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Water for Life: Community Education for Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting in the United States Affiliated Pacific Islands Feb. 5, 2013 workshop:

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Presentation on theme: "Water for Life: Community Education for Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting in the United States Affiliated Pacific Islands Feb. 5, 2013 workshop:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water for Life: Community Education for Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting in the United States Affiliated Pacific Islands Feb. 5, 2013 workshop: Reducing Disaster Risk for a Healthy Pacific Ethan Allen Director of STEM Honolulu, HI

2 Water for Life (WfL) Build infrastructure for ISE to foster science literacy Help meet growing regional needs for potable water Sites: Palau, Yap, Chuuk, & Marshalls 5 years, started late 2012 NSF ISE Prevention Mitigation Preparedness

3 Needs Growing populations > more need for drinking water Climate change > shrinking supplies of drinking water 21 st century global economy > value of broad science literacy Contextualized to each site

4 How will WfL work? Core Team of 3-4 reps at each site will: Join Professional Learning Community Learn about water, water issues, & ISE Prioritize needs & identify resources Recruit, lead, & help educate Implementation Teams at each site Collaborative

5 How will WfL work (cont’d)? Implementation Teams of ~10 members at each site will: Learn about water, water issues, & ISE Decide on local projects Identify, recruit, teach, & work with Community-Youth Groups Lead CYGs in water-related service learning projects: rainwater catchment, water quality monitoring, etc. Leverage

6 Collaborator: Pacific islands Climate Education Partnership A collaborative network of Pacific Island communities and friends responding to the impacts of climate change, and committed to enhancing climate education in the Pacific Island region Alliances

7 Water for Life in Pacific island communities: - Reduce health disaster risks - Build resilience for climate change & other challenges - Prepare for 21 st century life Please join us!

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