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Published byJuniper Barker Modified over 9 years ago
Phi meson physics Marianna Testa University of Roma La Sapienza & INFN for the KLOE collaboration “e + e - Collisions from Phi to Psi”, Novosibirsk 27 February-2 March 2006
2 High signal for the decay in KK, at the edge of the kinematically allowed region, decay suppressed Zweig rule discovery First seen in bubble chamber experiments at Brookhaven in 1962 in the reactions K - + p + K+K K - + p + K + +K - Mass 1020 MeV, <<20 MeV Quantum numbers J PC = 1 --
3 W (MeV) (e + e - K S K L ) b KSKLKS KSKLKS at e + e - collider Absolute BR can be determined using ( f) and e + e - ) (only) at a factory SND (e + e - K S K L ) PRD 63,072002 (2001) m = 1019.42 0.05 MeV = 4.21 0.04 MeV Using f / tot from SND & CMD-2 with f = K + K -, KK, , , e + e - ) from KLOE
4 factories Luminosity (pb -1 ) 2001-02492 2004734 20051256 Total2482 VEPP 2M (1974-2000) E beam :180-700 MeV scan step: s = (1 –10 )MeV 1 bunch beam current 10-50 mA L peak 3 10 30 cm -2 s -1 Circumference 18 m Time collisiont 60 ns 2 experiments CMD-2 & SND 40 pb -1 /detector DAFNE E beam :510 MeV 2 separate rings for e + e - to minimize beam- beam L peak 1.3 10 32 cm -2 s -1 up to 120 bunches 20 mA per bunch Crossing angle at 12.5 mrad KLOE experiment 2.4 fb -1
5 A factory is a collider e + e - running at s = M b (1020) a 0 (980) f 0 (980) ' KK 0-0- 0-0- 1-1- 1-1- 0+0+ 0+0+ BR 83% BR 15% BR 1.3% KAON physics V us, kaon form factors from semileptonic K S,L,K decays Rare K S,L decays (K s ) CPT test with semileptonic K s, K L charge asymmetries Non Kaon Physics radiative decays (scalars, pseudoscalars + photon) hadronic cross section Physics at a -factory
6 The KK pairs in the final state have the same quantum numbers, i.e. are produced in a pure J PC = 1 – – state K S (K )K L (K ) The decay at rest provides monochromatic and pure beam of kaons Kaon production at the resonance 1.5 10 9 K ± pairs/fb -1, 1. 10 9 K S K L pairs/fb -1
7 Kaon at a Factory: Tagging: observation of K S,L signals presence of K L,S precision measurement of absolute BR’s Kinematical closure of the events Pure beam of tagged K S mesons Interference measurementes in the K system Kaon physics at a factory Kaon at fixed target experiments Higher rate production Higher energy particles
8 where t 1 (t 2 ) is the time of one (the other) kaon decay into f 1 (f 2 ) final state and : f i = l etc characteristic interference term at a -factory entire set of K parameters from interferometry Kaon interferometry
9 Kaon interferometry (II) Integrating in (t 1 +t 2 ) we get the time difference ( t=t 1 -t 2 ) distribution (1-dim plot): From these distributions for various final states f i one can measure the following quantities: Phases (difference of) from the interference term only at a factory
