a career unit, have students act out an interview between an employer and someone pursuing a specific assigned career. Let students take on the roles of interviewer and interviewee.

44 Integrate Job Seeking Skills into classroom instruction.   
This event works well as the culmination health careers unit.    Be sure to let students know the process you will be using. Give students the rating sheet or tell them where to find the rating sheet on HOSA’s website. Remember, is a student plans to compete in this event, his/her job must be real and attainable for them in the present time, i.e. nursing assisting, pharmacy tech, EMT, etc.

45 Speaking Events Speaking events are an excellent tool for developing student learning and leadership skills. These events can easily be adjusted to meet the desired learning outcomes in the classroom. When speeches are to be given in class, often the time is adjusted down in order to take up less class time and assure that all students have a chance to give their speech.

46 The first time you assign classroom speeches, allow students to give the speeches in pairs or small groups. It is sometimes easier to give a speech when the parts are shared by another classmate.    You can allow students to use the HOSA event rating sheet to evaluate the speeches of their peers.

47 Integrate either Extemporaneous Speaking, Prepared Speaking, or Researched Persuasive Speaking into classroom instruction.    Determine what event and process you will use and for what content. Be sure to develop a process that makes good use of class time and requires students to THINK!    Write out the process you will use. Give students a copy of the process and rating sheet.   

48 Extemporaneous Speaking
Extemporaneous speaking can provide a fun method of reviewing for a midterm or final exam. Explain the event and what will be done at least 2 days ahead of time. Demonstrate the event. It is often an interesting experience to have a teacher give a speech while students rate the speech using the HOSA event rating sheet. What we find is that the scores will range from a high of 100 to a low of about 60. This is because of the subjective nature of evaluating speaking skills.

49 Prepare topic(s) ahead of time and place in an envelope.
The students draw an envelope but they do not open it as yet. Make the topic fun, creative, and related to the areas for review. Examples: “The Most Important Function of the Integumentary System” or “How Does the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems Work Together?” or “A Health Professional Should As If ………”. Have the students rate each other using the HOSA rating sheets found in the guidelines.   

50 You can reduce the preparation time
You can reduce the preparation time. While one student is preparing students can rate the student who just spoke.    Another option would be to have students write down important points after each speech – both based on what they heard and what they know themselves. The teacher can clarify those points. Remember, this is a review!

51 Prepared Speaking Explain the event at least a couple of days prior to the assignment. This is good for an intro to a unit. For example, rather than assign organs in the digestive system and have students talk about the facts. Another example: “Why it’s so bad if you lose your liver.” or “Why Credential Health Care Professions?” it depends on the unit and how it is used.

52 Researched Persuasive Speaking
This event combines research, writing and speaking. As a classroom assignment it is often done as a major classroom project. This event differs from other speaking events in that it asks students to defend a point of view. As a classroom assignment, the teacher should assign a topic based on course content, and allow students to support an opinion on either side of the topic. Researched persuasive speaking involves current health-related issues. Students are often required to do Internet research. The HOE teacher should help students understand the following guidelines.

53 Internet Research Guidelines
Internet resources must be evaluated for accuracy.    Identify and develop your topic.    Use more than one search engine. A few common search engines are:    Yahoo – Google – Bing – Ask – Open Directory – Remember that just about anyone can post information on the Internet. Be sure to analyze the information you find for its appropriateness for the research. Write out what you are looking for before you begin. It may be helpful to use a thesaurus to find synonyms for your key words. A search engine is a searchable database of Internet files collected by a computer program

54 Search engines provide a number of features to help with a search, so be sure to read any of the help menu or advanced search options information. This event can be used in conjunction with an English class paper or project. Choose a current event topics that go with your units of study. Remember you will need to assign the topics 2-4 weeks prior to the start of the unit. Example: “To tube My Child’s Ears or Not to Tube My child’s Ears”

55 Extemporaneous Writing
This event lends itself to all types of classroom content while reinforcing an important basic skill. As a homework assignment, classroom activity or assessment, Extemporaneous Writing should be frequently used in the HOE classroom. Be sure students have a copy of the rating sheet (rubric) before starting this or any assignment that uses HOSA competitive events. Students need to know the standards by which they will be evaluated.

