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Defining Competitiveness
Chapter 7
Chapter Topics Compensation Strategy: External Competitiveness
What Shapes External Competitiveness? Labor Market Factors Modifications to the Demand Side Modifications to the Supply Side Product Market Factors and Ability to Pay
Chapter Topics (cont.) Organization Factors Relevant Markets
Competitive Pay Policy Alternatives Consequences of Pay-Level and Mix Decisions: Guidance from the Research Your Turn: Sled Dog Software Still Your Turn: Fit the Pay Mix Policy to the Compensation Strategy
Compensation Strategy: External Competitiveness
External competitiveness is expressed in practice by: Setting a pay level that is above, below, or equal to that of competitors Determining mix of pay forms relative to those of competitors Pay level and pay mix decisions focus on: Controlling costs Attracting and retaining employees
What Is External Competitiveness?
External competitiveness refers to pay relationships among organizations - an organization’s pay relative to its competitors.
What is Pay Level? Pay level refers to the average of the array of rates paid by an employer: (base + bonuses + benefits + value of stocks) / number of employees.
What are Pay Forms? Pay forms are the various types of payments, or pay mix, that make up total compensation.
Pay Level and Pay Mix: Two Objectives
Control Costs Attract and Retain Employees
Pay Level Decisions Impact Labor Cost
Labor Costs Number of Employees = Pay Level x
Exhibit 7.1: Single Company's Market Position May Differ Depending on Whether Comparing Base Pay or Total Compensation
Exhibit 7.2: Two Companies: Same Total Compensation, Different Mixes
Exhibit 7.3: What Shapes External Competitiveness?
LABOR MARKET FACTORS Nature of Demand Nature of Supply PRODUCT MARKET FACTORS Degree of Competition Level of Product Demand ORGANIZATION FACTORS Industry, Strategy, Size Individual Manager
How Labor Markets Work Theories of labor markets begin with four assumptions Employers always seek to maximize profits People are homogeneous and therefore interchangeable Pay rates reflect all costs associated with employment Markets faced by employers are competitive Demand and supply for business school graduates
Labor Demand Analysis of labor demand indicates how many employees will be hired by an employer In the short run, an employer cannot change any factor of production except human resources An employer’s level of production can change only if it changes the level of human resources An employer’s demand labor coincides with the marginal product of labor
Labor Demand (cont.) Marginal product of labor
Additional output associated with employment of one additional human resources unit, with other production factors held constant Marginal revenue of labor Additional revenue generated when firm employs one additional unit of human resources, with other production factors held constant
Exhibit 7.4: Supply and Demand for Business School Graduates in the Short Run
Exhibit 7.5: Supply and Demand at the Market and Individual Employer Level
Labor Demand (cont.) Marginal revenue of labor (cont.)
A manager using the marginal revenue product model must: Determine pay level set by market forces Determine marginal revenue generated by each new hire
Labor Supply Assumptions on behavior of potential employees
Several job seekers Possess accurate information about all job openings No barriers exist to mobility among jobs Upward sloping supply curve: More people willing to take a job as pay increases If unemployment rates are low, offers of higher pay may not increase supply
Modifications to the Demand Side
Economic theories must frequently be revised to account for reality When focus changes from all the employers in an economy to a particular employer, models must be modified to help understand what actually occurs Issue for economists: Why would an employer pay more than what theory states is the market-determined rate?
Exhibit 7.6: Labor Demand Theories and Implications
Compensating Differentials
According to Adam Smith, “If a job has negative characteristics then employers must offer higher wages to compensate for these negative features” For instance, if: Necessary training is very expensive Job security is tenuous Working conditions are disagreeable Chances of success are low
Efficiency Wage According to efficiency-wage theory, high wages may increase efficiency and actually lower labor costs if they: Attract higher-quality applicants Lower turnover Increase worker effort Reduce “shirking” Reduce the need to supervise employees
Efficiency Wage (cont.)
