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Mine Warfare C4ISR 25 July ‘01. Outline “TRANSFORMATION” M/MHC C4I Modernization Architecture for C4ISR in a Mine Environment – Background – Purpose –

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Presentation on theme: "Mine Warfare C4ISR 25 July ‘01. Outline “TRANSFORMATION” M/MHC C4I Modernization Architecture for C4ISR in a Mine Environment – Background – Purpose –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mine Warfare C4ISR 25 July ‘01

2 Outline “TRANSFORMATION” M/MHC C4I Modernization Architecture for C4ISR in a Mine Environment – Background – Purpose – Products – POA&Ms, short and long term – Related Efforts

3 C4I Ship Modernization (IT-21) and D-30 Process IT-21 install for MCM includes: –ADNS (Automated Digital Network System) –CFCP (COTS Fleet Communications Package) –GCCS-M (NT) –INMARSAT B HSD MCM Schedule: –8 MCMs by ‘01 (2 Japan, 2 Bahrain, 4 CONUS) –4 MCMs in ‘02 per D-30 process –2 MCMs in ‘03 per D-30 process

4 C4I Modernization (IT-21) and D-30 Process IT-21 install for MHC includes: –ADNS “F” Variant (smaller, less expensive) –CFCP –GCCS-M (NT) –INMARSAT B HSD MHC Schedule: –10 of 12 MHCs get INMARSAT B HSD in ‘01 –Other components begin in ‘02 subject to CLF prioritization/funding –CMWC position supports D-30 process

5 Architecture for C4ISR in a Mine Environment

6 Architecture Background Numerous MIW C4I-related Initiatives and Programs: – D-30 Process and C4I Modernization (IT-21) – MCM/MHC LAN IPT – MIW Network Centric IPT – ICWS/GCCS-M Integration – GCCS-M/MEDAL Interface Issues – Organic MIW System C4I Integration – Others

7 Architecture Background MIW C4ISR Master Plan, SEP 97 – Information needs updating ICWS IT-21 installs for MCM/MHC Siprnet MEDAL MCM/MHC LAN – Does not adequately address organic systems – “Top 10” requirements list out of date – SPAWAR no longer uses “Master Plan” format

8 Architecture Background Architecture for C4ISR in a Mine Environment –DoD Architecture Framework Version 2.0, DEC ‘97 Establishes requirements for DoD C4ISR architectures DASN RDA CHENG using as master reference for C4ISR –CSS tasked to complete MIW C4ISR Architecture IAW Framework document in FY01 Includes “Essential” products required for an Architecture “Supporting” products will follow as necessary –MIW Network Centric IPT PMS 490 and N752 Co-Chair Evolved into “Architecture working group”

9 Architecture Background MIW Architecture Working Group Core Group: Requirements: N752, N62, CMWC, NAVOCEANO Systems: PEO MUW (490/210), PEO A, SPAWAR 051 Fleet: UMCM, SMCM, AMCM IPT reps, OMCM IPT rep Other Participants: DASN MUW PEO MUW - EOD, 403, 411 SPAWAR - 04F, 155, 157, 158, 182 CNO - 096, N2, N76, N77 SWDG ONR, NAWC AD, NAVAIR, JHU/APL, ARL/UT

10 Purpose of the Architecture Focused, Fleet-based reference for C4ISR systems requirements –exposes shortfalls in C4ISR –drives acquisition resource priorities –driven by (common) TACTICS Basis for C4I Support Plans, required for all Operational Rqmts Documents (ORDs) Master reference for: –systems integration requirements –interoperability in combined/joint environment Forcing function for integration of CVBG/ARG and supporting MCM assets

11 Architecture “Essential” Products “All” Views –AV-1: Overview and Summary Information –AV-2: Integrated Dictionary “Operational” Views –OV-1: High-Level Operational Concept Graphic –OV-2: Operational Node Connectivity Description –OV-3: Information Exchange Requirements “Systems” Views : –SV-1: Systems Interface Descriptions “Technical” Views : –TV-1: Data/Systems Implementation Standards