10 KLOE preliminary Fit with PDG values for S, L : m = (5.34 0.34) × 10 ħ s PDG ’04: (5.301 0.016) × 10 ħ s Fix m to PDG ’04 value, obtain: No simultaneous events: same final state/ antisymmetric initial state Peak position sensitive to m Coherent K L regeneration on beam pipe |t 1 t 2 |/ S S,L = 0.043 0.038 0.035 0.008 S,L = 0.13 0.16 0.15 cf. Bertlmann ’99 (CPLEAR): Data: 7366 evts –Fit: 2 /dof = 15.1/22 I( t) e L e S 2(1 S,L ) e S L cos( m t) K L(S) at t 2 K S(L) at t 1 13 K S K L interference and QM coherence
11 K physics K S “beam”: UL on BR(K S ) BR(K S e ) and charge asymmetry K L “beam”: main K L BR’s and K L lifetime form factors K from K L Re( / ’) Charged kaons: BR’s for semileptonic and 2-body decays, K lifetime V us CP, CPT tests
12 At at factory all experimental inputs are aviable : Branching ratios, lifetimes and form factors. (K 0 e ) |V us | 2 |f + i (0) | 2 I i ( +,, 0, ) S ew where i runs over the four modes K ,0 (e3), K ,0 ( 3) f + i (0) form factor, I( ) phase space integral, S ew short distance correction (1.0232) Extract |V us | from (K ( ))/ ( ( )) ratio. Dominated by the theoretical uncertainity on the f K /f evaluation. At af factory all experimental inputs aviable : Branching ratios, lifetimes, and form factors. V us at a factory V us = 0.2223±0.0025 KLOE preliminary Extract |V us | from (K ( ))/ ( ( )) |V us | 2 /|V ud | 2 f K 2 /f 2. Extract |V us | From Kl3 decays: Can test if = 0 at few 10 -3 : from super-allowed 0 + 0 + Fermi transitions, n -decays: 2|V ud | V ud = 0.0010 from semileptonic kaon decays (PDG 2004 fit): 2|V us | V us = 0.0011 |V ud | 2 + |V us | 2 + |V ub | 2 ~ |V ud | 2 + |V us | 2 1 – Most precise test of unitarity possible at present comes from 1 st row:
13 V us : K L branching ratios, life time, slopes Lesser of p miss -E miss in or hyp (MeV) Data 7% of sample e KLOE mmts at 0.5% BR(K L → π e ν ( γ )) = 0.4007 0.0006 0.0014 BR(K L → πμν ( γ )) = 0.2698 0.0006 0.0014 BR(K L → 3 π 0 ) = 0.1997 0.0005 0.0019 BR(K L → π + π − π 0 ( γ ))= 0.1263 0.0005 0.0011 L = 50.84 0.23 ns ’ 10 3 ’’ 10 3 KTeV ISTRA+ KLOE NA48 1 contours For K e3 Form factors slopes: f (t) = f (0) [1 t] or f (0) [1 ’ t ½ ’’ t 2 ] see talk “Neutral Kaons at KLOE”...
14 K 0 0 K 0 K K e3 K 3 V us : Charged kaon decays e P * (MeV) Particle momentum in K rest frame Nev/MeV MC BR(K + + ( )) = 0.6366 0.0009 stat. 0.0015 syst PLB632,76-80(2006). KLOE preliminary BR(K e3) = 5.047 0.046 stat BR(K 3 ) = 3.310 0.040 stat systematic error evaluation to be completed V us = 0.2223±0.0025 see Versaci’s talk
15 V us at a factory V us V us = 0.2248 0.0020 from K L e3, K L 3, K e3, K 3,K s e3 V ud = 0.97377 0.00027 CKM 2005 Proceedings V us /V ud = 0.2294 0.00026 from K 2 Quad form-factor param. λ′+ λ′′+ λ0 (KTeV + ISTRA) Marciano hep-ph/0512039 K L lifetime from KLOE: L = 50.84(23) ns Fitting the 5 |V us f + (0)| KLOE determinations: 2 /dof=1.7/4 Quad form-factor param. (KLOE+KTeV + ISTRA+NA48) f + (0)=0.961(8) Leutwyler & Roos unitarity
