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Reducing Vulnerability at the Community Level Jo-Ellen Parry, Program Manager Adaptation in Eastern and Southern Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing Vulnerability at the Community Level Jo-Ellen Parry, Program Manager Adaptation in Eastern and Southern Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing Vulnerability at the Community Level Jo-Ellen Parry, Program Manager Adaptation in Eastern and Southern Africa

2 Community-based Adaptation: Context and Rationale  The poor, especially those in developing countries, are particularly vulnerable to climate change  Adaptation is largely a local process:  Influenced by ecological, social and economic factors  Emphasis on building “adaptive capacity” and reducing vulnerability to climate change:  Intimate link between adaptation and development  Differentiated by the rationale and inputs for interventions rather than the activities implemented

3 Integrating Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change into Sustainable Development Policy Planning and Implementation in Eastern and Southern Africa  Project Management Team  National implementation organizations in each of Kenya, Mozambique and Rwanda  Funders  Project Duration: 2005 to 2009

4 Goals, Objectives, Outcomes  Goal:  To reduce the vulnerability of communities to the impacts of climate change, thereby improving their well-being and protecting their livelihoods  Objective:  To promote the mainstreaming or integration of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change into sustainable development plans and planning processes through demonstration projects in Kenya, Mozambique and Rwanda  Outcomes:  Generate capacity to implement adaptation measures in the field  Increase capacity to generate and use information about climate change to affect change in relevant development policies  Increase knowledge of the links between development planning and climate change

5 Conceptual Framework  Selection of policy/policies to influence  Needs assessment with policy makers  Design of field test that responses to identified needs  Implementation of field level activities  Collection of lessons learned  Identification of policy change recommendations  Actions in support of policy change and mainstreaming POLICY FIELD TESTING Up- Scaling Down- Scaling

6 Kenya Pilot Project Responding to Drought in Makueni District  Challenge: Growing risk of drought in the arid and semi- arid areas of Kenya and therefore of food insecurity  Target Policy: draft national disaster management policy  Field Level Interventions:  Downscaling and communicating climate forecasts  Improving agronomic practices  Enhancing water conservation activities  Merry-go-round credit scheme  Outcomes to date:  Increased agricultural output  Replication in other districts expected  Climate change in National Disaster Management Policy  Downscaling of seasonal climate forecasts now policy in arid lands

7 Mozambique Pilot Project Community-base Fire Management in Sofala Province  Challenge: Growing risk of wild land fires  Target Policy: District and provincial level forest and fire management policies  Field Level Interventions:  Introduce community-based preventive measures for wild land fire management  Establish a provincial round table for the coordination of wild land fire management  Acceptance of community-based fire management strategy by district decision makers, creating a model for national policies  Outcomes to date:  Training provided in fire suppression, prevention, preparedness, fighting and management  Provincial round table established to coordinate the collection and sharing of information

8 Rwanda Pilot Project Reducing Vulnerability in the Hydroelectric Sector  Challenge: Declining water levels in lakes that support hydropower sector  Target Policy: National energy policy  Field Level Interventions:  soil conservation measures  income diversification  improved water access  sustainable energy access  Outcomes to date:  Established erosion control structures; tree nurseries; beekeeping associations; rainwater catchment tanks; improved cookstoves

9 Lessons Learned: Mainstreaming adaptation into Development Policies  Why?  Leverage existing activities  Greater long term impact  Possible Strategies:  Early and active engagement of decision-makers and key stakeholders  Connect to current priorities and concerns  Provide justification needed for decision-making  Awareness of windows of opportunities  Right messages to the right people in an appropriate format at the appropriate time

10 Current Observations  Key findings  Need for enhanced access to climate data at the local level  Importance of agriculture improvements for vulnerability reduction  Critical role of district governments  Challenges  Climate change information  Monitoring and evaluation  Capacity variances

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