12 Architecture Context Includes dedicated and organic MIW systems expected to be in the fleet in ‘05 - ‘07 Addresses three operational MIW environments: –Peacetime: Battlespace Preparation –SLOC Scenario (MCM and Mining) –Amphibious Landing Scenario (MCM and Mining)

13 “OV-1” for Peacetime Battlespace Preparation Side Scan Sonar Side Scan Sonar Amana Minelike Contacts

14 “OV-1” for Amphibious Assault Scenario

15 OV-3 Information Exchange Requirements Sample

16 Do we have the systems to do this? OV-3 Information Exchange Requirements

17 Architecture for C4ISR in a Mine Environment Info Exchange Requirements AV-1 AV-2 OV-1 OV-2 TV-1 SV-1 OV-3 Organic MIW C4I Interface ICWS/ GCCS-M Interface MEDAL MCM/MHC LAN IT-21 Systems Others... FLEET INPUT

18 C4ISR Short Term POA & M ‘01 FEB: Distribute MIW C4ISR Master Plan & Draft Architecture Document MAR: Next NCW IPT meeting –2-day “chop” session on Draft Architecture –Determine & Formalize SPAWAR role in MIW C4ISR  MAR: Send Draft to Fleet (MCMRONs, Organic Team) APR: Interim IPT meeting MAY: Next NCW IPT meeting –Final “DC” Chop on Architecture –Long Term POA&M JUN: Send Draft to Fleet (MCMRONs, Organic Team) JUL/AUG: Architecture Briefs to the Fleet SEP: Prepare Fleet-generated POM 04 C4ISR Issue Papers

19 Initial brief to senior fleet –Background: Requirement for Architecture –Our (top down) process and the shortfalls exposed in Version 1 –Our connection to Fleet Engagement Strategy and Mainsteaming Mine Warfare –Long Term Plan for Architecture Connect top down to bottom up in IERs C4I Support Plan POM-04 Issue paper reviews Take aways: – Reconciled POM-04 Issues – MIWC “Turnover Package” elements – Fleet Architecture POC’s Architecture Briefs to Fleet

20 MIWC “Turnover Package” Elements that make up the MIWC’s continuous SA –Battlespace preparation Priorities/Tasking for Environmental Data Collection - Q-routes and CVOAs Threat (Mines and Tactics) –Offensive MCM plan (C5F Countermining CONOPs ‘98) Targeting priorities I & W ROE –Status of MCM assets (dedicated & organic) IDTC inputs –MIW-related training requirements –Pre-deployment mine scenarios (JTFEX, BG/ARG IT)

21 Next Step when Architecture is “Done” MIW C4I Support Plan -C4ISP already a CJCS requirement for individual systems -SPAWAR (051) C4ISP experts available to draft & maintain -Can tailor C4ISP to include useful parts of ‘97 Master Plan - Prioritized C4ISR shortfalls - Tables and figures Establish MIDIS

22 MIW Information Exchange Requirements Definition Information System (MIDIS) Access Database that stores C4ISR info as a “dynamic” representation of OV-3 Single location for information about activities, information exchange mechanisms and shortfalls Long term: Repository for actual data collected during ops/exercises in order to establish OV-3 that continuously reflects reality

23 C4ISR Long Term POA & M OCT ‘01: POM-04 C4ISR inputs ‘02: MIW C4I Support Plan Begin adding ASW Considerations ‘03 - ’07: Update Architecture and C4ISP regularly (periodicity TBD) to: - Stay ahead of OMCM systems introduction - Incorporate technology upgrades - Identify shortfalls

24 Related Efforts CVBG/ARG MIW CONOPS, CLF/CPF End-to-End OMCM Assessment, PEO MUW Mine Warfare Fleet Engagement Strategy, N752 Mainstreaming Mine Warfare, N752 Common Undersea Picture (CUP), ASTO/N74/PEO MUW Horizontal Integration, SPAWAR 051 Naval Integrated Information Network IPT, SPAWAR 051/NAVSEA 05J

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