16 S,L = BR(Ks e ) = (7.2 ±1.4) 10 -4 _ _ MKMK MKMK 2×10 8×10 M K /M Planck = 4×10 20 ) A limit on BR(K S 3 0 ) at 10 7 level translates into a 2.5-fold improvement on the accuracy of Im , i.e. (M K0 M K0 ) (M K0 M K0 ) CPT & CP test : K S physics 11 KLOE BR(K S e ) = (7.09 0.08 stat 0.05 syst ) × 10 4 A S = ( 2 9 stat 5 syst ) × 10 3 A L = (3.322 0.058 0.047) × 10 -3 Re(x) =1/4 ( (K S e )/ (K L e ) -1 )= ( .6 3.1 stat 1.8 syst ) 10 K S 3 0 is purely CP violating If CPT conserved, S = L | ’ 000 | SM prediction: BR(K S 3 0 ) = 1.9 × 10 9 BR(K S 3 0 ) < 1.4×10 5 (first limit, SND) BR(K S 3 0 ) < 1.2×10 7 (KLOE) K S e Sensitivity to CPT violating effects through charge asymmetry A S Test of the S = Q rule, V us determination CMD2’99 first observation P-Eloss-Eclu (MeV) CMD2 first observation PLB456,90 (1999) Data — MC fit signal bad bad other 50 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 E miss ( e) cP miss (MeV) 100 150
17 CP : BR K L KLOE Preliminary result BR(K L )= (1.963 0.012 0.017) 10 -3 4 standard deviations discrepancy wrt PDG04 = (2.090 0.025) 10 -3 agreement with KTeV PDG2004 KTeV KLOE BR(K L ) 10 -3 Using BR(K L ) and L from KLOE and S from PDG04 | = (2.216 0.013) 10 -3 | | PDG04 = (2.284 0.014) 10 -3 1.6 agreement with prediction from Unitarity Triangle
18 ’ physics BR( ) = (1.295 ±0.025) 10 -2 BR( ’ ) = (6.2 ± 0.7) 10 -5 At a factory: 4 10 7 /fb -1, 4. 10 5 ’/fb -1 lower bkg with respect to pp reactions tagging: ’ antiparallel to monoenergetic photon (360 MeV for , 60 MeV for ’) ’ simultaneously collected (’) / tot 100 with respect to hadronic production → → KLOE
19 biggest contribution p 6 in PT KLOE preliminary: BR( → ) = ( 8.4 ± 2.7 stat ± 1.4 syst ) × 10 -5 agrees with Op 6 calcolutions dominated by vector meson ’ sensitive to box anomaly ’ quark structure (gluonium content) ll,lll (‘) l (‘) (Dalitz decays) e.m. form factors C,P,CP, pt test: physics M 4 (MeV) KLOE l + l -,lll (‘) l (‘) (dalitz & double dalitz decays) e.m. form factors CMD-2 BR( e+e - ) =(7.10 ± 0.64 ± 0.46) 10 -3 BR( e + e - ) = (3.7 + 2.5 –1.8 0.3) 10 -4 (CP violating in flavour conserving process) SND BR( e + e - )= (5.15 ± 0.62 ± 0.39) 10 -3 C violating KLOE BR( 3 .6 10 5 @ 90% CL
20 e + e -, a 4 process BR( 10 -8, 10 -6 ) helicity suppressed, sensitive to new interactions Lepton flavour violation e + -, LF BR(PDG04 < 6 10-6) ( ’) Isospin violation lowest order of PT: C,P,CP, pt test: physics (II) KLOE preliminary X (T + -T - ), Y T 0 Q = 22.8 0.4 [B.Martemyanov,V.Sopov, PRD 71 (2005) 017501] violation of the Dashen theorem (Q Dash. = 24.2 if (m 2 + -m 2 0 ) em = (m 2 K+ -m 2 K0 ) em ) CMD-2: BR < 3.3 10 -4 @90% C.L. KLOE: BR < 1.3 10 -5 @90% C.L. C,CP violating see next talk