56 Example Ask your students who are learning about legal and ethical responsibilities to write an essay on the value of ethics in the health professions and grade the essay using the Extemporaneous Writing rating sheet. (Educators call them rubrics.) Ask the students to write on “The Value of Knowing Body Directions, Planes and cavities.

57 There are many websites available to help students improve writing skills. Here are just a few:
Writing Tips Essay Builder from Writing DEN    Guide to Writing a Basic Essay   Paradigm Online Writing Assistant Top 10 Essay Writing Tips

58 Integrate Extemporaneous Writing into classroom instruction.
Give students a copy of the EW rating sheet and an essay topic. Have students write their paper within the given time and rate it according to the rating sheets. Then consider this the first draft, schedule a day in the Internet lab and give students time to review Internet resources that provide instruction on writing an essay, and let them revise their essays using what they learned doing their Internet research. You might want them to review the information also prior to writing the final paper.   Note to teacher: Students typically write LOTS of papers in college. You can help them to create a tremendously good essay by teaching them how to write and rewrite a good essay.

59 Teamwork Events Parliamentary Procedure:
Here is what students gain from participation in this event: Basic knowledge of parliamentary procedure they will use in church, clubs and business meetings for the rest of their lives.    A real “team” experience.   

60 Practice in thinking, speaking and debating.
Participation in a democratic process that:    Enables a group to transact business with speed and efficiency.    Protects the rights of each individual.    Preserves a spirit of harmony within the group.

61 Parliamentary Procedure
Divide the class into two or three teams of five - eight students per team.    Follow the process for “Parliamentary Procedure: Three Days in the Classroom.”    Teach parliamentary procedure using the Parliamentary Procedure PowerPoint and the Parliamentary Procedure Information handouts.    Give students a day to practice in class.    Facilitate team demonstrations of a simulated HOSA chapter meeting using parliamentary procedure.

62 Career Health Display (CHD)
The Career Health Display rubric (rating sheet) can be adapted to evaluate a display that illustrates a number of different topics. This makes the Career Health Display an excellent classroom tool. Have the students choose a partner and draw a name of a health profession. (Prepare cards ahead of time.) Give the students a copy of the CHD guidelines and ask them to create a display. Students can exchange professions but all must be done.   

63 The displays are shared with the class
The displays are shared with the class. Bring in local health professionals to judge according to the rating sheets. Have the students share the displays within the school or during a career day. Another option: Present students with topic options. The topic can be a health career (as required in the guidelines) or any number of topics. Virtually anything that is taught in the classroom can be demonstrated using the CHD rating sheet.

64 Possible examples include:   
Diseases and Disorders Body Systems Historical Figures in Health Care Health Facilities Technology in Health Care    Have students create a display on an assigned topic, either independently or in pairs. Grade the display using the adapted rating sheet. If possible, exhibit the best displays in the media center or during a school open house.

65 HOSA Bowl Have students write four - five fill-in-the-blank questions from the unit being studied. Write each question on a different index card. The questions should be short answer with the answer coming at the end of the question.    Use the HOSA Bowl format and buzzer system as a fun method of reviewing for an exam, using the student-created questions. If you do not have a buzzer system you can use a bell.

66 Biomedical Debate This event makes an outstanding classroom assignment using the existing guidelines and rating sheets.    First, decide if both the preliminary and debate rounds are going to be used, or just the debate round.    Divide students into teams of three – four members per team.   