Research evidence states: Higher wages associated with lower shirking (measured as number of disciplinary layoffs) Inconclusive evidence on if it was cut enough to offset higher wage bill Higher wages do attract more qualified applicants Also attract more unqualified applicants Above-market wage allows organizations to operate with fewer supervisors
Signaling Employers deliberately design pay levels and mix as part of a strategy that signals to both prospective and current employees kinds of behaviors sought Policy of paying below the market for base pay yet offering generous bonuses or training opportunities On the supply side of the model: Suppliers of labor signal to potential employers Characteristics of applicants, and organization decisions about pay level and mix act as signals that help communicate
Exhibit 7.7: Supply Side Theories and Implications
Product Market Factors and Ability to Pay
Two key product market factors affect ability of a firm to change price of its products or services Product Demand – Puts a lid on maximum pay level an employer can set Degree of competition – In highly competitive markets, employers are less able to raise prices without loss of revenues Dose of reality: What managers say Provides insight into how all the economic factors translate into actual pay decisions
More Reality: Segmented Supplies of Labor
People flow to the work Some firms (Example: St. Luke’s Hospital) face a segmented labor supply that involves Multiple sources of employees From multiple locations With multiple employment relationships
Segmented Supplies of Labor (cont.)
Work flows to the people On-site Off-site Offshore
Conclusions from Discussion
Reality is complex; theory abstracts Segmented sources of labor means that determining pay levels and mix requires understanding market conditions in different locations Managers need to know: Jobs required to do the work Tasks to be performed Knowledge and behaviors required to perform them
Organization Factors Industry and Technology Employer size
People’s preferences Organization strategy
Relevant Markets Three factors determine relevant labor markets
Occupation Geography Competitors Employers choose their relevant markets based on Competitors – Products, location, and size Jobs – Skills and knowledge required and their importance to organizational success
Relevant Markets (cont.)
Data from product market competitors likely to receive greater weight when: Employee skills are specific to the product market Labor costs are a large share of total costs Product demand is responsive to price changes Supply of labor is not responsive to changes in pay
Competitive Pay Policy Alternatives
Three conventional pay-level policies: To lead To meet To follow competition Newer policies emphasize flexibility among: Policies for different employee groups Pay forms for individual employees Elements of the employee relationship that company wishes to emphasize in its external competitiveness policy
Competitive Pay Policy Alternatives
Pay with Competition (Match) Lead Policy Lag Policy Flexible Policies For a discussion of the competitive pay policy options, see text, pages Employer of Choice Shared Choice
Exhibit 7.8: Probable Relationships Between External Pay Policies and Objectives
Pay with Competition (Match)
Attempts to ensure an organization’s Wage costs are approximately equal to those of its product competitors Ability to attract potential employees will be approximately equal to its labor market competitors Avoids placing an employer at a disadvantage in pricing products or in maintaining a qualified work force
Lead Policy Maximizes the ability to attract and retain quality employees and minimizes employee dissatisfaction with pay May also offset less attractive features of work If used only to hire new employees, may lead to dissatisfaction of current employees
Lag Policy May hinder a firm’s ability to attract potential employees
If pay level is lagged in return for promise of higher future returns May increase employee commitment Foster teamwork May possibly increase productivity
Flexible Policies Employers have more than one pay policy
Policy may vary for different occupational families Alternative policies include Performance driven Market match Work/life balance Security
Exhibit 7.9: Pay-Mix Policy Alternatives
Employer of Choice/ Shared Choice
Companies compete based on their overall reputation as a place to work Shared choice begins with traditional options of lead, meet, or lag Adds a second part – offers employees choices (within limits) in the pay mix Similar to employer of choice in recognizing importance of both pay level and mix Employees have more say in forms of pay received
Exhibit 7.10: Volatility of Stock Value Changes Total Pay Mix
Exhibit 7.11: Dashboard: Total Pay Mix Breakdown vs. Competitors’
Exhibit 7.12: Pay Mix Varies Within the Structure
Exhibit 7.13: Some Consequences of Pay Levels
Consequences of Pay-Level and Mix Decisions
Efficiency Fairness Compliance
Which Pay Policy Achieves Competitive Advantage?
Involves assessing consequences of different pay policy options Evidence: Pay level affects costs Effects on productivity Effects on ability to attract and retain employees Possibility of achieving competitive advantage Message that pay level and mix signal to people
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