21 Scalar mesons Radiative decays: f 0 (980) a 0 (980) f 0 (600) a 0 (980 ) I=0I=1/2I=1 f 0 (980) f 0 (600) “ ” K* 0 (800) “ ” (1020) Mass (MeV/c 2 ) 0 500 1000 not easily interpreted as qq meson ( 3 P 0 nonet) other interpretations: qqqq states (Jaffe ’77), KK molecules (Weinstein-Isgur ’90) Extract to scalar “coupling” Since |ss> ( ”scalar”) s-quark content 4-quark vs. 2-quark states confirm of f 0 (600) Both BR S and scalar mass spectra are sensitive to their nature [Achasov, Ivanchenko 1989]
22 First observation ’99 CMD-2 of KLOE: evidence of f 0 in charge asymmetry S g KK g SKK g SPP P KK KK P S V g V S g S pp P e+e+ e-e- f 0 more coupled to kaons than to pions ( ): Looking for f 0 First observation’98 SND of f 0 0 0 M( ) MeV SND PLB485,349 (2000) (2 10 7 KLOE: clear evidence of f 0 see next talk) f 0 (980) region M( ) (MeV ) data MC: ISR+FSR MC: ISR+FSR+ f 0 (KL) M( ) MeV
23 → Looking for a 0 (980)→ π 0 KLOE PLB536,209 (2002) 16 pb –1 ’ BR( ) = (8.5 0.5 stat 0.6 syst ) 10 –5 Statistics x 20 First observation of a 0 by SND PLB 438,441 CMD-2 PLB462,380 (1999) BR( ) = (0.90 0.24 stat 0.10 syst ) 10 –4 first observation
24 Future of factory? Dafne short term upgrade L up to ~ 5 10 32 cm -2 s -1, L int 20fb -1 High lumnosity is necessary to access Search/measurement of forbidden/rare decays : sensitiv to short distance dynamiocs (rare K dec, g-2 CPT test) (complementry to LHC) Precision measuremente of fundamental SM parameters (CKM abgles, quark mass) Deeper undersanding of QCD in the non perturbative regime KS decays sensitivity to CPT test Neutral kaon Interferometry X pt studies Program complementary to LHC Proposal to upgrade the collider capable to delived 50 fb-1 in 2/3 years Present L in of KLOE now L peak = 1.3 10 32 cm -2 s -1 new machine L > 8 10 32 cm -2 s -1 L int > 50fb -1 LNF proposals see Venanzoni’s talk
25 Prospectives for K S physics K S 0 0 0 CP,CPT < 1.2 10 -7 < 5 10 -9 seen K S e CPT, S= Q (7.09 0.10) 10 -4 0.2 10 -5 0.1 10 -5 A s CPT (1.5 11) 10 -3 2 10 -3 1 10 -3 K S + - 0 pt (3 1) 10 -7 0.4 10 -7 0.3 10 -7 K S e + e - < 1.4 10 -7 < 2 10 -8 < 9 10 -9 K S 0 e + e - K L (6 3) 10 -9 seen 2 10 -9 K S pt (2.78 0.07) 10 -6 0.03 10 -6 0.02 10 -6 Assuming present efficiencies or 5-10% Present @20fb -1 @50 fb -1 measurement L int = 20-50 fb -1 CPT and S= Q violating parameters down to the per mill level Competitive on rare dacays, interesting for pt mostly
26 Kaon interferometry: main observables measured quantity parametersmode
27 ModeParameterBest measurement or PDG-04 fit KLOE-2 L=100 fb -1 mm 5.288 ± 0.043 10 9 s -1 ± 0.02 STAT 10 9 s -1 Re ’ (1.67 ± 0.26) 10 -3 ± 0.2 STAT 10 -3 Im ’ 0.0012± 0.0023± 0.0022 STAT e ALAL (3322± 58 ± 47 ) 10 -6 ± 18 STAT 10 -6 e e Re( )(0.29 ± 0.27) 10 -3 ± 0.2 STAT 10 -3 e e Im( )(0.24 ± 0.50) 10 -4 ± 20 STAT 10 -4 Prospectives for Interferometry
28 Several models can be tested (only) at a factory Simple decoherence model: 0 QM Decoherence related to Quantum gravity and CPT violation, J. Ellis et al (1984) Test of Quantum Mechanics and CPT at a factory Novel type of CPT violation for correlated KK states, J. Bernabeu et al. (2004)