67 Determine the topic(s) to be debated
Determine the topic(s) to be debated. At least two teams must have the same topic in order to debate each other. (Confidentiality – Everyone’s Right? Or “Heart Transplants – No Restriction”)    Usually, teachers assign the topic one - two weeks before the presentation to provide plenty of time to research the topic. A day in the school computer lab is helpful in completing Internet research. At least one day in the classroom for practice is also recommended.    Invite professionals from the health care community to judge classroom presentations.

68 Medical Reading Instructors use this event to promote reading
skills in students.    At the beginning of the year, select one or two books from the Medical Reading list.   Divide students into teams of three members per team.    Assign the books for out-of-class reading. A semester is usually a good amount of time for the assignment.   Have each student write two - three questions per book on an index card. The questions should be short answer, with the answer provided on the same side of the card.   

69 Write a 25 item multiple choice test for the books and administer the test.   
Allow the top three scoring teams to compete in the question-answer round using the questions written by students.    Select judges from the top three scoring students (using the multiple choice test) whose team did not make it to the final round.    Present awards to the winning team.    Debrief the activity. How does the content in the book(s) relate to what was learned in the classroom this year?   

70 Creative Problem Solving
Write a secret problem that relates to the course unit being studied.    Divide the class into teams of three - four members per team.    Give teams 15 minutes to consider the secret problem to be solved.    Allow teams to present their solution to the class.    Use the HOSA Creative Problem Solving rating sheet to evaluate each team’s presentation. Example: “Medical Decisions” (Appendix 1H15.03A) Look on the NC HOSA website,

71 Community Awareness In class have the students develop a questionnaire that would help to identify people who might be prone to diabetes mellitus. Your HOSA chapter could get the questionnaire published in the school newspaper. Along with the questionnaire, publish a list of lifestyle changes that might help prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. Tie this into a fund raising activity for the National HOSA Service Project – Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

72 National Recognition Program
This event should be required of EVERY Health Occupations Education student. The “big picture” purpose of Health Occupations Education is to prepare tomorrow’s health care professionals, and no event helps students more toward achieving that goal than the National Recognition Program.

73 Through the National Recognition Program (NRP) students create a portfolio. The completed portfolio provides evidence of a student’s accomplishments in preparation for a health career. Successful completion of the portfolio will satisfy portfolio components of the Certificate of Achievement for National Health Care (Foundation) Skills Standards. (For more information:

74 In addition, students are encouraged to use the portfolio as evidence of pre-professional growth and accomplishments when participating in interviews for scholarships, college admission, and jobs. The student must satisfy ten criteria for the portfolio. The event rating sheet lists the criteria and a description. The HOSA website at contains sample pages for each criteria to give the novice an idea of what the portfolio should look like.

75 Here are some tips for implementing the National Recognition Program in the classroom.
Give students as much time as possible to complete the portfolio.    Some instructors prefer to use this as a “senior project” type of assignment.    Invite community leaders or advisory committee members to judge the portfolios.    If the portfolio is not done as part of HOSA competition, then the student can put more individual expression in the format of the portfolio.    On the other hand, this is a great classroom assignment that can also provide positive recognition for students through state and national HOSA conferences.

76 If the event is to be used for HOSA, but sure to follow the guidelines EXACTLY as written.
The portfolio is not rated on a scale with many different levels of achievement as with many rubrics, but instead, is rated on a two-point scale. Each criteria is rated as: Yes, the standard was met as described in the description column, or No, it was not.    When the portfolio is part of classroom instruction, students are often given a second chance to fix a section until it reaches the standard set by the instructor.

77 See: “Tips for Success” National Recognition Program VIII. Instructional Techniques – See: From: “A Guide For Integrating HOSA Into The HOE Classroom”

78 Save Time and Have Fun Use the HOSA Competitive Events Guidelines to save time, make things easier and prepare students for competitive events. Have fun in the classroom. Let the students do the work.

79 Thank You Please call me OR me for any questions: HOSA Web Sites: National HOSA: NC HOSA: This power point will be posted under “Advisor Services”

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