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Ch.10 Sec. 3.   1803- Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana purchase from France  1819- Spain gave up Florida to U.S.  1846- U.S. gained part of Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.10 Sec. 3.   1803- Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana purchase from France  1819- Spain gave up Florida to U.S.  1846- U.S. gained part of Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.10 Sec. 3

2   1803- Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana purchase from France  1819- Spain gave up Florida to U.S.  1846- U.S. gained part of Oregon Territory through treaty with GB  Nation now extended from Atlantic to the Pacific U.S. Expansion


4   Manifest Destiny- U.S. had the right and the duty to rule N. America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean  Used to justify removing Native Americans from their lands Manifest Destiny

5   Allowed federal government to force Indians living east of the Mississippi River move west  5 civilized tribes: Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, & Seminole  Cherokees challenged decision but courts would not hear their case  Trail of Tears  Journey to OK----800 miles  About ¼ of the Cherokees died on the trail  Land was not as good as their native lands in the east Indian Removal Act

6 Andrew Jackson President that signed the removal act

7   Mexico gained independence from Spain 1821  Mexican gov. gave American settlers permission to move into Texas (Mexican territory)  Did not like Mexican rule  TX revolted in 1836 & won its independence  Annexed into U.S. in 1845  Outraged Mexico (still claimed Texas)  Mexican/American War  U.S. defeats Mexico after 2 years of fighting  Mexico gave U.S. large amount of land  CA, NM, AZ, NV, CO, UT Texas Annexation

8  1.Westward Expansion  Questions about what laws and customs (SLAVERY) should be followed in the new western territories were raised  People in the North & South lived completely different lives  Both North & South wanted to extend their way of life into the new western territories Causes of Civil War

9  2. Economics  North  Diverse economy with both agriculture and industry  Depended on free workers  South  Based around agriculture with few cash crops (cotton)  Relied on slave labor Causes of Civil War

10  3. Slavery  North  felt that slavery was morally wrong  Wanted to outlaw it in all of the new western territories  South  Believed slavery was necessary for their economy  Wanted laws to protect slavery in the west so that they could continue to raise cotton on the new fertile soil Causes of Civil War


12  4. Debate over rights  Both sides debated about the rights of individual states vs. the federal government  South  Politicians argued that their states had freely joined the union, so they should be allowed to freely leave  North  Felt that the Constitution established the Union once and for all Causes of Civil War

13   Election of Abraham Lincoln- 1860  Conflict reaches its height  Lincoln had promised to stop the SPREAD of slavery during his campaign  Southern Secession  One by one, southern states started to secede (withdraw) from the Union  SC- 1 st state (1860)  11 states total would secede  Southern States formed the Confederate States of America  President Jefferson Davis  SC, MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX, VA, AR, NC, TN Nation Divides

14 Abraham Lincoln US President Jefferson Davis Confederate States President

15  Nation Divided

16   Ft. Sumter, SC- 1861  Confederate forces fire upon a federal fort  Lincoln ordered the federal army to bring the seceded states back into the Union  Civil War had begun War Breaks Out

17  Advantages North  Industry  Better transportation  Railroads  More natural resources  Rivers, lakes, forests, etc.  More factories  Larger population South  Superior military leadership  Majority of war fought on their land

18  Fugitive Slave Law What it Meant  Any slave that escaped to the North could be taken back by their master  No trials  Anyone helping slaves escaped were jailed for 6 months and fined $1,000

19  UNDERGROUND RAILROAD  Escape from slavery was dangerous and meant traveling on foot at night  As time went on, African Americans and white abolitionists developed a secret network of people who would hide fugitive slaves  ”Conductors” would hide runaways in tunnels and even kitchen cupboards


21  Harriet Tubman  One of the most famous conductors was Harriet Tubman  Tubman escaped slavery and vowed to help others do the same  She made 19 trips back to South and freed over 300 slaves (Including her own parents)

22  UNCLE TOM’S CABIN  In 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe published her influential novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin  The book stressed the moral evil of slavery  Abolitionist protests increased

23   Ordered blockade for all southern ports (Anaconda Plan)  Didn’t have the Navy to be immediately effective  Authorized military spending before Congress approved it (unconstitutional)  Arrested Southern supporters and held them w/out trial (unconstitutional)  Seize Confederate capital in Richmond, VA.  Bull Run  July 21, 1861  Northerners came to picnic expecting immediate victory  Union defeated  Gen. George B. McClellen chosen as commander  Good organizer/Ineffective leader Lincoln’s War Strategy

24   Sept. 17, 1862  Sharpsburg, Maryland  Robert E. Lee (Confederate) vs. George McClellan (Union)  Bloodiest day of the war  26,000 men killed- Thousands more injured or died of infection  Confederates retreated, McClellan did not pursue them  Lincoln fires McClellan as commander Battle of Antietam

25   Emancipation Proclamation  Made all slaves in seceded states were free as of Jan. 1, 1863  Did NOT end slavery!!!  Used as a weapon for war  Other nations stopped sending supplies to aid the confederacy  Changed motivations for war 1.Restore Union 2.Freed emancipated slaves Emancipation Proclamation

26  Lincoln’s Quotes

27   Lincoln under extreme criticism due to war (losses/strategy)  Gettysburg, VA  July 2nd-4th 1863  Battled for 3 days & nights  Generalship, strategy, & communication allowed union to win Battle of Gettysburg  More lives lost in this battle than in any American conflict to this date  Approx. 50,000 killed- thousands more missing, injured, or died from disease  Turning point for the Union  Worst mistake of the war for Lee  Devastating loss for the south  Never invaded the North again Battle of Gettysburg

28   Pg. 325 Geography Skillbuilder #1  Pg. 326 Geography Skillbuilder (#’s 1-2)  Pg. 327 (3,4,7) Exit Slip Question 25 Points

29  1.Who wrote the Gettysburg Address? 2.What proposition (idea) did Lincoln say that our fathers had dedicated this nation to? 3.Why is Lincoln giving this speech? 4.What promise does Lincoln make to the people in attendance o hear his Gettysburg Address? Gettysburg Address DBQ’s

30   Union army executed blockade of Vicksburg, Miss.- Confederate capital  Surrender @ Appomattox Courthouse  April 9, 1865  General Lee formally surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant  Northern victory confirmed War Ends

31   John Wilkes Booth  Southern sympathizer  Actor  Simultaneous assassination of Lincoln & VP-Andrew Johnson  Thought assassination would rally South into war again  Fords Theatre- Washington D.C  April 14  Lincoln shot in back of the head  Died in a motel nearby  Manhunt  Booth & a conspirator were caught on April 26th  Conspirator surrendered & hung  Booth burned alive in a barn Lincoln’s Assassination

32   Union troops occupying the south  Protect & rebuild southern infrastructure  Segregation  Separation of blacks and whites in the south  After federal troops left  African Americans faced discrimination in both North and South Reconstruction

33   Immigration  1870s more than 2000 per day  1914- 20 million immigrants from Europe/Asia  Railroads  1862- Transcontinental railroad  7 years  Linked CA to eastern U.S. Post War Economy

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