29 int. lum. (fb -1 ) present KLOE KLOE + VDET -- CPLEAR results -- Planck’s scale region Decoherence related to Quantum gravity and CPT:
30 Novel type of CPT for correlated KK states: present KLOE KLOE + VDET -- Planck’s scale region int. lum. (fb -1 ) Re (similar for Im )
31 (1 + i tan SW )(Re iIm f A*(K S f) A(K L f) SS 1 CPCPT Test of CPT trough Bell Steinberger relation At present f = contributes with the bigger error to Im sensitivity only at a factory: pure K S beams gives access low BR, access to K S K L interference term CPT: Bell-Steinberger
32 R( 8.0 ± 2.7 ) × 10 with =4.63%3000 evts study of spectrum ’ l + l -,lll (‘) l (‘) (Dalitz & double dalitz decays) with high statistics e + e - test of CP violation beyond SM ’ sensitive to expcted 200.000 events Prospectives for & scalars physics@20fb -1 With 20 fb-1 f 0 , f K + K - (KK) ( expected BR ~ 10 -6(-8) ) well measured (10 5 K + K - and 10 3 KK), direct measure of the g fKK coupling Large samaple of 9x10 8 and ’ 4x10 6 Intersting channels
33 Physics with 20-100 fb -1 Kaon physics : General remark @20 fb -1 CPT and S= Q violating parameters down to the per mill level competitive on super rare dacys, interesting for pt mostly Re(x+) Contribution of BR(K S e @20fb-1 (2 10-3 ) similar to ohers As @20 fb-1 3 measurement Bell Steinberger Relation Interference in the ( ) channle bring to total error Im to present of 10 -5 down to 10 -6, equivalent to K 0 K 0 mass relative difference below 10 -19 K S 0 l + l - pollution to K L 0 l + l - via K S K L mixing @20 fb -1 seen,@50fb -1 sensitivity to 10 -9 theory request 15% accuracy K S 0 0 0 @20 fb -1 5 10 -9 sensity @50fb -1 few events obervable K S + - 0 @20 fb -1 precision 15% K S @20 fb -1 5 error d (l0) 10-3 d(l0’) l0-4 check of the SU(3) breaking in f+(0)
34 10 1 fb-1 Kaon physics: CPT and S= Q violating parameters down to the per mill level Competitive on super rare dacays, interesting for pt mostly Re(e/e) @10-4 (direct CPV) K L,S interferometry Im(e/e) @10-2 (CPT) physics Dalitz decays e + e - , , e + e - e + e-, e + e - decays (BR’s 10 -3 10 -5 ) C,P,CP,LF test via , , e -,e + , Significant improvement on UL study of the shape on mass, sensitive to test of VDM and a0 e + e -, exp BR 6 10 -9 a 4 process BR( 10 -8, 10 -6 ) helicity suppressed, sensitive to new interactions UL (<7.7 10-5) expe BR 4 10 -6 () BR(5.8 0.8)10-6 Physics program vs luminosity
35 10 2 fb-1 CPT test @ unprecedentetest level of precision via 1) rare K L &K S interferences 2) rare direc CPV violation in K+ asym and rare KL 10 3 fb-1 sensitivity ot K L (&KL pee, KL+ p+vv) @ SM level (@ f factory no bkg from neutral baryons, kaons 4 mom know) region of high discovery potential for non standards source of CPV via new tests of CKM mech in then kaon system
36 physics @ 20 fb -1 6 10 8 mesons produced Dalitz and double Dalitz decays e + e - , , e + e - e + e-, e + e - decays (BR’s 10 - 3 10 - 5) easily reached @20 fb-1 C,P,CP,LF violating decays , , e -,e + , Signifacant improvement on UL Statistics benefit on other decays study of the shape on mass, sensitive to test of VDM and a0 e + e -, exp BR 6 10 -9 UL (<7.7 10-5) (but bkg from ee ee(g)) expe BR 4 10 -6 BR(5.8 0.8)10-6
37 @20 f KKG well measured 10 4 K+k+ and 103 K0K)
38 Sensitivity to CPT violating effects through charge asymmetry A S Test of the S = Q rule, (K S e )/ (K L e ) = 1 + 4 Re(x ) FISRT OBSERVATION CMD-2 BR(Ks e ) = (7.2 ±1.4) 10 -4 KLOE BR(K S e ) = (7.09 0.08 stat 0.05 syst ) × 10 4 CPT: K S semileptonic decays Data — MC fit signal bad bad other 50 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 E miss ( e) cP miss (MeV) 100 150 A S = ( 2 9 stat 5 syst ) × 10 3 A L = (3322 58 47) × 10 -6 Re(x) = ( .6 3.1 stat 1.8 syst ) 10 KLOE
39 Physics with 100 fb -1 A S sensitivity 10 -4 probe the K0 K0 mass difference to 10 -18 level (if CPT is violated only in the mass matrix) K S 0 l + l - pollution to K L 0 l + l - via K S K L mixing error at 10% level theory request 15% accuracy
40 Conclusions A f favcotry provides the ideal place to perform almosto without competitors KS physics Quantum interferencem studies h/h physics High luminosity to access rare KS decays sensitivity to CPT test Neutral kaon Interferometry X pt studies Program complementary to LHC
41 Spare slides
42 ll) Leptonic width ll) SND, PRL 86, 1698 (2001) from e + e - + - B( l + l - ) = sqrt(B( e + e - ) B( + - ))= (2.89 ± 0.10 ± 0.06) 10 -4 KLOE, PLB 608, 199 (2005) using e + e - e + e - and e + e - + - ( l + l - ) = (1.320 ± 0.017 ± 0.015) keV
43 Measure using K L tagged by K S π + π - events KLOE L = 50.92 0.17 0.25 ns Average with result from K L BR’s: L = 50.84 0.23 ns cfr Vosburgh ’72,: L = 51.54 0.44 ns × 10 2 Events/0.3 ns L/ c (ns) 6 - 24.8 ns 40-165 cm 0.37 L P K = 110 MeV Excellent lever arm for lifetime measurement K L lifetime
44 Parameterization: t = (p K p ) 2 /m 2 For K e3 :f (t) = f (0) [1 t] or f (0) [1 ’ t ½ ’’ t 2 ] KLOE preliminary Linear fit: = (28.6 ± 0.5 ± 0.8) 10 3 Quadratic fit: ’ = (25.5 ± 1.5 ± 1.9) 10 3 ’ ’ = (1.4 ± 0.7 ± 0.7) 10 3 ( ’, ’’ ) = 0.95 ’ 10 3 ’’ 10 3 KTeV ISTRA+ KLOE NA48 1 contours K Le3 form-factor slopes
45 CMD2 collaboration PLB605, 26 (2005) BR( ) = (1.373± 0.014 ± 0.085) 10 -2 BR( ) = (1.258± 0.037 ± 0.077) 10 -3 SND collaboration PRD 63,072002 (2001) ??BR( e + e - ) = (2.93± 0.02 ± 0.14 ±0.02) 10 -4 BR( ) = (47.6± 0.3 ± 1.6 ± 0.3 ) 10 -2 BR( K S K L ) = (35.1± 0.2 ± 1.2 ± 0.3 ) 10 -2 BR( + - 0 ) = (15.9± 0.2 ± 0.7 ± 0.4 ) 10 -2 ??BR( ) = (1.33± 0.03 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ) 10 -2 m = (1019.42 ± 0.02 ± 0.04) MeV ( ± ± ) MeV
46 s (MeV) First observation in f hpg by SND (PLB 438,441) 395 pb -1 at peak + 10 pb -1 1) → (39.43%) 5 final state 2.2 10 4 events 2) →π + π - π 0 (22.6%) π + π - + 5 4180 events Fit the two spectra simultaneously →→ → →→ Kaon LoopNo Structure M π (MeV) →→ → Nature of the scalar a 0 : a 0 (980)→ π 0 KLOE 2000 data (2 107 f) PLB485,349 (2000)
47 First observation SND of 0 0 1998 Br(f f0g)= (3.42± 0.30 ± 0.36)10 -4 M(pp) MEV Looking for f 0 Kaon-loop fit: 1. VDM part still not perfect (see residuals); 2. Scalar part ok BUT f 0 (600) is needed [p( 2 ) ~ 10 -4 30% !]; 3. f 0 (980) parameters agree with analysis again R > 1 (g fKK > g f - ). Residuals vs. DP position Data- fit comparison (on projections) KLOE preliminary
48 CP Test in flavour conserving processes SM predictions small signature of New Physics beyond SM J PC = 0 -+ e e CP asymmetry between and ee planes (as KL) CMD-2 3.8 +2.5 –1.3 0.3 P,CP (large background in hadron production) 4 P,CP 4 (background free) C Test not extensively studied in em and strong interactions C e+e-, + -, if * SM: via BR 3 10-9
49 K S physics Ks Test of pt K S R changed along the years Measurement of Na48 ( (relevant bkg from K L ) differs for PT O(p4) by 30%, useful to fix O(p6) counterterm
50 Sensitivity to CPT violating effects through charge asymmetry A S Test of the S = Q rule, (K S e )/ (K L e ) = 1 + 4 Re(x ) FISRT OBSERVATION CMD-2 BR(Ks e ) = (7.2 ±1.4) 10 -4 KLOE BR(K S e ) = (7.09 0.08 stat 0.05 syst ) × 10 4 CPT: K S semileptonic decays Data — MC fit signal bad bad other 50 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 E miss ( e) cP miss (MeV) 100 150 A S = ( 2 9 stat 5 syst ) × 10 3 A L = (3322 58 47) × 10 -6 Re(x) = ( .6 3.1 stat 1.8 syst ) 10 KLOE
52 First observation CMD-2 of PLB462,371(1999) KLOE: evidence of f0 in charge asymmetry data MC: ISR+FSR MC: ISR+FSR+ f 0 (KL) M( ) MeV S g KK g SKK g SPP P KK KK P S V g V S g S pp P e+e+ e-e- f 0 more coupled to kaons than to pions : Looking for f 0 M( ) MeV f 0 (980) region M( ) (MeV )
53 First observation SND in 0 0 PLB 440,442 (1998) SND BR( )= (1.14 0.10 0.12)10 -4 M(pp) MEV Looking for f 0 CMD 2 PLB463,380 (1999) BR( )=(0.92 0.08 0.06)10 -4 SND PLB485,349 (2000) (2 10 7 BR( )= (1.221 0.098 0.061) 10 -4 KLOE PLB537,21 (2002) (5 10 7 ) BR( )=(1.09 0.03 stat .05 syst )10 4 Fit to the M spectrum, contribution from: f 0 “ strong ” negative f 0 interference negligible contrib. from M (MeV) KLOE 17 pb 1 ’00 data N ev = 2438 61
54 First observation in by SND PLB 438,441 CMD-2 PLB462,380 (1999) BR( ) = (0.90 0.24 stat 0.10 syst ) 10 –4 → Looking for a 0 (980)→ π 0 KLOE PLB536,209 (2002) 16 pb –1 ’00 data BR( ) = (8.5 0.5 stat 0.6 syst ) 10 –5 New data (statistics x 20) first observation
55 Zweig rule: decay KK prefered dispite of the phase sapce, because consttitunent qurks have to survive f = ss
56 f 0 (980) K + K - [ 2m(K)~m(f 0 )~m( ) ] expected BR ~ 10 -6 K 0 K 0 ““ ~ 10 -8 a 0 (980) K + K - expected BR ~ 10 -6 K 0 K 0 expected BR ~ 10 -8
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